cuntshivaworld: deliciae-delectae:uplatewithsdw:deliciae-delectae:needy-little:deliciae-dele
cuntshivaworld: deliciae-delectae: uplatewithsdw: deliciae-delectae: needy-little: deliciae-delectae: bijouxrm: deliciae-delectae: bijouxrm: sassysubb: domesticatedcunt: deliciae-delectae: littlealice66: deliciae-delectae: mistywhore22: deliciae-delectae: Her denied cunt spasms as her udders are milked. Reblog with a “moo” if you’re unable to read this without your vagina contracting. Moo These “moo” confessions are good. They encourage other girls to admit the truth about what turns them on, and it’s all OK. Moooo Desperate little “moos” coming from the Tumblr barn. Poor little cows; if only they weren’t restrained, they could get some relief. Some will probably start humping the air soon. :) Moo!!!Not only does seeing images and videos of cunts being milked make my pussy leak, but my tits automatically feel so heavy and full; seeing women being milked makes me want to be milked!! Moo! OH MY GOD!!! That was SO CLOSE!!! Moooo and thank you @sassysubb for reblogging my post so I could ruin SO HARD to this post on your blog There’s a strong smell in the Tumblr dairy barn lately. You notice it as soon as you walk in: an earthy feminine mixture of fresh milk, girl-sweat, and most tellingly, the unmistakable stench of wet cunts. Dozens of wet cunts, on display in all their horny, occasionally dripping, delightfully frustrated glory. Little wonder, when you look around and see how many naked little dairy cows are here on hands and knees, with full heavy udders swaying beneath them, swollen teats dripping milk onto the straw that litters the floor. These horny girls are aching to be milked. Despite their nakedness they’re given no privacy, and in fact they’re arranged in neat rows (no stalls), each girl with her arms and legs securely restrained and thighs held wide apart to keep her from touching or rubbing herself to get relief from her condition. A few are already hooked up to milking machines, getting their “fat dumb tits,” as @dumbdumbdolly puts it, “milked out of their control,” as their eyes roll up into their heads with relief and their brains turn to mush, only to leak out between equally fat dumb swollen cuntlips, before dripping down trembling thighs. A nice dirty game to see which women have confessed - either articulately, before being fitted with their gags, or less articulately, with a lust-choked “moo” - a desire to be reduced to the status of livestock, to be used and exploited for the benefit of clothed and dignified owners. On the basis of the reblogs of this post, I see over four dozen hot, degraded dairy cows needing their udders drained: @southerlywitch, @hisspankinggirl, @msbeaniem, @dungeontime, @xbabycunt, @lovettehabilis, @do-with-me-what-you-will, @itsneedtobeowned, @bbwslut2use, @iamasubmissivecowgirl, @uplatewithsdw, @sexdollgirly, @totallypurplenerd, @littlebunnyfuckholes, @femaleshouldobey, @daddyandhisadoptedpetsplace, @sparklesbimbobrain, @jennih72, @milk-maiden-in-training, @subbie42, @dumbfuckingwhore, @bratty-britney, @slave4cum, @phedretish, @newrabbithole, @marissia, @whatmaddiewants, @gentlemensproperty, @shelbbw, @sirssluttywife, @daddys-pet-vixen, @tabucaps, @bijouxrm, @subbykitty, @sassysubb, @aly-loves-daddy, @mperky85, @ladylovesfamily, @cririd, @tehshort1, @emz567, @domesticatedcunt, @littlealice66, @mistywhore22, @puppy2use, @kinkyroom, @ssofys, @mirrruka, @sexdollgirly, @kristenlang1227, @petitebimbo. I’m sure there are many anonymous little cows with wet pussies who are lurking in the shadows, too shy to get a Tumblr of their own yet, who read about these things and long for them to happen to them, too. Shy cows, it’s OK to admit you want this. Don’t be afraid to join the fun. But do be forewarned: if you get roped and brought into my barn, I tend to be especially dirtyminded and intense in my treatment of female livestock. :) As this dairy barn is high-tech and Tumblr is all about audiovisual stimuli, it won’t surprise you that there are microphones and cameras around the barn, set up to monitor the animals in exquisite detail - no doubt streamed to the web for subscribers to see all the humiliating intimacies of a horny dairy cow’s daily life. Cameras behind each girl give close-ups of her ass and pussy, while others focus on her face or on the heavy hanging udders. Each desperate whimper and moan, each dripping milky teat, each needy clenching of an empty cunt or plugged ass is captured for all to see. In the barn’s control room, men in white coats watch computer screens linked to the cameras, along with temperature readouts linked wirelessly to thermometers embedded in the girls’ tail plugs. Ongoing data collection efforts document the effect that relentless teasing and orgasm denial has on some of the women’s milk production. Unfortunately for these horny females, preliminary results indicate that orgasm denial boosts their