eddieandstan: official-lucifers-child: gay-angry-transman:slumberinggirl:cr0www:slumberinggirl
eddieandstan: official-lucifers-child: gay-angry-transman: slumberinggirl: cr0www: slumberinggirl: myfirsturlwashellacringy: slumberinggirl: libertarirynn: dykedottir: layingdownsomebatfeets: cumbler-tumbler: layingdownsomebatfeets: cumbler-tumbler: alwaysbewoke: jesussaysno: I don’t get the man one ? the entire series is focused on stopping all abuse the man here has his mouth covered up by a woman wearing a wedding ring. meaning he is being abused by his wife. of the men i’ve known and spoken to about being abused by their wives, one of the common ways wives will try to “make up” for the abuse is literally with money. fucking crazy sad shit but women who abuse their men (bf or husband) also believe us to be super materialistic and so they can just buy us. i could go on but i don’t want to. it’s too fucking gross. this is clearly pedophila in the catholic church. a profoundly evil act that is is primarily aimed at little boys. this is child molestation in the black community that tarted little black girls overwhelmingly. usually by a family member and usually a male family member with candy being used to buy their silence. and this is an abused wife. the hand is male wearing a wedding ring. similar to the wife abusing the husband, an attempt to buy silence happens with flowers, candy and jewelry being the common gifts. i respect that this artist (a woman i believe) covered such a wild range of abuse even the ones we don’t talk about. I think that’s a dripping anatomical heart in the flower, too. :( Still don’t get the man one tbh. Is there an epidemic of rich women beating their husbands? I honestly don’t know. I am not familiar with the phenomenon, but knowing that male-on-female domestic violence vastly outweighs the reverse, I had to assume that it was included because otherwise she would have caught hell for it. I mean, apparently it does happen, so… Male violence against women and children is at actual epidemic levels. I know a few men who have suffered violence at the hands of female partners and it’s awful and unacceptable. But they were also all in a position to 1) leave and easily survive and/or 2) if they hit back would very much be able to stop the attack. As in if they hit back the woman would be ko’d. I’m not saying female on male violence is ok I’m saying it isn’t a ‘thing’ in the way the others are. Agreed. Men have the means to leave abusive relationships much quicker than most abused women do (if ever). Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you Okay bitches listen up Male abuse victims are just as fucking important as female abuse victims If a man hits back, he is the one accused of violence, even if it was in self defense. Because “men can’t be abused” fuck that Men feel that if they’re honest about their abuse that they’ll be ridiculed and seen as less than a man Men are afraid to come forward about their abuse because no one will believe them. If a woman hits a man, it’s because “he did something to upset her,” “he probably deserved it,” “hes over reacting,” y'know, the same shit women are told. Not all men have the means to leave an abusive relationship. If they could, do you think they’d stay? Being a man doesn’t automatically mean they have financial stability. So fuck you if you think male abuse victims don’t matter. Fuck you if you think men can’t be victims of abuse. Fuck you if you try and diminish male abuse victims. Fuck you if you ridicule men for talking about their abuse and seeking help. Fuck you if you patronize men who can’t escape their abusive partners. Fuck you if you act like male abuse victims aren’t a real thing. Fuck you if you try and act like men can’t be just as vulnerable as women, and that their struggles don’t matter. Fuck. You. a former male friend of suffered years of psychological, emotional, and physical abuse at the hands of his girlfriend. Note: He was a large guy (a good 6'1, pretty muscular, and knew about fighting from past years of his dad teaching him some moves he had learned from martial arts training from when he was young) Now, his girlfriend was a measly little bitch (I know it’s bad to throw around that term “Its so harmful to women blah blah” she was barely human, and I dont even think she’s worthy of being considered a “woman” so I’ll call her what I like for this story) barely scraping 5'3, not a muscle on her, the bone and body structure of a 12 year old. You may be thinking “I get how she could abuse him mentally, but how on earth could she physically abuse someone who could easily put her through some drywall” the answer: People like y'all. This worm of a human would slap and punch him in the face as hard as she could, hit him in his groin, kick him in his bad knee (he broke when he was younger and it never quite healed right); stab him with things like crochet needles, forks, her nails, small eyebrow scissors, etc. If she was mad at him she would put allergens in his food (He was lactose intolerant to a pretty bad degree and would get horrible stomach aches, cramps, digestive problems, and nausea if he consumed dairy) so she would put regular milk in his coffee instead of the lactose free milk he drank, as well as regular dairy products in things like desserts she would bake, soup, smoothies