A/N: For the @gravityfallsauzine! I think the twins would make fun superheroes with the most eye-cat
A/N: For the @gravityfallsauzine! I think the twins would make fun superheroes with the most eye-catching (blinding) costumes.…………This was weird. That was Dipper’s only thought as he stood in his socks in the middle of the attic he shared with his twin sister. There was no other way to explain why he was dressing up in what could have been a Halloween costume, ready to go fight crime in the middle of the night.Or, well, the late evening/early night, because despite being almost thirteen, Dipper couldn’t stay up past eleven even if his life depended on it. Which was a problem when one’s fighting crime—often his life did depend on it. “This is really weird,” he uttered aloud now, unable to shake off his unease. Dipper turned to Mabel. “You see how this is weird, right?”“What do you mean, weird?” Mabel hummed some made-up song obliviously as she rifled through her drawers, tossing sweaters over her shoulder in her search. “This?” Dipper gestured at his slightly baggy black clothes. Or ‘uniform’, as his Grunkle Ford put it. Admittedly, despite not fitting him quite right, the costume was quite nice for being homemade. There were pockets everywhere, big enough to carry magnifying lenses and flashlights and everything else his paranoid brain thought of. “We’re dressing up to go fight crime at night.”“Well of course it’s at night.” Mabel shot him a disparaging look over her shoulder. “No one does crime in the day.”“That’s…not true. You know that’s not true, right?” Dipper asked worriedly. It was hard, sometimes, to tell when Mabel earnestly believed in something and when she was just getting caught up in the romance of it all. “Well, duh, but no one fights crime In the day.” Mabel rolled her eyes, turning back to her sweater search. “Have you seen any hero do that?”“Have you seen anyone fight at all?” Dipper asked incredulously. Before she could say anything, he clarified, “Besides us?”She deflated slightly at that, plopping on the ground and scratching her chin as she thought about it. The moment her eyes lit it up, he could almost see the lightbulb going off above her head. Confidently, Mabel lifted her finger and opened her mouth—“Or our Grunkles,” he added, rolling his eyes when she groaned. She was so predictable sometimes. “Someone outside of our family.”“Okay, fine. Maybe you can fight in the day,” she reluctantly agreed. “But it’s really uncool.”“Good—that wasn’t my point!” One day, he was going to go bald because of his family. Dipper was certain of that. He just managed to resist the urge to tear out his hair. “Isn’t this really weird? We’re dressing up in costumes and fighting crime! It’s like we’re in a comic book.”“Maybe we are,” Mabel cheerfully retorted, clapping her hands together excitedly. “You think I could marry Bruce Wayne and get his batcave?”The image was too impossible for him to even imagine. Dipper wasn’t sure what scared him more—Mabel sitting in the batcave or the fact that he couldn’t shake off the feeling that she could date Batman if she tried. Even his Grunkles had a hard time saying no to her. Shaking his head clear of these thoughts, he crossed his arms and frowned. “Mabel, come on. Be serious.”“I am,” she protested. Seeing the look on his face, she clambered to her feet and approached him. “Dipper, come on, this isn’t the weirdest thing that’s happened all summer. It’s not even in the top five. I mean, yeah, the Grunkles are kinda weird about everything, but that’s just who they are.”Dipper bit his cheek. It was hard to disagree when they were spending the summer in a renovated villain’s lair, complete with enough villain props to compete with any comic book’s rogue gallery. Dipper couldn’t even be certain on which props were fake—he’d seen enough obscure villains to utterly believe there was one called the Jackalope. “But that’s an ordinary weird. Grunkle Stan scams people and Grunkle Ford doesn’t leave the basement. It’s weird, but not super weird. Not like being a superhero.”“Oh, you worry too much.” Mabel sighed, picking up a trench coat off the floor. She draped it around her shoulders and pulled the collars up. “Don’t look at me, I’m totally just one criminal and not a whole family of them.”Dipper smiled slightly at the reference, remembering the first villain they’d taken down together. It had been a group of five identical brothers, stacked on top of each other as they pretended to be a giant. It was hard enough having one twin—he couldn’t imagine having three more. Sensing he was softening, Mabel scampered around the room, picking up random discarded souvenirs she’d picked up during their adventures. Donning a witch’s hat, she cackled. “All the halloween candy shall be mine!”