production. And everyone knows that a cow’s usefulness to her owner is always more important than the sexual satisfaction of a lowly animal. The philosophy of the men in control is that female sexual release is unnecessary, and may even be counterproductive. Hence the reek of wet cunt - in effect, the smell of desperation - throughout the barn. Even the females who don’t want to be turned on by how they’re being used can’t help themselves. At the moment our tour visits the control room, several men are grouped around a large screen as they chat and sip coffee from mugs with the “Hucow Labs” logo emblazoned on the side. (The design includes a stylized engorged teat with milk dripping from it.) There’s some amusement among the men. Onscreen we see a solitary fly has landed on a bare cunt and is crawling up one side of the slit then down the other. A bit of cuntcream leaks between the swollen labia, and the speakers in the control room register a moan as the female’s asscheeks twitch. The fly seems to take it as an invitation, and traipses over the perineum into the aromatic valley between the girl’s buttocks. A gasp and a sudden clenching ensue. More bitch-in-heat fuckslime, a product of days of teasing and unfulfilled arousal, leaks out, and another fly lands. Another camera is trained expertly on its subject, showing the effect this nature-assisted teasing seems to be having on the female: her clitoris swells at the clenching and seems to emerge a little more from its hiding place. The second fly seizes the opportunity and walks jauntily (if a fly can be jaunty) and impudently right over the swollen pink pea. This causes a long loud moan and of course results predictably in an additional involuntary clitoral surge, and more desperate contractions on the empty air. The men in the control room laugh. It’s so unfair. And yet there’s no relief in sight for our milky damsels in distress. The flies rarely bother the farmhands, since the insects in the barn are drawn primarily to defenseless - and by now highly aromatic - female hindquarters. The one concession to alleviating the cows’ torment by the flies is the use of tail plugs. If a cow has been good, she may moo to beg for a tail to be inserted in her anus. The tufted tail extending from the plug doesn’t provide much coverage or relief, but it seems to be better than nothing. It’s suspected, however, that the real reason the cows like their tails is the physical contact with the farmhands that it involves. Although the females’ cunts are left achingly empty, the farmhands sometimes lubricate the plugs by rubbing them teasingly in the soaked slits before inserting them in the girls’ asses. Judging by the moans, this process seems to be quite pleasurable for them. Sometimes the men even rub a woman’s clit briefly, while uttering soothing words close to her ear, encouraging her to be good milkbitch and “open up” for her plug. Meanwhile their full udders ache and drip, and the women long to have them kneaded and emptied by expert hands. Some of them actually do get hand-milkings by the farmhands as a reward for good behavior or exemplary production. Some, as mentioned, are simply hooked up to machines to collect their milk. Most of the cowsluts, however, have to wait until a farmhand decides to empty their heavy swollen tits. Some try to attract the men to milk them before the others by putting on a nonverbal display, humping the air as if inviting the men to mount them. Their full udders sway and slap together, dripping milk, but never in quantities sufficient to relieve the pressure. Moreover, if a farmhand notices a female dripping, he often crops or canes her ass painfully and castigates her for wasting the milk that belongs to her owner. The market for hucow milk is quite lucrative - especially in the case of the women from whose milk cheeses are made. Each owner of a female wants to make sure he extracts the maximum value from his animal, and the discomfort of full swollen tits or an aching denied cunt is no excuse for disobedience, ever. For most of the horny cowsluts, the highlight of their day comes when a farmhand chooses to use the slut - before, during or after her milking - for his own pleasure. Because the females are naked and ready at all times, the men have only to unzip and place their cocks in an eager mouth, wet cunt or tight asshole. A little thrusting and pounding and their cum is pumped down a throat and duly swallowed, or else pumped into an ass before plugging it to hold it in. And sometimes a female is even bred in this way, either by her owner or with his permission, but for the aforementioned reasons, she almost never gets to cum like the male does. A man’s pleasure in using a cunt’s holes and tits remains, for most cows, the greatest reward and highest honor she can attain. A Cow’s Perspective “How do you feel, little cow?” The man in the white coat asked me calmly. I was on my hands