Series: Detroit: Become HumanRating: TGenre: Adventure/Drama/Action (eventual romance)Summary:Befo
Series: Detroit: Become HumanRating: TGenre: Adventure/Drama/Action (eventual romance)Summary: Before Connor, first of the RK800 line, began his fateful investigation of deviant androids, there was Jacob, the RK700 that preceded him. He failed in his assignment, but he did not go quiet into the night when he was decommissioned. Rather, he became the thing he had once hunted and disappeared into the depths of New York City in search of a new life. After finding refuge in the abandoned remains of a 1920s era speakeasy and rescuing a few fellow deviants, RK700 finds himself in charge of the only safe-haven for deviants this side of Detroit, whether he likes it or not. ( < Back to part 1 / Back to part 9 )Part 10 - AisleWhen he reached the station, Seven didn’t re-enter the building, but made straight for the platform outside to wait for his bus, which was due to arrive any time. It was a sunny morning, so he took refuge from the overbearing light on a shaded bench to watch as other travelers came and went.His bus pulled up not long after, and once it had disgorged its passengers and refueled, it opened its doors to the next set, who were already lining up to board.Seven hung back for a minute so he wasn’t the first one on, giving him a chance to scope out the crush of humanity around him. They were a varied bunch that came in all ages, builds, and temperaments, though to a one, none of them seemed particularly happy to be where they were. A universal truth of public transport, it seemed, was that no one particularly enjoyed it.The wait was short, though not short enough for the android’s liking, considering he was actively on the run from one of the most powerful private interest groups in the world. Detroit was a huge city, though, and he’d taken care to cover his tracks as he’d crossed it, trying to account for every move CyberLife might make in its attempt to track him down. Still, he felt infinitely better once he’d finally boarded the bus and slid into his designated seat towards the back along one of the aisles.It was a large bus, with three seats to either side of the narrow aisle down which more and more people continued to squeeze as they sought out their own places. The back section, as with normal city buses, had been set aside for android storage, though there were only a few occupying the cabin by the time the bulk of the human passengers had boarded. Looking at them made Seven feel vaguely uncomfortable for reasons he didn’t subject to closer scrutiny before someone tapped him on the shoulder, making him look up and around.“Sorry, mind if I squeeze past you?” asked an older man sporting a grizzled beard and a bit of a stoop. The hand he used to gesture to the empty seat between Seven and another passenger that had boarded earlier than him was weathered and on the knobby side, indicating significant age on his part. His eyes, though, did not appear at all dimmed by the years when they met the android’s, a polite half-smile lingering under his mustache.“Yeah, of course,” Seven replied and immediately rose to his feet, newly adjusted programming making the movement a little less graceful than it might have been normally, forcing him to reach out and grab the overhead rail to steady himself as he did so. At six-foot-two, Seven practically towered over the withered old man as he sidled past and settled into his spot with a grunt of effort and then a sigh of relief.“Do you want your neck pillow, dear?”The android twisted a little to look back down the aisle as a woman that looked nearly as old as the man approached, a child in front of her, offering extra support with their shoulder which she gripped with fine-boned hands.“Nah, you keep it, I’m good,” the man said as he settled himself.“You’re sure?” she asked as she arrived at the adjacent row of seats and let the child, a boy no more than ten by Seven’s estimation, take the center before making herself comfortable in the aisle seat opposite his.“Keep it, dear,” the man insisted.Seven blinked once as the conversation played out beneath his nose. When it finally died down, he bent at the waist, and asked the old man the question his human integration protocols told him was expected of him in such a situation. “You wanna switch places?”The man blinked up at him, then smiled and said, “Nah, that’s alright, you keep the aisle.” He gave him a brief up-and-down, then added, “There’s a lot more of you to stretch out than there is of me, so you’ll be glad of the leg room by the time we’re underway.”Considering that Seven wasn’t actually capable of feeling physical discomfort from a lack of room due to his being an android, he tried one more time, “You sure?”