revisionmate: This is a masterpost containing a lot of masterposts/guides related to studyblrs divid
revisionmate: This is a masterpost containing a lot of masterposts/guides related to studyblrs divided by category. I hope you get a good use out of this.THIS POST WILL BE UPDATED OFTEN!!SchoolDealing with a bad grade by study-wellStudying with depression by study-wellExams / Tests / StudyingGuide to kicking booty on exams by studyignEverything you need to succeed in school by studyignHow to take standardized tests by solarfaeA very long list to help you survive school by listsandmasterpostsHow to answer exam questions by listsandmasterpostsHow to study by listsandmasterposts Academia-related FAQ by hexaneandheelsStudy Tips by hexaneandheelsAP students by if-dementors-were-pinkLazy study tips by meiitanteiHow to take notes from a textbook by statisticsandstationarySATSAT help by studyignSAT by study-wellPrintablesPrintables by studyignProductivityHow to have a very productive summer by studyignHow to wake up early by englishlit-chic5 habits of organized students by study-hackLearn onlineInternet ressources for ur education by studyignHelpful websites by crimicalEssaysStuff u need to write essays by studyignTransition words for your essays by soniastudyblrGrammar girl’s editing checklist by anomalously-writtenStress / Anexity / self careStress reliefs by studyignThe happy masterpost by listsandmasterpostsOne big masterlist by imaginedraginsFeeling okay? by thriveforhappinessCoping skills & distractions by recoverykittyYoga masterpost by queenchanteSubjectsHistory AP world history by studyignHow to tackle AP Euro by futurecristinayangHow I Make History Flashcards by sabitcherPsychologyAP psychology by studyignHow I revise (for psychology A-level) by studyingwithfairydustHow to ace psychology courses by madfurioxMathHow to study math by study-wellHow to take notes for Math by thestudiouspandaStudying for Math by studybroadlyPhysicsBasic Tips for Success in Physics Courses by hexaneandheelsPysics cheat sheets by thelifeofapremedChemistryHow do you recommend studying for orgo? by study-wellHow to Study Biochemistry Pathways: Flashcards & Whiteboards by hexaneandheelsBiologyAny tips about studying for biology? by mindofamedstudentEngineeringJust visit this blogComputer scienceTop 10 tips for Computer Science StudentsAce your Computing Science coursesLiteratureHow I Plan and Write Literature Papers by notaperfectstudentAnnotating Literature by studiesinaonesieJournalingJournal & planner masterpost by rifaJournal/sketchbook resource masterpost by artpricotWhat the heck is a bullet journal by studyignAll in oneGiant school masterlist by blazelukeA big big big masterpost 2014 by listsandmasterpostsBack to school masterlist by niallhrr HOWDYLOSER’S INSANE MASTERPOST WITH 555+ LINKS! -- source link
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