and knees, my legs were spread as wide as they could be and I was completely naked. I was being held in place by cold stainless steel cuffs, around my wrists, ankles and neck and when he asked me that I gasped. “I’m not a cow!!” was all I managed to say before my fully exposed ass was caned. I yelped in pain but had nowhere to go. “Are you hungry, little cow?” He asked me in the same calm voice. I actually was but I was afraid of what they would give me, however, hunger won over fear and I silently nodded my head. “Oh no my little cow, you must moo for your food here,” he told me. My eyes widened and I shook my head furiously back and forth. Swoosh went the cane again and this time I screamed. “You see my stubborn little heifer, you belong to me now and if you don’t obey me you will receive some form of pain….BUT…if you are a good little cow you will receive a reward in the form of pleasure.” My mind was racing, this couldn’t be possible!! I didn’t know how I got here but I wanted to leave right now!! I started to talk, demanding to leave, that they couldn’t keep me here!! All I got for an answer was the cane on my bare butt many many times. By the time he was done my ass was covered in red welts. I could feel the heat coming off of my skin and still I refused to moo. I wasn’t a cow!! This wasn’t right!! Every morning it was the same, the same questions and my spoken answers. I didn’t know how much more of this I could take. I was hungry, exhausted and at the end of my rope but my silly pride just wouldn’t let the sound out. The door to my stall opened and several men in the same white coats came in and all stood around me. I closed my eyes and tried to pretend that they weren’t there. They began to talk as if I wasn’t even there, “So you see gentlemen, this cow is a case where the usual pain treatment is not very effective. Notice the welts on her hide and the weight she has lost in her stubborn refusal to moo for her food. We must now switch to a new method, which if I am correct, will prove to be a better form of……persuasion.“ The next day I was strapped into a metal frame. My legs were spread as far apart as they could go. My breasts were hanging freely but my nipples had little suction devices on them. These devices made my nipples ache badly but it wasn’t impossible pain. My mouth was being held open by a large ring gag which hadn’t been on that long but there was a good sized puddle of drool on the floor already. The man in the white coat came in and closed the door and turned down the lights. “Look up there my little cow. Do you see them? The people in that room are watching you.” I looked up and saw them….omg…there were so many of them, all in white coats. I tried to hang my head so that I didn’t see them but he had other ideas. He lifted my head up and placed a small metal shelf, that was set on the end of a pole, underneath my chin. “How do you feel, little cow?” he said calmly again. I just shook my head and closed my eyes, until…until he slid his fingers over my pussy. I tried futilely to escape his probing fingers but it was no use. I knew that they were watching….and I was completely embarrassed or at least I thought I was. Suddenly there was a bright light in front of me and I opened my eyes in surprise. It was a TV screen and playing on the screen was porn….at least I thought it was porn. However as I started to watch more closely I gasped, “OH MY GOD NO!!!” It couldn’t be….it wasn’t porn, it was a shot of inside of a barn….and the women weren’t moaning….they were MOOING!! They were all on their hands and knees on a raised floor and the men were…….OHH…GOD!! “Yes my little cow those men are breeding our herd of hucows, and do you know why?” I slowly shook my head, I had no idea. “This is a dairy barn and they are our milk cows.” The man with the white coat came and pulled up a chair beside me and put his mouth close to my ear, while his fingers continued to play with my pussy. “Do you see them? Do you see our little barn of hucows? Don’t they look happy?” The camera then zoomed in on their faces and each one had the same dazed expression. Their eyes rolled up into their heads from time to time and their mouths hung open. One other thing stood out like a beacon, all of them, every single one had huge breasts that hung down and swung back and forth as the farm hands fucked them. “Do you see the milk dripping from their big pendulous udders? Aren’t they beautiful? Now watch what happens next, my little heifer,” and with that all of the men stopped. The women mooed in protest but suddenly became excited as the farm hands moved in beside each of them and attached their breasts to…..oh dear lord…..milking machines!!! “ Do you see what the farm hands are doing? They are moving in behind the hucows and placing a vibrator up against each of their dripping swollen pussies. Each farm hand will adjust the speed of the vibrator, making sure that none of the