0-III : hello, how are you? i’m fine, thank you. and you? — interview &nbs
0-III : hello, how are you? i’m fine, thank you. and you? — interview june fourteen. seoul arts high school. wordcount : 658jungeun clears her throat. she wasn’t entirely sure if this was appropriate, trying to start an interview on her own terms and all. but, she didn’t want to awkwardly wait for the interviewer to start. she wasn’t a fidgeter and she wasn’t going to start today. the interview raises his eyebrow and continues to finish whatever he was writing on her file. she’s about to clear her throat again, when he signals for the cameraman to press the ‘start’ button. this is the second time i’ve been told to start. without a cue, she complains in her head and she’s sure the interviewer read her thoughts. or perhaps, read her face ( which didn’t require much to decipher ). — why do you want to become an idol? he starts without missing another second. this is it. the question. she wonders what everyone would say. i want to be an idol, i’ve been dancing since i could walk. i was inspired by chi chi, ever since then, it was history. she tried to recall how many people she saw in the gym. was it twenty? or fifty? it could possibly have been above one hundred. there were so many possible answers. there were so many opportunities to say cliched answers. if jungeun wasn’t going to stand out for her talent, she might as well stand out for something. she lamented at the notion of becoming a variety-dol or a comic relief. in all honesty, she wasn’t quite comfortable with it. but this was a competition. “i was born in the winter,” she replies after a brief moment of silence. the interviewer raises his brow again at the off-topic answer. “but i hate cold weather. do you know how cold it gets in seoul? i hate those long padding jackets too.” the interviewer nods reluctantly. she’s going a bit too off-topic but he decides to give her the benefit of the doubt. “being under spotlights. that keeps you warm. that keeps me warm.” the interviewer is relieved that the blonde is somewhat back on topic. “but besides keeping me warm. literally. they’re a guiding light. i’ve always been under some kind of spotlight—whether it be small dance studio lights or big theatre lights.” “spotlights are like a guiding light to me. they show me that what i love to do and who i am are worthy enough to be highlighted. so i want to stay under them forever and maybe i can be a spotlight for someone. keeping them warm when their heart is cold and giving them light when their future seems dark.” “and that’s what being an idol should be about, right?” — which artists inspire you? jungeun notices the interviewer’s look of skepticism turn into a slightly impressed one. ( but slight is better than nothing. ) he replies with the next question. “ariana grande, rihanna, global icon,” jungeun lists out names as he hits said names that were printed on her application. “to name a few.” “women who blaze trails inspire me. i’ve always been told i’ve been strong. a bit fiery” she’s honest. she doesn’t try to sugarcoat herself. she doesn’t try to paint a “princess” picture. she’s rough around the edges, but that’s jungeun. that’s her. and that’s who’ll she present. “but i just try to speak my mind. i want to express myself the way i want. like these artists, i want to show something new. something fun. burn the stage.” — what company or companies do you see yourself in? “nova, royal.” jungeun answers bluntly. “do i have to tell you why? you’ll just see why i’m a good fit for these companies.” “thank you.” the interviewer says, as another staff member opens the door. “thank you.” jungeun returns the words, hoping her words made a statement. -- source link
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