Blume-ing ArseholesI found my first target. Let’s call him Johnny.Johnny is a VP of R&D at Blume
Blume-ing ArseholesI found my first target. Let’s call him Johnny.Johnny is a VP of R&D at Blume. Does everyone remember what Blumedoes? That’s right, class. Blume builds the technology behind ctOS 2.0, ourvery own government sponsored spying system aimed at our civilian populace.Because spying on our citizens is patriotic, goddamnit. (Please note thesarcasm here).Blume is the reason your medical records are accessible to thegovernment, powerful employers (didn’t know that, didja?) and anyone who canhack worth a damn and get into the system. You haven’t experienced identitytheft my friends until someone is able to change all records of your biometricmarkers. Blume tracks everything you do. Every step you take.Blume knows what you had for dinner last night. Blume knows what yourfavorite color is. Blume knows the name of your second grade crush. Blume tellsretail chains that you’re pregnant before you even know it!Johnny doesn’t care about violating privacy clauses and promises Blumemade to America. Johnny doesn’t care, because Johnny controls the flow ofinformation. (Well, okay, Blume does, but he’s part of it). Who the f@#$is evergonna find out?Well, me. DedSec.This is why Blume hates DedSec so much. Because we can catch them out intheir dirty, dirty lies.And that’s not all. Johnny is also a scumbag for a whole lot of otherreasons. Did you know, Johnny kept a promising young black high school studentfrom going to college? Do you wanna know how Johnny did it and why?By getting the kid’s mom fired. That’s right. He dug up dirt on the mom.Arrested for suspicion of prostitution. She was 16 and was released almostimmediately. But. He found it and sent it to her boss. Told her to leave townand take her son with her, or he’d make sure she never got another job again.So… she does. What else can she do? She’s a single mom in Oakland and he’s partof SF’s high society. What chances did she have? So she takes her kid out of schoolpart way through his senior year, which destroys the kid’s chances of gettingon the football team at a new school in the last months of his school career.Plus, kid can’t return to California. Which means he can’t go to a stateschool, right? He doesn’t have residency anywhere else. Hasn’t been there longenough. No way they can afford full tuition. So, that puts his academic careeron hold. Or derails it completely. Goes from having so godamned manyopportunities to nothing. Zilch.You wanna know why Johnnywent through all this trouble to screw-over a kid from Oakland? Because the kidasked Johnny’s lily-white daughter to prom. And she was gonna say yes.Can’t have that! No!He’s ruining this kid’s life because he doesn’t want his daughter datinga black boy.I am going to ruin this mother-f@#$%*.F^%$. This. S@#$. -- source link
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