christie052780: It was the gloves that were the first thing that seemed weird to me. I mean the rest
christie052780: It was the gloves that were the first thing that seemed weird to me. I mean the rest of him was just fine. He was an attractive enough guy who was definitely older than my teenage self and everything else seemed right. He was dressed more for corporate Chicago than rural Michigan with his elegant top coat and a natty suit underneath. But it wasn’t cold out. Not at all.“So why the gloves?” I asked as I passed him the coffee he’d ordered. He smiled and replied, “It’s a long story but let’s just say I prefer to wear gloves.”He took the coffee and went off to sit down. Over the next half hour or so I would look his way and find him staring at me. I wasn’t sure if it was flattering or creepy but that little voice that whispered ‘Danger!’ in my mind was a bit louder than the usual whisper. Around nine he gathered his things, dumped his empty cup in the trash, and then headed out. As he got outside I caught him glancing my way and again my little voice was singing to me. That was the end of it, so I thought. For the next several months I didn’t see him buying coffee anymore and the memory of the nice looking guy with the gloves started to slip away. High school graduation was on my mind and I was also starting to consider the upcoming change of life that I would see when I went off to university in the fall. I had my life planned out and that life included a doctorate in finance, a killer apartment in New York City, and fun times seeing Broadway shows and enjoying the good life that you can only find in the Big Apple. It was the start of the Memorial Day weekend and I was out of school. I was looking forward to maybe getting in some time sailing around Grand Traverse Bay with my friends the next day. I didn’t live far from the high school in Elk Rapids so it was a pleasant walk home on a late spring day. I was just past the campus on East Third street where the street runs into a little stretch of forest. It had never occured to me that even though it was just a little way from the school and not far to the homes on the lake that it was also one of the most isolated spots on town. For about a hundred yards or so no one can see you as you’re walking.And that was where the very clean black Mercedes motorhome was parked. Not an unsual site around town, not at all. I didn’t even care when I heard the driver’s side door open as I walked past it. “Hi there! Nice to see you again!”I stirred from my reverie and turned to see the guy from the coffee shop. I recognized him immediately even though he was now dressed in shorts, sandals, and a nice button down shirt. The gloves were nowhere to be seen. “Hey, I didn’t introduce myself last time we met…I’m Donald!”His ungloved right hand was outstretched as if to shake hands with me. Shaking hands is a very old custom that comes from a time when enemies would meet and they’d shake hands to demonstrate that they were not holding a weapon. It was meant to show that neither party was a threat to the other and it was considered very rude to decline a proffered hand. The reason for the tradtion is lost to most people but the part about refusing a handshake being very rude is still with us. So because of seventeen years of social conditioning I moved my books to one hand and then stuck out my right hand to grasp his own. “I’m Lilly, nice to meet you!”He hesitated for a moment and then took my hand. I caught my breath as it seemed an electric current ran through me. My heart started beating faster. My skin felt warmer. I felt a little dizzy. My nipples swelled up and something between my legs stirred, too. I just remember wondering what the fuck was happening to me. Then I looked up at Donald. He looked different to me now. He was still the same guy in the same outfit but something about him was different. He seemed more attractive somehow. It also seemed like I knew him all my life even though I’d literally just met him. “You look a little flushed, ” he said. “Maybe you’d like to come sit down?”I trusted him. He took me by the hand and led me to the other side of the motorhome and opened the side door to let me in. As he closed the door behind me I looked out the front of the motorhome and saw my mom drive by on her way home. She’d be there inside of two minutes. It was that close. Donald took my bag and set it on the floor as he had me sit down on in a seat. He put on a pair of gloves and then opened the bag. Taking my phone out he opened the side door again and tossed the phone into the bushes. He could see me struggling to protest. My phone was so important to me! He removed his gloves again and then reached out a hand to touch my face. Once again an electric feeling came over me and the previous sensations washed over me but with a different focus…instead of making me breathless it made me feel calm and peaceful. Donald took my face in his hands and then leaned down to kiss me. It wasn’t my first kiss but it was so much more intense than anything else I’d ever felt before. When his tongue pried open my lips and slipped into my mouth all I can say is that it was amazing. He eventually broke our kiss and when he did I was limp and unable to do much of anything. He buckled me into my seat and then went to get behind the wheel. All too soon we were leaving Elk Rapids