MIDNIGHT STORY – This is the story of trust, love, friendship and solidarity. This is one
MIDNIGHT STORY – This is the story of trust, love, friendship and solidarity. This is one of the stories of @vit_tel_ta_nature (live as nature). Group of photo 4 : a glimpse into the perma-garden ! In March, April and May, David and his team (which I helped on occasions) started to work on the semis. Thousands of baby plants to take care of, from tomatoes to every kind of squashes ! Planting seeds, repotting, repotting, reppppoooootting, preparing the soil, and finally planting into the soil according to their affinity and needs. Sometimes it can be a lot of tests before finding the correct balance. The perma-garden will be labelled organic in 3 years . Until then, and even after, it nourrishes the teams on site, the clients (renting huts) and the locals (humanoïds and animals) when there are surpluses. All of the zones are taken care of with every #permaculture ideas in mind : work WITH Nature, with and for biodiversity, and with each element is fulfilling different roles. When I arrived in March, Spring was barely starting and it was amazing to witness the nature blooming. I believe this year, with less humans around, it was even more breathtaking. #50shadesofgreen I even saw a few foxes venturing close to us. It was a bit comforting to see how nature can have a speed recovery, when we let her… Right now the garden deals with several planting zones, 2 phyto-purification pools and one large greenhouse. Next year, the idea is to build a forest-garden and extend the capacity of greenhouse cultivation. There are always looking for help ! (à Vit tel ta nature) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHEMCjLH1Lr/?igshid=lh2f31hq1voh -- source link