sightdoll:This lovely girl really gave me a lot of grief this weekend, she put me through the ringer
sightdoll:This lovely girl really gave me a lot of grief this weekend, she put me through the ringer, refusing any and all clothes. Of course what she wanted was a totally new and original wardrobe completely different from anything I’ve made before. But girl, I’m not a seamstress I just play one on TV so her majesties wishes are going to take a minute. But in the meantime I did make her this peasant blouse out of an infuriating to work with Fabric, I’m rather proud to have conquered. Thankfully it’s appeased her for now too. She also stole another doll’s gold Raouken corset and their alpaca wig. #BJD #BallJointedDoll #ArtifexKindred #minigenue #twiglingminigenue #SewingForBJD #SewingForDolls #LegitBJD #DyedBJD -- source link