behind us. Eastport came along and disappeared. It wasn’t very long before we were in Mackinaw City and then we crossed the bridge to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. I was conscious of moving along and I was also conscious of the fact that I was now two hours late getting home from school. “Donald, do you think I should be getting home now? My mom’s going to be worried.”I said this as if I knew him and even as I said the words there was a part of me that felt they were wrong in some way. Like I shouldn’t be so polite to this guy. This guy. I was starting to think there was something wrong when he stopped the motorhome and then came back to kiss me again. I didn’t fend off the kiss and soon the euphoria I’d felt before was renewed and I found myself wondering why I’d been concerned. When Donald broke off our kiss this time he seemed distracted. He left me where I was, belted into my seat, and resumed driving. Soon enough we were off the Interstate and after a while more he pulled off the paved road. We bumped along a little way and then ended up at a nice looking house looking off on Lake Huron.Donald used a remote control to open the garage for the motorhome and then pulled inside before stopping the engine. He undid my seatbelt and then said, “Come on.” offering me his bare hand. I was ready for it when I took his hand and loved the feeling that swept over me. It was hard to stand up but he helped me and then took me into the house. I remember looking out the window at the view of Lake Huron and being impressed. He took me to a windowless room that was like a hotel room with its own bathroom. The only difference was the chain bolted to the middle of the floor. Donald attached me to the chain with a handcuff that ratcheted closed on my wrist as I looked on. “I’ve got a few things to do and then I’ll be back, you understand me, Lilly?” I looked up from the handcuff to his face and nodded my acknowledgment. And a moment later he closed the bedroom door and I heard it lock. * * * I don’t know how long it was, but after some time the effects of Donald’s touch wore off and I started to look around my room to see if I could get out. The door was locked and it was solid steel. The bathroom was nicely appointed but it had no windows. The ceiling was obviously very solid and so were the walls and the floor. There was no way out. I was getting hungry when I heard the door unlock and there was Donald with a plate of spaghetti. Frankly, I was too scared to eat anything. “Hey, I brought you something to eat.” He set the plate on the bedside table. “Are you going to let me go?” That’s all I was thinking about.“No, but if you’ll be patient with me I think you’ll come to like it here.”I launched into a fit of crying and begging for him to let me go and then he walked over to me. I was expecting him to slap me when all he did was touch my cheek. Instantly the feelings I’d had before came back. Donald looked better to me and that feeling of knowing him and trusting him all my life came back too. “That’s better.”He gestured at the plate, “Now go ahead and eat your dinner before it gets cold. You’ve got to be hungry after today and all the driving.”He went to leave the room. “When I come back we’ll talk.”The door closed and I ate my dinner without even thinking about why I’d been worried. I no sooner finished dinner and put down the plate when he was back. I took notice of how he was wearing his gloves again.Seeing his gloves made me realize that the feeling from his touch had lessened a bit. “Donald, can you tell me what’s going on?”He sat down in a chair across from the bed where I was sitting. “Okay, I’m just going to get this all out of the way.” He cracked his knuckles and drew in a breath.“My wife Anne died from cancer last year so I was lonely and went driving around in the fall. Came across you at the coffee place and decided that you were the one to replace her. You’re tall, thin, you got a nice ass and I love your tits…”, he took a moment to stare at them, “…and I’m hoping that maybe we can have the family Anne could never give me.”All of this should have horrified me but somehow I was just taking it in stride. “Um…okay…but what is this thing you’ve been doing to me?” He nodded. “Yeah, that.”“My father was a geneticist back in the eighties and as a kid I had leukemia and he came up with a treatment that involved hamster proteins. The treatment didn’t help me with the leukemia but it did help me recover from the chemotherapy.”“Did you know that hamsters have some of the strongest pheromones of any other mammal on earth?”I didn’t and I shook my head to say no. “Well they do. And when I hit puberty the side effect of my father’s attempt to treat cancer came up. When I’d get around girls they’d almost always start looking my way and if I touched them they’d often start acting like they were stunned or drunk and they’d do pretty much anything I wanted them to do. Over the years I’ve figured that it’s a combination of something like sex pheromones and oxytocin that gets girls to see me as attractive and to trust me.”He added an afterthought of, “Hmph.”“You’d think that a teenage boy would love this but the problem was that I couldn’t always tell if a girl had a boyfriend or someone. That meant I got my ass kicked a few times for getting too close to some guy’s girl or daughter and that was when I started wearing gloves.”