ohrmuzd:So apparently reblogging about ww2 history makes you a fascist on this website. Still shocke
ohrmuzd:So apparently reblogging about ww2 history makes you a fascist on this website. Still shocked at how delusional people are.why are you so obsessed with me marjan like what the fuck, we havent spoken in MONTHS. our friendship is OVER. everyone knows and agrees you were in the wrong here.this message wasn’t even about that post! you always twist my words to make me seem irrational. you always play dumb when really you know better. theres nothing wrong with having an interest in WW II as a time period and its after affects. I myself have an interest in it. But there’s a difference between being interested in the period of WW II and specifically being interested in Nazism and Fascism, which is what you are. There are so many interesting parts of history that aren’t nazi and fascist glorfying tumblr crap. You could talk about the internment of Italian and Japanese Canadians/Americans. You could talk about Mussolini’s racial laws in Italy, how it led to a surge of emigration by Italian Jews who then, when Italy declared war, were declared enemy aliens and potential fascists, despite LITERALLY being refugees from that country. You could talk about the lives of holocaust victims and survivors. You could talk about how the world recovered, how it affected people differently. You could talk about the anti-nuclear movement in Japan following Hiroshima. THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS YOU COULD TALK OR LEARN ABOUT RELATING TO WORLD WAR 2. But you specifically focus on nazis and fascists.My reaction was in response to the fact you reblogged a post about the outcome of the recent Italian election. Your post basically said something like, “imagine thinking the result of the election is a bad thing”. And it was literally referring to Salvini’s party the Lega Nord winning a huge part of the election.And like I’ve told you about this, I’ve told you about how I hate the league. I’ve told you about how Leghisti hate southerners, how people like Salvini want to deport all immigrants. How people like Salvini have campaigned for “busses only for Milanese” or to ban southerners from attending or teaching at northern schools. Their whole policy is based on neofascism and racism that goes the whole way back to the unification. you know the people who say things like they hope etna and vesuvius and marsili volcano kill us all so we go extinct, you know the people whos politicians organized “hunting parties” for terroni in the street? They used to be a minority, but now they are not, many people support them, and it is SCARY because the last time fascism was in WW II, and I’ve literally told you about how this time period affected Italian Canadians and my family, how Mussolini sent fascists to infiltrate our communities and blackmail us into joining their social groups, installing themselves as the leaders of our community organizations, creating an atmosphere of fear where we could not say no, holding our relatives hostage, threatening us with “if you don’t do x we will report you to the RCMP and get you/your family interned.” Our community was completely destroyed. We could not trust the government. We couldn’t trust the police. We couldn’t trust the justice system. We couldn’t trust our friends, our neighbours, other canadians, or our own ethnic group.Lets not forget, Marjan. That you’ve done way worse. How many times have you literally said you find Hitler cute or attractive? How you find a ll these other nazis, how you wished you lived in that time period? What about all the times you STILL talk about how disgusting the modern world is. Your obsession with “traditional” femininity. You call people fags and trannies. You call people fags and trannies when they see themselves in fictional characters and tell them they’re ruining “good” characters. Lets not forget ALL the posts you keep making and reblogging that say jews control the media, that jews are ruining modern society, that jews are responsible for ‘social justice warriors’. and you know im jewish, too. suddenly, your fascination with nazi’s makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it? what about all the people you reblog from that literally identify as national socialists or white supremacists? people who identify as skinheads? people who want to get rid of all non-white people in europe? you know, as a tajik, these people hate you too, right? they are only using you because it’s convenient, but behind your back, they mock you, because you will never be “white” to them.youve spent so much time invalidating my personal experiences with racism. you spend so much time saying you are not white, but you routinely associate yourself with whiteness and seem disturbed by other people. lets not forget some of you concerning views and stereotypes on black people. or how you think just because i respect black people and do my best to treat them how i would want to be treated (individually with respect), it must mean I “want to be black”. I could say “I’m not black.”, and I have, and you would still say I’m pretending to be black. You would send me posts about how I must be white because Middle Easterners are part of the white race and then in the same breath, as a persian, claim you are not white. your hypocrisy is astounding. lets not forget how when i asked you to censor the n word in sand n*gger because it made me uncomfortable, you thought it was stupid, because our other friend lets you say n*gga. and i tried to explain to you that people are individuals and no one is the same. not everyone is ok with it. im one of those who not. tbh im still astounded you had to the gall to be like “Oh so its like saying youre a sand n*gger” without censoring it