Title: “Kitty getting dressed”This isn’t actually a recent work, but s
Title: “Kitty getting dressed”This isn’t actually a recent work, but something from last November that I found inside my scanner. Judging by the fact that I don’t see this work in any of my galleries, it must mean that I forgot to scan and upload it! Weird! Especially considering that it’s a pretty neat picture. So, have some kitty girl getting dressed up in the morning! Paw print on hip is a must on catgirls. Always!Before you get all excited about possible new ballpoint pen doodle prospects though, sorry, I don’t really have time for those at work at all these days. T_T© HitmanN 2017Ballpoint pen on sketchbook (direct scan, no editing) -- source link
#anime girl#catgirls#hitmann#underwear#pawprint