Today is the first day of Kelsey learning to pierce the human tongue! She’ll be preforming
Today is the first day of Kelsey learning to pierce the human tongue! She’ll be preforming them from open untill 8pm tonight when we close. $25 is all you’ll be charged, with jewelry and after care products included as usual! Come add some bling to that boring, good for nothing tongue! . . #920tattoo #920tattoocompany #920 #920tattooco #downtownoshkosh #wi #wisconsin #foxvalleytattooing #uwo #uwoshkosh #foxvalleypiercing #foxvalleytattoo #foxvalley #alternative #bodymodification #bodymods #piercer #apprenticepiercer #apprenticepiercings #piercings #tonguepiercings #tonguepiercing -- source link
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