cows will be able to cum. I am your handler, my sweet little hucow and now we will watch as they are milked. One day soon you will be producing your own sweet delicious milk. But first you must learn to behave and moo. Oh don’t worry my little heifer I am here to help you, to teach you how to be a well behaved little dairy cow. Then you will be happy here too.” I shook my head no!! No!! this would not happen to me!!! But then I felt it, the cool smooth head of the vibrator up against my clit. He locked it into place, patted my head and went to sit down at a desk in the room. I watched and the vibrator hummed. I tried so hard to ignore it and them, all of them. The men in white coats, the farm hands and the women. How did they get here? How long had they been here before they gave in? My handler came back every now and then. He’d whisper things in my ears, things that were designed to break me down. “Look at them, they aren’t women anymore. They are just cows and that’s what you are now. You’ve always known haven’t you? Deep down you’re just like them, just something to be used, always desperate and horny…..just waiting to be owned. Well my little cow you are now owned by me and together we will make you a cowslut too.” Day after day he did this to me, made me ache, made my pussy clench harder and harder at every humiliating word he said. He would examine my pussy and torment me. He would tell me how wet I was, how swollen my pussy had become and that I was becoming just as needy as them. Every night was the same too….He would turn up the vibrator and place a plug in my ass, but not just any plug, no this one had a long cows tail attached to it. When he first showed it to me I moaned in protest and shook my head but I couldn’t beg or even speak because of the large ring gag in my mouth. He would turn down the lights and leave me there to suffer. And I did, I suffered each night because each night the vibrator would make me cum….over and over and over. Then when he’d come into the room in the morning, he’d move the vibrator and fuck me so HARD!!! He filled me with his seed, he filled my pussy, my ass, my mouth and, when he thrust hard enough, I could swear he was pushing it past my cervix and straight into my womb. Suddenly it dawned on me, and when he saw me look at him, he knew. “Oh my little cowslut, you’ve figured it out. Yes, yes my sweet I am breeding you. It’s the best way to make sure that you learn is to make you NEED to be milked. Now let’s see if you’re carrying a little cow or bull shall we?” He knew just what to do and my warm urine flowed into the cup. He carried it to the desk and tested it. He smiled at me and confirmed my fears. I was pregnant and soon my breasts would be full of milk too. He walked back to me and began to fuck me harder than ever, he wanted me to cum. “Cum my little cowslut, cum for the last time because from this point on you will never be permitted to cum again. Do you know why? Because you….are….just…a….…..cow!!” As he said each word he thrust into me so hard!! “What are you?” I said nothing. “What are you?!!” he said louder and I moaned. I could feel it, my orgasm was starting to build. “WHAT ARE YOU????” he yelled. As I started to cum something in my mind clicked, all those days of “training” me had come to a head. I wanted to speak, I wanted to tell him but all that came out was pretty little MMmmooooooo. My pussy clenched hard around his cock as I made the dreaded sound and as thighs tensed my mind went quiet. I was now a hucow, something to produce milk and so he led me out into the barn with all the others. I crawled across the barn floor, my udders hanging down and a small cow bell around my neck. A number was tattooed on my hindquarters and my tail plug was in my ass. I could feel my swollen pussy move between my cum covered thighs and even though it still made me feel mortified it made me horny too…..a vicious circle that my handler was sure to keep going, because after all, I was just another horny hucow….always needing to be used and milked. Thank you @deliciae-delectae for inspiring me to write this and I hope you enjoy reading about a little cow’s point of view. “Deep down you’re just like them, just something to be used, always desperate and horny…..just waiting to be owned” Poor horny little cow, clenching and dripping at the use and humiliation and the endless arousal. An excellent picture of the beginning of a cowslut’s new life from @bijouxrm. I wonder if other cows want to describe what happens to them… This soaked me… @bijouxrm’s story deserves reblogging. The thought of life as a horny cowslut soaks many a pussy. MooooGuilty as charged Good night, horny cowcunts of Tumblr. I know you’re feeling the ache in those full udders and empty cunts, but livestock has to wait until morning for more attention. *lights out in the barn* Moooo Moo. -- source link
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