“The other thing I observed over time was that my touch had a lot less effect on girls who’d had sex with another guy and I think that’s got something to do with the way the pheromones work. The best girls for me were virgins like yourself.”“And that’s how I met Anne. She was a girl from church and to be honest she was way out of my league. She was smart, gorgeous, and she was always so happy! I fell in love and after we were both out of high school I went to see her that summer and I touched her hand. After that she was my girl and we were married right after we both finished college. We had a good twenty years together and I miss her.”He stopped and wiped an eye. “Turns out that I don’t like to be alone but it also turns out that the women my age are all spoken for in the way that counts. I don’t have much effect on them and I hate to say but my personality isn’t the greatest so it’s tough to find a date. So last fall I decided to go look around and find myself a young lady.”“No offense, but you weren’t the first one I looked at. There were a couple others but when I shook their hands not much happened so I knew they weren’t virgins. Then I followed you around and shook your hand and can tell you’re a virgin.”His previous touch was wearing off even more now. “So if you can have any girl you want then why did you have to kidnap me?”He took off his gloves and put them on the table next to the chair.“I didn’t kidnap you. Not at all. I touched you and then you came along because I asked you to.”I felt my nerve coming back, held up my handcuffed wrist and replied, “If you didn’t kidnap me then prove it. Let me go.”He smiled. “I figured you were feeling a little more normal.”He got up from his chair and walked over to me. “Okay, I’ll let you go.” The way he said it made it sound like a smartassed remark. I held up my wrist and he took my arm in his hand and as I watched him unlock the handcuff I realized my mistake. His touch on my skin did its thing and I sighed from the feeling.He let the chain drop to the floor. “I was going to try to have you settle in and see if you’d like me on your own but it’s pretty clear we need to move things along.”He took my chin in his hand and kissed me on the lips. The intense feelings I’d felt before came back. My skin felt warm, my nipples hardened, and I felt myself get moist. He stepped back for a moment and pulled me to my feet.“Lilly, have you ever felt these feelings before?” I nodded, “Yes, but nothing like this…it’s so intense!”Donald smiled. “You’re feeling sexual arousal. You get some of it when I touch you but it gets more intense when I kiss you…like this…”He kissed me again and it was like stepping into a warm shower. Chills ran over me and I wrapped my arms around him to return his kiss. Part of me was ashamed when I realized that I was grinding myself against him. He broke our kiss and left me breathless. And then he stepped close to me and started unbuttoning my blouse. I let him push it off my shoulders and then he undid my skirt, letting it fall to the floor. “Take off your shoes.” He told me. And I stepped out of them. He unclipped my bra and gave me a rush when he licked my nipples before sucking on one of them. I don’t remember when he took off my panties. I was standing there naked and more aroused than I thought a person could be as I watched him strip himself. When he faced me I got to see my very first real life penis. I couldn’t help myself when I took it in my hands to feel it and stroke it. Touching it gave my body a jolt and I felt my pussy seize with a contraction. I heard him catch his breath as my soft hands ran over his velvety hardness. He slipped a finger into me and I moved my leg to let him do it. It felt wonderful but it was missing something. I needed more of him inside of me. Donald guided me to the bed and had me lay on my back.He stood there for a moment.“Lilly, I need to tell you that you’ll never be the same after this. You’ll never be able to go back to your old life and all the things that used to be important to you won’t matter anymore. You’re going to feel something that will change you forever. I guess a part of me wants to give you a chance to stop before it’s too late.”I sat up and reached for him. “Please…” was all I could say.He let me take his hand and pull him towards me. I scooted back on the bed and spread my legs to make a place for him. He climbed onto the bed and then settled himself between my thighs and then kissed me. How do I describe this? The best I can come up with is it was like when you have an itch and it so needs to be scratched and you’ll do anything you can to get that relief. Yes; relief. That’s the right word. We were a tangle of arms and legs as he was kissing me. He was hungering to take me and I was hungering for him to take me. Remember having chicken pox and you were so itchy and painful that all you could think about was scratching yourself and then you felt that amazing relief when your mom put the calamine lotion on you? That’s what it felt like when he pushed his cock into me. There was no pain or discomfort, at least none that I noticed. But when he slipped himself into me I felt nothing but relief as my itch was getting scratched. He thrust himself deep into me and I thrust myself up at him trying to get him to go deeper. I shrieked with joy every time he drove