Guess who just got top 8 at a Regional with his SPYRALs~? Hoo boy you better believe it was me.The d
Guess who just got top 8 at a Regional with his SPYRALs~? Hoo boy you better believe it was me.The deck list is up there for you all to look at, but I’ll go into my tournament report below. Also at some point I’ll probably make a deck profile with my friends which might be enjoyable to watch and I can explain all the card choices and stuff~Round 1 vs Spirit/Kaiju OTK, 2-1 WinDespite about 90 people being in this tournament, I somehow managed to get paired against three of my friends throughout the day, including in round one. My friend was playing a really silly deck that still had some nice potential. Essentially it relied on using Aratama and Nikitama to make rank 4s and Nikitama was really good for drawing cards (you could also send it with Brilliant Fusion) and then Pre-Preparation of Rites would get out Shinobaron Peacock which cleared all the monsters OR Kaiju Slumber would clear out all the monsters and then Peacock would bounce the monster you summoned to the opponent’s side and OTK with something you then normal summoned. Essentially he did this to me game 1 but games 2 and 3 he didn’t and a combination of Terrortop and Misty + Agent ended in victory for me.Round 2 vs Synchron Quasar, 2-1 WinI did get OTKed one of these games, despite using Ghost Ogre to hit Hyper Librarian, but the other games I held off with the Zoodiac engine keeping his plays in check one game and using Agent + a couple of Quik-Fixes to keep my Utility Wires coming to hold him off before drawing Ratpier and winning from there.Round 3 vs 60 Card Infernoid/Zoodiac, 2-0 WinAnother round against my friend, this game was weird. He goes first and opens Ratpier which he does the combo with and he makes Bujintei Kagutsuchi with the two Rats he summons. The 5 cards he mills are all spells and the rest of the cards in his hand are either backrow or Infernoids he can’t summon because he literally has milled 0 Infernoids. I clear the board eventually, he stops me with Spiritual Swords of Concealing Light which I later get rid of with Tough and Agent. Then he has an empty field and 7000 life points while I have Drident with Whiptail attached, Agent and Misty on the field, Tough in my graveyard and Big Red and Speedroid Taketomborg in hand. I’m trying to figure out how to get 7000 damage on board, but Drident + Agent + Misty + Tough is only 6500, or 6900 if I make Misty and Agent into Gagaga Samurai, but then I realise that Tough is a Wind and I can special summon Taketomborg from hand for the extra 600 damage! But just before I go committing to any plays, I check his graveyard and see the Spiritual Swords and comment to myself “ah damn you can stop the OTK with this anyway”, which prompts my friend to look at the graveyard and go “oh I completely forgot about that”, so my reminder delayed my win by a turn :PThen game 2 I opened Artifact Lancea, Maxx “C”, 2 Interrupted Kaiju Slumbers and Torrential Tribute and think “gee this is terrible”. My friend opens an equally awkward hand of Fairy Tail Snow, Zoodiac Whiptail, a couple of Infernoids he can’t summon and something else I can’t remember. I drop the Maxx “C” on the summon of Whiptail (which I probably shouldn’t have, I was planning on using Slumber anyway) and he passes where I then Slumber him after drawing something unhelpful. He’s forced, next turn, to use Infernoid Harmadik to get over my Kaiju and then summons Snow and starts beating me down with that. To which I then, next turn, respond with my OTHER Slumber and, weirdly enough, end up winning with Kaiju beatdown. He never even got enough cards into the graveyard to use Snow’s effect.Round 4 vs Zoodiac, 2-1 WinOne of the great advantages about playing a rogue deck is taking advantage of the fact that your opponent has no idea what your deck and the individual cards do. He goes first and makes Drident with backrow and Emeral, but by using Assault, Resort, Tough and Agent, I’m able to break through his initial board and clear out his backrow, allow me to then go through the Zoodiac part of my deck and establish a board. He hits some wrong cards with Drident and I eventually overpower him and he scoops.I forget how game 2 goes, but I think it went something along the lines of “he does Zoodiac things and I don’t get cards to out it hard enough”Game 3 is great, we both fight through a bunch of each others’ resources, until I’m down to Quik-Fix, a set Starlight Road, a Drone that I searched and another Big Red in hand, while he has very little. He attacks over Quik-Fix with, I think, Whiptail that I stop from going into an Xyz with Dimensional Barrier. I get out something bigger than the Whiptail and also