Thanks to a most excellent gift from the girl, I now have a large image of this hanging above my bed
Thanks to a most excellent gift from the girl, I now have a large image of this hanging above my bed. This is the Lust card from the Deck of Thoth, the Tarot deck that I use. It shows our lady Babalon - the ultimate sacred whore, she who accepts all and refuses none - in full flow. She always has had a rather apocalyptic side to her… The esoteric meaning of the card is ‘Love under Will’ - a deeply complex concept, but in essence it means do what you do with love, compassion and passion, but ensure it is all directed by your will, by your higher intent, your true purpose. At a more common level the card means those things that we lust for, that inspire us, that we desire, that make life worth living… and the necessity of keeping these passions under some kind of control, so inspire us to do more, not control us and make us do less. Striking the balance leads to huge creativity and a great satisfaction in life. That balance between powerful, lustful, fiery passions and the need for a guiding Will that gives direction, that steers down the path, that has a destination in mind even if the journey becomes difficult and challenging at times… It is a good idea to carry when exploring and drawing up all of the energies of D/s. -- source link