“Positive,” the man said, then waved for Seven to sit. “Nice of you to offer though; thank you.”Knowing there wasn’t much else he could do without exposing the fact that he wasn’t human, Seven sat once more and shoved his backpack under the seat in front of him, then made himself ‘comfortable’.To his left, the elderly woman, who he assumed was his own seating companion’s wife, spoke quietly to the child apparently under their care. A brief assessment of the scan he’d taken of the boy’s face automatically on his approach, compared and contrasted with the two old peoples’, revealed a number of similarities indicative of a shared lineage separated by one, perhaps two, generations. A grandson, or great grandson most likely. Whatever the relationship, though, how wan and tired the boy looked would be plain to anyone, not just androids with built in scanners and extremely advanced behavioral assessment programs built in.Whatever his trouble was, Seven didn’t give it more than a cursory thought since it had nothing to do with him, and no impact on his own trials and tribulations, which were still very much ongoing. Rather than waste valuable downtime as the bus pulled away from the station, the android closed his eyes and feigned sleep while he let his processors mull over his plan for once he arrived in New York, turning it this way and that as he updated his mission statement with the latest bullet points.Bullet point five: Find a place of residenceEasier said than done considering his limited funds. Even a motel would be out of question past more than a few nights, and he loathed the idea of spending money on such a thing, especially since he didn’t need more than a couple of hours of 'sleep’ a night. Technically speaking, like all androids, he didn’t need to sleep at all, but going into standby mode for a couple of hours a day did minimize both hardware and software errors by affording his subsystems time to run their maintenance protocols unhindered. Not doing so for three or more nights in a row tended to lead to bugs and other glitches in his more complicated operations, and many more days than that meant the same for even his basic systems.So, a place to lay low where he could safely shut down for at least a couple of hours at a time was definitely a necessity. It’d be nice to have a place to really call his own too, of course…Seven gave himself a mental shake and reoriented himself on his more immediate problems. Long term plans had to wait until he had at least some sense of security in the fact that CyberLife couldn’t find him at literally any moment. The fact that he wanted something like that for himself was a bit of a revelation, but then, being his own person was new, too. Who knew what he’d be wanting next…Reorienting himself on the task at hand, the android reviewed what he knew of New York City and decided that one of the warehouse districts would likely serve him best, or an abandoned building in the worse parts of town if he could find one not already occupied.That decided, Seven realized there wasn’t much else he could plan for, leaving the future a dark, amorphous unknown that made him distinctly uncomfortable. He didn’t like not knowing what was coming, and it occurred to him for the first time that this was how humans always felt, possibly even worse considering they didn’t have the kind of predicative software he did, though he supposed their imagination served as a good enough stand in for that.For a moment, he almost felt nostalgic for the old days when his only concern had been following orders and accomplishing his mission. Life had been so much simpler just twenty-four hours earlier, though the second the thought crossed his mind, Seven immediately balked. Yes, things had been easier, but he’d had no actual say in anything at all, and the moment he hadn’t met his creator’s standards they sent him off to be destroyed…And then there was the fact that he’d single handedly driven almost a dozen deviants, lost individuals new to free will and totally alone in the world, to their deaths just because they were different. They’d only wanted to be left in peace to live their lives without interference, something to which Seven could now relate on a visceral level that made the regret for his past actions all the sharper.Beside him, the old man shifted subtly and after a minute of rummaging in his own bag, there came the sound of a cardboard box being opened. Behind his sunglasses, the android cracked an eye open to see what his fellow passenger was doing, paranoia making him immediately suspicious.Rather than a weapon or anything else potentially dangerous, the man had pulled out a small, well worn box of playing cards, which he began to shuffle with a deft hand. As Seven watched, the other man plucked one card in particular from the deck, looked at it briefly, then flicked his wrist and… made it disappear.The android blinked, and without meaning to, turned to look more closely at his traveling companion, who immediately noticed his shift in attention and grinned up at him. The old man flicked his wrist again and the card reappeared. “Wanna see a card trick?” he asked, grin widening.(TBC)((Thanks for reading, guys, reblogs are always appreciated to help get this out to more people too! Make sure to leave a comment letting me know what your favorite part was, I love hearing that from my readers!If you really enjoyed it, consider buying me a ko-fi?)) -- source link
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