she would make him; Anything she could hide milk, cream, or cheese in without him noticing. Again, some of you might be thinking “Why didn’t he catch on, fight back, leave, etc” Well, I’ll tell you why: It’s because he was not only a victim of abuse who was regularly told he was loved by his abuser, despite all the abuse, but he was also a victim of a society which regularly told him that he was not a victim of anything. He was larger than her, smart, financially stable, and everything you think would be needed to magically “Get out and survive” as you say. She made sure he didn’t fight back, she would tell him things that no person should be told, like how “she wish she was the man in the relationship so she could rape him”, or how she could kill him and he wouldn’t be able to fight back without her telling her father he was beating her, to which her dad would promptly “Stab him in the neck”; she told him he was useless, pathetic, weak, and “nothing but a dick for her to ride”. After all these things he would still not leave, ya wanna know why? Because after she was done, she’d tell him she loved him, that he didn’t have to worry about talking about his interests with her because she loved hearing about them, how he didn’t have to worry about crying in front of her because she wouldn’t think any less of him. She would speak of their future and her amazing laughs and smiles she would share with him, she would comfort him when he was sad and tell him everything he wanted to hear. And that’s how he didn’t “escape and survive” for 2 years, and tolerated endless abuse. He finally left when his brother-in-law invited him and his “girlfriend” to his house to play games and hangout for 4th of July. Unbeknownst to the maggot, his BiL had security cameras around his house from a former break in, and those same cameras caught her punching, kicking, and swinging at him with a metal knife-sharpening rod (I don’t know what they’re called but they’re the heavy ass metal ones the chefs use) because he said that he wasnt comfortable with her driving after she drank the whole night. His BiL promptly kicked her across the room as she was hitting him and got him locked in a room and her out the house with threats of the police. It took a solid 3 weeks of slowly opening up to his family, telling stories, ignoring berating texts and calls and threats from her, and having to move all of his stuff out of their shared apartment in the 6 hour window she was at work because he was genuinely terrified she would show up. Endless nights were spent having panic attacks, nightmares, being coaxed into getting therapy and counseling, and finally admitting to himself that he had been abused. And after that, was a flurry of him trying to get acceptance. Almost every domestic abuse counselor was marketed to women, as well as meetings where he was the only man in the room; people assuming he was gay and had to have been abused by a man, or that his girlfriend was a martial arts master or other countless ridiculous things instead of just accepting that he was a victim of domestic abuse by a woman, as a man. Does the domestic violence against women outweigh the violence against men? From the studies, most likely. Does that make either violence easier, more acceptable, less traumatic or less debilitating? Fuck. No. So, in conclusion, men can be, and are being abused. Is it different than female abuse? Yes. But poisoning someone’s drink is different than poisoning someone’s food, but it is still poison. So get y'alls heads out of y'alls asses and help men instead of spouting a bunch of shit at them to make yourself looks like the bigger victim. Say “Our cases are different, but are both traumatic and painful, and I will do all I can to help” To ALL domestic abuse victims. You are strong, you are truly loved, and there is help out there, no matter where in life you are. Never hesitate to message me if you need to talk. Great addition. And I forgot to add to mine, please don’t be afraid to message me if you need or want to talk about your abuse. Male, female, doesn’t matter. Everyone needs someone to talk to, and I’m willing to listen. ❤️ this video is an appropriate addition here https://youtu.be/Ue7U2hdNz2I so if i’m not being clear enough fuck every single one of you that think men can’t suffer from abuse, can get away much easier, FUCK YOU! abuse can happen in ANY relationship. straight, mlm, wlw, ANY! so FUCK ANYONE that thinks that any type of abuse is dismissable. Excellent addition, thank you You people claim to be feminists but you really out here thinking EVERY women is weaker than EVERY male. Lol and that women have no power ever? That women can’t black mail? Or hold children hostage in abusive marriage? Everyone can be a victim and just because you can’t seem to wrap your head around that does not mean it’s any less bad or terrifying. Fuck anyone and everyone who thinks men can’t be victims of domestic violence. Fuck y’all. It doesn’t matter if you’re a male or a female. NO ONE, and I mean, NO ONE SHOULD EVER DEAL WITH ABUSE! But for some pathetic reason, we choose to ignore men going through abuse and I honestly have no idea why. Men deserve the same rights as women, just as women deserve the same right as men. Full stop. -- source link
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