the-unpopular-opinions:The fat acceptance movement needs to stop. If you have a BMI over 30 and ar
the-unpopular-opinions: The fat acceptance movement needs to stop. If you have a BMI over 30 and are not a body builder or powerlifter, you do not love your body. An essential part of self care and respect is maintaining your physical health. If you do not value your health, then you do not value your life. See that fat in the picture? That is in your body pressing against all your internal organs. Your heart is intensely strained trying to pump enough blood to handle all that weight you lug around. You are at high risk for all sorts of metabolic disorders including the final boss of obesity-related diseases: Type 2 Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes will fuck you up. It doesn’t just make you have to poke yourself with a needle. Diabetes makes people go blind; people have their feet amputated because of diabetes. The Beetus ain’t a fun thing to live with. So why for the love of all things bright and beautiful are we telling people that it’s perfectly okay to do this to themselves? Why is there blog after blog of skewed logic and emotional manipulation that does nothing but tell people that they don’t need to take responsibility for their health and appearance? There isn’t some sort of worldwide conspiracy to keep the fat man down. Doctors don’t tell obese people to lose weight because society said so; they do it because it’s their goddamned job. Obesity is unattractive because it signifies that the individual does not have the self-respect and discipline to manage their own health, not because of fashion magazines that men don’t even look at. For the record, being overly thin is also extremely unhealthy and I don’t support sending teenage girls messages through the media that make them think they have to develop eating disorders to be attractive. The fat acceptance crowd would have you believe that there’s some sort of dichotomy between being a twig and a porker. They preach all sorts of bullshit rhetoric about diet and exercise being Satan incarnate and go against their very own message of acceptance by demonizing people who actually have the capacity to care for themselves rather than make excuses.Common bullshit that you hear from the thin privilege folk:“B-but genetics!”Genetics does not make you fat. Consuming more energy than you expend makes you fat. All genetics does is determine how quickly you get fat. Oh and thyroid problems add only about 10 lbs at most. “It’s my body! I can do what I want with it!”Except what you do with your body affects other people. 22% of American tax dollars goes into programs like Medicare and Medicaid. A good chunk of this money goes into treating preventable obesity-related diseases. Wanna know how much diabetes costs the country every year? As of 2012, $245 billion, almost a quarter of a trillion dollars. That cost increased by $71 billion in only five years. Admittedly, a certain amount of that goes towards treating Type 1 Diabetes, which is something people are born with. Still, this is a statistic that should not be ignored. Economic burdens aside, your health also affects family members in regards to things like premature death and hospitalizations. There are people that leave their children without a mother or father because they couldn’t stop chugging soda and gobbling down Triple Decker Bacon Cheeseburgers all day. “But I eat healthy and exercise and I’m still obese!”No, you do not. Unless you are an obese person in the process of losing weight, there is no way that you are living a healthy lifestyle and remaining obese. Your body will naturally transform to a state that reflects the net energy it receives. People who eat healthy and exercise look like people who eat healthy and exercise. A curious thing is that the fat acceptance people get extremely defensive when asked for proof of this claim. They’ll claim that it’s not any of your business and that you’re just going to fatshame them or throw out some other ludicrous buzzword. While eating and exercise habits are certainly a very personal thing, more often than not it just means that they’re full of shit and don’t actually have anything to show for their claims. “B-but healthy food is expensive!” This one is a steaming kettle of horse piss. Healthy food is goddamned cheap. In fact, it’s way cheaper and overall less time consuming than eating out all the time or persisting off of TV dinners. When you hear someone say this, it usually translates to: “I’m too much of a lazy piece of shit to learn a valuable skill like cooking my own food and I don’t know how to effectively budget my groceries.” There’s also a certain drink that has such an absurd health benefit to cost ratio that you’d expect more people to be drinking it all the time:It’s called water.“Dieting is unhealthy and doesn’t work!” Fad diets don’t work. Starving yourself also doesn’t work. Want to know what does work? Calorie counting. When you count Calories, you are literally keeping track of all the energy that goes in and out of your body. If more energy goes in than out, you gain weight. If more goes out than goes in, you lose weight. Most people who claim diets and the like don’t work are just impatient and got frustrated when they realized that it actually takes time and dedication to lose large amounts of weight in a safe and controlled manner. “But people will judge me for trying to lose weight!!!” This is a really common mindset among overweight and obese people: that people will laugh at them for trying to manage their weight. This fear is one of the main obstacles people come across when trying to lose weight and a lot of it ties into insecurities that are very deeply rooted since childhood. A number of obese kids get that way because they were naturally more clumsy or less physically capable than their peers and got ridiculed for being bad at sports because of the moronic notion that athletic ability is what defines someone’s worth as a person, which is constantly ingrained into children’s heads by the media’s reverence of sports stars. That is exactly what the people who would mock you for trying to lose weight are: children. They see someone actually taking responsibility for their own life and feel the need to bring them down because they themselves lack the drive to do something like that. Like children, their opinions can be easily disregarded. Did someone give you a harsh look for eating a salad? Who the hell cares? By brushing things like that off and continuing to work towards your goals, you have effectively proven that you are of higher moral character than they. Afraid of going to the gym because people will laugh at you? This hardly ever actually happens, in fact people are more likely to be helpful and encouraging at the gym. Herein lies my major problem with the fat acceptance movement: almost like a cult, if someone decides they no longer want anything to do with it and wants to change their lifestyle, the fats jump on them like moths to a porch light. People within the movement try their absolute hardest to make sure that everyone is as bitter and indoctrinated as they are. They want people to live shitty, unhealthy lifestyles. That’s not OK. Is it wrong to harass people and dismiss them as human beings because of their weight? Absolutely. Obese people deserve the same amount of civility that anyone else does. However, obesity causes significant problems in every possible way and in the long run, you’re doing yourself more of a favor by going for an hour long walk outside than you are by having your ass firmly planted in a computer chair while your cheeto-encrusted fingers type out made up stories to submit to This Is Thin Privilege. Losing weight is not hard, but it does take a good deal of learning and dedication. See the fat in the picture? You can lose that amount of fat in a healthy, controlled manner in two to three weeks. Keep in mind that you should not view a diet as a temporary thing, but as a permanent lifestyle change that, when boiled down, is much more rewarding than the instant gratification that shitty junky food brings. A movement that encourages people to remain in shitty positions should have no place in our society. -- source link
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