nerdinaomi: Vocab ListsUseful PhrasesBoost your Spanish with more complex synonyms for words you alr
nerdinaomi: Vocab ListsUseful PhrasesBoost your Spanish with more complex synonyms for words you already knowBoost your Spanish with Spanish common expressions False Friends (Words that Look Like Cognates but Are Not) Really similar Spanish words you shouldn’t mix up when using them Response Words in Spanish #1Spanish Words and ExpressionsUseful Spanish conversation phrases to get to know someone! Words to use instead of decir / Verbos declarativos (saying verbs) 21 Spanish Filler WordsFood and DrinkBeverages in SpanishGrocery List in SpanishHerbs and SpicesLas Frutas Restaurant VocabSpanish Baking VocabSpanish Food Vocab Spanish Vegetarian Vocabulary / Vegan/vegetarian vocabulary in Spanish and CatalanKitchen Vocab Personality and Identity Personality Traits Spanish Vocab - Pride EditionTalking about age in SpanishActivities Art vocabulary in Spanish and Art Vocabulary Masterpost Spanish - English Everyday activities in Spanish Hiking Vocabulary in Spanish Musical Instruments Tennis Vocabulary in Spanish and French Seasons, Holidays, and Time Birthday vocabulary - Spanish Months and Days of the Week Spanish Vocabulary - Summer Edition and Spanish For You: Summer Vocabulary Spanish Christmas Vocabulary Spring VocabTime Vocabulary and Spanish Vocab - Time Valentine’s Day Vocabulary Winter Vocab Weather VocabFeelings and Emotions Happiness in Spanish Lazy Vocab in SpanishRomantic Spanish Vocabulary Sleepy Vocab ListSome adjectives describing personality and emotions in Spanish SPANISH + CATALAN VOCAB: emotionsVocabulario - Las emociones Animals, Nature, and the Environment Animals in French - Spanish - Portuguese - Italian Birds in Spanish Flower Vocabulary Gems in Spanish Nature in Spanish Ocean life vocabularyOcean Vocabulary Space Vocab SPANISH ENVIRONMENT VOCABULARYSpanish Outdoorsy Vocab Spanish Vocab: The Forest Spanish Vocabulary - Animals Trees in Spanish Clothes Clothes in Spanish Spanish Vocabulary - Clothes Textiles and Fabrics Vocabulario - La ropa HealthMental Health Vocabulary in Spanish Medical Vocab Periods in Spanish Spanish Vocabulary - Death Vocabulario Menstrual SchoolClasses in Spanish Spanish Vocabulary #2 School University VocabMiscellaneous Around the house - Vocabulary in Spanish Colors in Spanish Computer Vocab Political VocabSocial Media in Spanish and FrenchSpanish City Vocabulary!Spanish Vocab: Countries and ContinentsSpanish Vocab — RentingSpanish Vocabulary - FamilyA-Z Spanish VocabABCDEFG-HI-JLMO-PRGrammarAll the Spanish Tenses in One Post Common Mistakes English Speakers Make While Speaking Spanish El Pretérito Indefinido, el Pretérito Imperfecto y el Pretérito PerfectoEste, esta, esto, eso, esa, aquel, & aquelloGrammar for Spanish Adjectives IRREGULAR PRETERITE CONJUGATION GUIDE Is there a sort of cheat sheet of when to use each spanish tense? Masculine words ending in -a Medio VS Mitad Object Pronouns Para VS Por and another Para VS PorPast Participles in Spanish PRETERITE VS. IMPERFECT MASTER POSTReflexive Verbs and More Reflexive VerbsSpanish Essentials; Tenses Masterpost Spanish Grammar - The Imperative Spanish Subjunctive The difference between qué and cuál Understanding Ya and Todavía Verbs that take the preposition “de” ResourcesWebsitesBabbel.comBBC Learn SpanishFluencia.comSpanish Resources OnlineStudyspanish.comWebsites for Learning Spanish TV Shows and Youtube Beginner Spanish TV Shows Charlie and Lola in Many Languages EXTRA Learn Spanish by Listening Youtube Channel Spanish TV Shows Masterpost Spanish Speaking Youtubers Spanish Youtubers and TV ShowsListening and MusicListening Resources Spanish Music Spanish Radio Stations Spanish Singers Masterpost 9 Great Spanish Podcasts Every Spanish Learner Should Listen To Reading AP Spanish Literature and Culture Resources Free Spanish EBooks OnlineLibros electrónicos gratis en Español Spanish Books for Beginners Using Buzzfeed for Reading Practice 12 SITES WITH THOUSANDS OF FREE SPANISH EBOOKS MiscellaneousHow to Set Up a Language JournalSpanish Resources LinksSpanish Resources for BeginnersSpanish Writing Prompts Websites/Apps/Podcasts/Videos/Music for Learning Spanish BlogsQuotes Blogs:@fraseslibros@spanish-quotes@frases-deun-joven@spanishfrasesVocab blogs:@vocabninja @holaspanishwords@vocabulariodeespanol@ailmadrid has many helpful vocab infographics (though the blog hasn’t posted in about a month, now)Friendly bloggers who post a variety of Spanish-related content for people learning the language:@spanishskulduggery@ourspanishblog@thatwordofmine@spanishboone (created the A-Z Spanish lists I included above!)@langsandculture@spanishahora@estoy-la-hostia@speakinglatino@lenguadelalma@spanishvoyage Muchas gracias! -- source link
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