himself into me and then I cried with grief when he’d pull back…I was really afraid each time he withdrew that he was done and I needed so much more! My heart was beating so fast…as if I was running as fast as I could.I wrapped my arms and legs around him to try to hold him inside me. He pounded away at me and too soon….TOO SOON!!! I heard him start to groan. Oh, no! I didn’t want him to be done yet! I needed so much more!! “Ahhhhh!!!” he cried. I felt it inside me…his cock swelled up and then pulsed as he locked eyes with me. My hands went to his hips to try to force him deeper and then I felt it. His cock was spurting inside of me and a crazy euphoria came over me. It was like being light headed and caressed all over my body all at the same time. There was a sense of well being I’d never felt before…as if everything in the universe was just perfect. I felt myself relax and slip into the embrace of this perfect calmness and then it started inside me. I felt my pussy start to contract over and over. Every time it went off it was like lightning in my body and it wouldn’t stop! Oh, my God, I didn’t want it to stop! And it just got more and more intense! Donald was still thrusting himself into me and then I remember seeing him smile as the contractions in my body grew into convulsions of unending sexual joy! * * * I can’t remember what happened after that. When I woke up it the sun was peeking into the bedroom and that was when I noticed I was in a different bedroom. My pussy was sore but I felt so good. I had absolutely no worries and no anxiety about anything. I was still naked and didn’t care as I got myself up off the bed and went to the bathroom. I peed and cleaned myself up a bit and then used the toiletries that had been thoughtfully set out for me. There was a bathrobe and I put it on only because it was kind of cold. I followed the scent of coffee to the kitchen and found Donald waiting for me. We exchanged pleasantries as he poured me a cup of coffee. “So, Lilly, how do you feel this morning? You still want to leave me?”I looked at him and all I felt was peace. “I feel better than I’ve ever felt in my life and can’t imagine ever wanting to leave you.”I kissed him and sipped from my mug. He gave me a donut to eat and afterwards came over and licked the powdered sugar from my lips. My pussy ran wet from his kiss. I loved it when he pushed open my robe and ran his hands over my breasts. My hand went to his boxer shorts and I fished out his hardening tool and gripped it. Donald gently lifted me onto the kitchen counter and then pulled down his shorts. As if they had a mind of their own my legs parted as he came up to me. He took his tool in his hand and ran it through my pussy lips until he found what he was looking for. Then in one forceful thrust he buried himself to the root into my body. I loved it. The two of us fucked each other. That’s the right way to say it, too. And when he came inside me I had my mind blown again by that seemingly unending sexual joy. Afterwards he picked me up and carried me back to his bed to recover as the orgasmic convulsions wracked my body. * * * The days and weeks went by in a blur of naked skin and soiled sheets. He fucked me whenever it suited him and I didn’t complain. When he’d leave to go do some business or go to the store I’d sit at home waiting for him. One day he had me go back to the windowless bedroom and he told me to wait in there, that he was testing something. In just a few hours I missed his touch. I didn’t sleep that night. When he came back to see me in the morning I told him I was missing him. I begged him to open the door for me. He did, but just for a moment to give me a sandwich with a gloved hand. The next day I was hurting for him. I needed to feel him inside me! I needed that calmness! When he came to see me I was desperate for his body and I banged on the door to demand that he let me touch him. It seemed like forever as I heard him unlock the door. When I saw him I threw myself at him and kissed him. That just took the edge off. Soon he was between my legs giving me what I wanted and when he went off inside me I cried tears of joy and relief before the expected sexual convulsions seized my heart and soul. It was probably two hours later when I asked him if his experiment was a success. “Yes, it was. I discovered that you’re addicted to me and that’s a good thing.”Part of me didn’t think it was good. But the rest of me didn’t care because I was starting to wonder when we’d fuck again.* * * Of course, all that unprotected fucking eventually led to my discovery that I was pregnant! And the best side effect of being pregnant was a constant sensation of peace and calm with just a mild, ever-present state of arousal.Through the pregnancy when Donald would fuck me the result wasn’t the crazy intense convulsions but instead an even more stated feeling of satisfaction. I eventually understood what I was feeling as love. Love for my man and love for his baby inside me. * * * When the baby was born I soon discovered he’d inherited something from his father. Donald had cleaned up the baby from birth and placed him at my breast to suckle. As the baby latched onto my nipple I felt that same sense of arousal as when his father would kiss me.Donald saw this and smiled. “Lucky bastard.” -- source link
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