12/03/2021 Seamingly, the seems of this seamstress seam stressful.JOKE-OGRAPHY:Mary is attempting
12/03/2021 Seamingly, the seems of this seamstress seam stressful. JOKE-OGRAPHY:Mary is attempting to weave a seamless garment for Jesus (as seen in John 19), but in this cartoon, she admits she’s not yet good enough to make it right. From the reading I’ve done, it seams the seemless garment is a symbol of priesthood in the Old Testament. Mary says her current attempt has seams, so it “seems less than perfect”, but she’s determined that she’ll get it right one day, and at that point, the garment she makes will be “seamless and perfect”, a reiteration of the previous sentence, where “seem less” becomes “seamless”, “than” becomes “and”, and “perfect” stays the same, because it’s perfect just the way it is. For more reading on the seamless garment idea, check out this slick article I stumbled on: https://nowthatimcatholic.com/2019/03/15/question-what-is-the-significance-of-jesus-seamless-garment/ -- source link
#holy family#seamless