lmao.You routinely insulted me and called me ethnic slurs and gaslit me. You played dumb. I gave you the benefit of doubt and let so much shit slide and you still have the nerve to paint me like some oversensitive banshee. You said my pedophile father who repeatedly raped me, tried to kill me, and ruined my life growing up was a DILF. You thought I made up being sexually abused as a child because apparently people make up that sort of thing on the internet for laughs. You thought I lied about being in a long distance relationship. When I would explain what its like to be LGBT to you, because i am patient and think some people just don’t know better, you compared being gay or bisexual to bestiality. You said it was just a joke and I said thats not a funny joke because a lot of politicians actually think gay people have sex with animals and think we are abominations. I told you i suffered conversion therapy and you said “Sorry, I didn’t know you suffered homophobia”. Your whole apology was based on the fact that you were only saying sorry because i was a “victim” of homophobia but that people who werent didnt get one. I explained to you why your wording was bad, and I gave the benefit of doubt, but you have shown me these are what you really believe. You always kept talking about trans people or nonbinary people like they are “confused” when you yourself know I am nonbinary. The irony is you admittedly do crossdressing as a hobby.You have repeatedly mocked and degraded me. When I tell you about the abuse I suffer with my mother, you insult me based on it, admit to it, and then treat me like im crazy for getting mad, as if you’re hte only one with the right to be upset. Other people have seen this conversation and they all agree what you said was unacceptable. I never did anything to deserve to be treated this way by you. And then there’s the fact you even admitted to one of my friends that what you said was wrong. But yet you never apologized, because you think the world revolves around you. You spend so much time fetishizing and maknig a mockery of my ethnic background. You say things like you wish you had a fat italian husband or a mafioso boyfriend. You say you wish your were italian and that you want to change your birth place bari or naples. All the while you called me a terrone, knowing its a slur , that i was not comfortable with it. and then you made ME apologize. why? because it was in public, and you didnt want people to see you called me a slur. you didnt care or were sorry that what you said was offensive. All you cared about was how it made you look. You have this disturbing fascination with Italians and our culture and how much you think we’re pretty or how you want to be Italian but the second i start acting too italian or woggish for you, suddenly it’s a problem. You like your IDEA of italy. You don’t actually know anything about Italy, Italians, Italian history, or the Italian diaspora. Your view is so warped by fascism it’s disturbing.I told you I considered you a close friend, that I cared about you and your wellbeing, and how I wanted you to succeed and get better and all of that was true. No one is perfect and neither are my friends, thats how life works. Friendship is about supporting each other and that also means not ignoring your mistakes when you could learn from it. I did not hold a grudge until it became clear your disrespect did not come from a place of ignorance, but from actual contempt, it was intentionally directed at me, and you had no plans of changing your behaviour. Everything you have done since we stopped speaking is direct proof of this. I’m not surprised, since youre the same person who would say things like internet friendships aren’t real and dont mean anything. You have no idea how many people you’ve hurt by this, Marjan. It’s not just me. You honestly need to seek mental help. You treat us like shit and say how its sad how many mentally ill bitches are on this site but you yourself are bipolar with psychotic features. You have no friends, no work, you don’t go to school. Unlike me you don’t have a physical disability to put this on. This is all a result of your doing, YOU pushed people away with your abusive behavior. You are a narcissistic, a bully, a sadist. You have zero capability for empathy and only think about yourself. You get fun and enjoyment out of hurting and offending people. You enjoy hurting people to relieve your boredom, and when they get upset, you force them to apologize for ‘ruining’ your fun, because you don’t see other people around you as human beings with feelings. I wondered why all of a sudden this came up 3 months later and now I realize. It’s because you’re bored. We were your only source of entertainment, and you entertained yourself by being cruel and mean to me. And now in a desperation to entertain yourself, a last ditch effort, you are being cruel once again. Because being cruel and abusive is the only thing you know how to do. You don’t know how to interact with people, you don’t even care to improve your social skills. You think the whole world is beneath you. We’ve left you alone since all of this ended. But you’ve repeatedly tried to provoke us into a confrontation through vague posts and provocative reblogs and we have ignored you. You need to let this go once and for all. This friendship is over and you need to realize sometimes friendships with people and and it can be your fault, and you will never be friends with them again. This is a part of everyone’s life at one point. Learn from it. Maybe you will do better and wont ruin your next friendships, if you can even make them . I honestly don’t know how, considering such a foul and rude and disrespectful person you are.bye. -- source link
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