“I think he was a little creepier than that, Mabel,” Dipper snorted. Her imitation was terrible. “As creepy as the zombies?” she drawled, shambling towards him.“That was a poisonous gas.” Despite her inaccuracies, Dipper chuckled. It was hard not to; for however ridiculous Mabel could be sometimes, she always knew how to make him laugh. Picking up a top hat, he said in a falsetto, “I’m Gideon, and I’m going to hypnotize you.”“Ugh.” Mabel grimaced. “Not him!”“Sorry.” He wasn’t sorry. Well, not entirely. Dropping the hat, he walked over to the half-open window. A warm breeze wafted in, stirring the curtains. It’d be a hot night. Which meant his costume was going to smell again. Honestly, he’d thought that being a superhero would be more fun, and not…so mundane. Just outside the window, the sun had started to set. Unlike the city, the stars here were in the sky, not the ground. The citizens were so scattered, it was hard to spot their neighbour’s lights, let alone the whole town’s. Unfortunately, that made patrolling really long and difficult; there was just so much space to cover.“Hey,” Dipper asked quietly, “Do you think they’re hiding something from us?”Mabel stood next to him, looking at him seriously. “What do you mean?”“Remember we found those two mysterious books, with the handprint on them?” Dipper explained, rubbing his forearms. “Grunkle Ford just kinda took them.” She leaned against the window. “I wonder why?”“I saw Grunkle Stan with one of them. I think he took one.” Dipper frowned. It felt like he had almost all the pieces as to a bigger mystery, but he was missing a key one. “There must be something important in them.”“When we get the third one, we keep it, and then we can ask them anything,” Mabel suggested confidently, hand on her hip. When she said it like that, he didn’t doubt her words for an instant.Dipper nodded. It was a solid enough plan. “I just don’t get why they keep wanting us to work alone, and not together.” He gestured out the window, at the tops of the buildings in the distance. “We can’t patrol all of that on our own. Can you imagine fighting Gideon or someone else by yourself?”Mabel didn’t say anything, for a long moment, before turning to him. “You know, the Grunkles don’t talk.”“Huuh?” Dipper stared at her blankly, not following. He dropped his arm. “They talk all the time.”“They don’t, not like we do.” She played with the hem of her sweater. It was a nervous gesture completely unlike her. “They don’t even like staying in the same room.”Now that he thought about it, that was true. Whenever one walked in, the other would walk out. Dipper rubbed his chin, “Even when we’re training, they keep insisting on different times.”“Yeah.” Mabel sighed, her shoulders slumping. “Superheroes are supposed to be partners, why aren’t they partners?”Dipper couldn’t handle a sad Mabel. It just wasn’t right. Wrapping an arm around her, he squeezed her tight. “We’re partners.”“Yeah.” She smiled at him, perking up at the thought. “We’ll be like Batman and Robin or Captain and Bucky.” Getting into it, she spread her hands in front of her as though to show the grandness of the name she picked out. “Mabel and Dipper.”“Wouldn’t that make me the sidekick?” Dipper replied dryly, letting go. “The cool one is always the leader.” Mabel winked at him as she slipped back to her dresser. “You’re not cool at all,” he mumbled under his breath.Still, this could work. Unlike the Grunkles, he and Mabel would work together. And maybe, just maybe, they could figure out what happened between them and protect the town at the same time. Dipper hadn’t been sure about this whole superhero business—they’d constantly flopped from one danger to the next—but they could do it. Besides, they were helping people, what could go wrong?“What do you think of this sweater?” Mabel asked, picking out a neon green sweater from her pile. Her smile was only outshone by how bright her sweater was. It was almost blinding. Dipper didn’t know where to begin. “Aren’t we supposed to be stealthily?” He paused. “What, Grunkle Stan isn’t giving you a costume?”“Nah.” Mabel shrugged her shoulders as she dropped the sweater and picked up another one that looked like the setting sun. At least it was kinda toned down. “He said a real hero makes their costume from scratch.”Dipper had a big feeling that it had less to do with character-building and more to do with Grunkle Stan being really lazy. Either way, he was going to go out patrolling with a partner that could blind their enemies. Maybe he should start stuffing some flashlights and other survival gear into his many pockets. They were definitely going to need it. -- source link
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