summon Drone which lets me see his top three cards, a Cosmic Cyclone, a Tenki and a Twin Twister. I know I want the Twin Twister on top, but I pretend to be thinking long and hard about the cards that I see to give my opponent the idea that I don’t want him to use them. I then Big Red to get back the Quik Fix and he drops the Maxx “C”, which I feign annoyance at, search a Big Red, attack him for a little bit of damage, set the Big Red as a bluff and pass my turn. He draws the Twin Twister off Maxx “C” and the Cyclone for turn, then goes to Twin Twister my two set cards which of course gets the biggest smile from me as I flip the Starlight Road. He tries to make a play next turn and attacks into my Drone, which I tribute for its effect to increase Quik-Fix’s atk in the damage step, meaning he can’t do any damage. We’re in time by this point, so he concedes.Round 5 vs Artifact Zoodiac, 1-2 LossAnother friend of mine, although not as close as my other three friends, I did know his deck beforehand and he went on to win the tournament, so I can’t be too upset I lost I guess? The slightly bothersome bit was that he got a game loss for a decklist error and I still lost despite having the lead anyway, haha.So game 1 immediately went to me, game 2 I figured out a pretty troublesome fact about the Artifact variant that being it’s much harder for me to play through backrow with cards like Tough and Agent because they want me to destroy Sanctums and Artifacts. Despite this, I do fight through a Drident and Emeral board and hit a correct backrow, but when I start my Zoodiac play with Barrage he flips Torrential Tribute on the summon of my Broadbull and I’m left with nothing, so he makes a big comeback afterwards and finishes me with Gagaga Samurai.Game 2 I open really mediocre, with Agent, Taketomborg, Starlight Road, SPYRAL Resort and something else I can’t remember, might have been Big Red. I blind call Agent wrong so I can’t go into any rank 4 plays and have to pass just sitting on Starlight Road. He opens Terrortop and is able to go into the Zoodiac plays and also sets 4 backrow. My turn doesn’t get any better and he flips Sanctum in the end phase to summon his Beagalltach which then destroys his set Scythe. He makes Pleiades and, with his existing Zoodiac board, attacks me for game.Round 6 vs Atlantean Mermail, 0-2 LossI can’t remember the last time I beat Water actually, something about the deck’s sheer explosive, OTK potential just makes it hard for SPYRALs to deal with. It’s like, the OTK power they output just overrides the defensive capabilities I can make with the deck.It also probably didn’t help that I didn’t open any Zoodiac cards, so I couldn’t even get out a Drident, but oh well. I get OTKed game 1 and game 2 I open bleh and can’t break his board of Toad, Mizuchi and Megalo.Round 7 vs Metalfoe/Zoodiac/Kozmo, 2-0 WinFinal round and I’m paired against my friend for the fourth time today, which kinda sucks. He goes first, opening pretty decently but I break through it and set up Misty, Agent, Invoker and Drident, which keeps his Pendulum scales from going up and nets me the win.Game 2 is pretty ridiculous: I accidently sided wrong. So normally, if I expect to be going 2nd, I’ll side out my Zoodiac engine for the Kaiju engine. Over the course of the day though, I figured I only ever could get out Master/make proper use of Assault with the Zoodiac engine, so I decided to side that out to make room for more cards that would help in the matchup. In doing so, I accidentally left in 1 Ratpier, my Whiptail and 1 Barrage. So he goes first and made a first turn board of DOG Fighter, Tincan, a Metalfoes card, a set Counter and complete Pendulum scales. I open Kaiju Slumber, Radian, Terrortop and some other irrelevant cards and think “gee I can get over the board but he still has Pendulum scales so next turn he’ll just do everything all over again”. Regardless, I activate Kaiju Slumber to wipe the board (after first summoning Radian over the DOG Fighter) and then, as I’m going through my deck to get out the Kaijus, I see that I’ve left my Rat and Whiptail in the deck and have an internal moment of “holy crap I can make Drident I accidentally might have won this” and then normal summon the Terrortop, search the Taketomborg and do a liiiitttlleee bit of Zoodiac shenanigans to get out Drident. I hit one scale during my turn, force him to make suboptimal plays the next and then draw Resort which gives me the massive resources necessary to maintain my lead and bring the duel to a close.I finished up in 8th place, thanks to excellent breakers and a solid win-loss ratio, earning me a fancy Zoodiac mat and my invite to WCQs! -- source link
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