femalesneedtraining: One of the busiest places in Pleasant, is of course the plastic surgery center.
femalesneedtraining: One of the busiest places in Pleasant, is of course the plastic surgery center. The center was gifted a large endowment (no pun intended) a number of years ago so most procedures are free or have just a small charge to them. The physical perfection in the eyes of the female’s owner is paramount here. And since every man has their own vision of what perfection is, you see a wide range of styles here.Many men go for the large breasts, which is what we see on this female. I’m not sure her name, her owner just refers to her as ‘tits’ a common nickname here in town. As the large breasts on the females tend to cause back problems as they get older, the chiropractors in town do a booming business with older females.Many females undergo multiple procedures. breasts, face, legs, waist. vaginal rejuvenation is very popular. No one wants to see a less than perfect pussy.Besides breast enlargement, many men will have the lower ribs removed for that hourglass shape. Butt implants are currently the ‘in thing’ in Pleasant. Tendon reshaping in the calf area to help the wearing of stiletto heels is also popular. Vocal chord scraping was a fad for a few years and you will still hear many females with the high squeaky bimbo voice the procedure was used for around town. Special permission still has to be obtained to cut the vocal chords all together since that is not reversible. Females who have undergone that procedure must wear a badge signifying they are mute. For the more extreme procedures, you will see a few females living their life as dogs. they have had surgeries to where they can only walk on all fours, some wearing pet suits that force the wearer to walk like a dog would. There is a dentist in town who will remove all the teeth of a female when their owner wants a smooth feel during oral sex. Again, these procedures require special permission from the town council and do cost a significant amount of money -- source link
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