flowerfood:seedkeeping:Tohono O'odham Domesticated Devils Claw from Native Seeds/SEARCH. These h
flowerfood: seedkeeping: Tohono O'odham Domesticated Devils Claw from Native Seeds/SEARCH. These hooks, designed to latch onto mammoths and other large animals for seed dispersal, are used as the black thread in basket making by the Tohono O'odham. These claws are much longer than those we grow at Roughwood Seed Collection - and can supposedly get up to 15 inches long! The green pods (see underneath the plants) can be pickled like okra when young, and the seeds (which can be hard to extract) taste like sunflower seeds. #martynia #devilsclaw #Tohonooodham #nativeseedsearch #nativeseeds #seedkeeping #seedsaving #communitygarden #basketweaving #mammoth #seeddispersal Such an interesting plant artifact. I found them scattered on the barren hills around Truth or Consequences, NM, when I visited a friend there several years ago. -- source link