Day 149 of 365 - First Daylily Bloom - meet the Grand Marshal, my first daylily bloom of the season.
Day 149 of 365 - First Daylily Bloom - meet the Grand Marshal, my first daylily bloom of the season. This beauty has been in my garden since 2005. It was hybridized by E. C. Brown and first introduced in 1993. As you can see the ants love these blooms as well. #daylily #daylilygarden #ants #macro #flowersofinstagram #hasselbladx1dii #hasselblad #365photography #365photochallenge2022 Hasselblad X1D II 50C XCD 120 Macro 1/400s | f8 | ISO 1600 (at Kempsville, Virginia) -- source link
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