b4us: gahdamnpunk: This is messed up Here’s the article.Basically, what’s going on right
b4us: gahdamnpunk: This is messed up Here’s the article.Basically, what’s going on right now is that the GOP is trying to push Heidi Heitkamp, democratic senator for North Dakota and first woman to hold the seat in our state, out of her seat by means of voter segregation. Following Kavanaugh being accepted onto the supreme court, she’s been seriously dropping in the polls. It’s been an absolute shitshow here because our state makes or breaks the Republicans gaining control of the senate. There’s a REALLY good piece on what’s going on here. I know I have, like, two and a half fellow Fargo natives following me, so I’m gonna stress this: If you’re in North Dakota, your vote carries some serious weight! You don’t even need to go through the registration process, all you have to do is show up to a polling place with a valid ID. It’s that easy!Remember to vote! November 6th! etc etc -- source link