Hey y’all! I’m back! Please enjoy some sims I’ve made over the last few months whi
Hey y’all! I’m back! Please enjoy some sims I’ve made over the last few months while I get some posts together. aDOLTing is back tomorrow!The couple at the top, Brandi and Javon, I made for a gameplay save, and they are a mess. They have two kids who recently aged up to child and teen. Brandi wants to be a writer and is still pretty low in their career. Javon doesn’t work and has been “trying to go to school” for computer engineering throughout their entire…situation. In sims language, he takes one class per term lol. Needless, he’s lazy and noncommittal. They met at a club and started messing around. She got pregnant, and he stepped up…kinda lol. A child wasn’t in the plan for either of them, especially since they weren’t really together, but they made it work. When he decided to start school, she let him move in because it made things easier with the baby. The second one came along with Nia started Kindergarten. It was a boy named Korey. They couldn’t continue living in Brandi’s cramped apartment, so they got a bigger place. Much bigger than they actually needed, and Brandi is nervous. This is where my gameplay picks up. Javon is a bum and has been cheating on Brandi the entire time. Brandi suspects but isn’t sure, so right before Korey’s child birthday she asked him to be her boyfriend, hoping giving their relationship an official title will keep him out the streets. Spoiler alert: she was wrong. She still has no proof he’s been cheating, but frankly she’s tired of carrying their little family and is considering exploring her options. -- source link
#cas junkie