tales-of-unfortunate-friction:Experiment FOTL: ClassifiedCarter was one of our generation’
tales-of-unfortunate-friction: Experiment FOTL: Classified Carter was one of our generation’s lazy geniuses. When people say to give the most strenuous task to a lazy person because they’ll find the fastest way to get it done, they mean guys like Carter.He followed in the footsteps of Floyd, his father. He had big dreams, and though his were less business orientated, he had the same desire to reach for the stars. The difference being Carter wouldn’t even reach for a pencil.The day he got his acceptance letter to his top choice college everyone else was thrilled while Carter was secretly loathing. He knew the road he wanted to travel, but it was an effort. “Mister Leister, if you’re not going to pay attention to the course then may I suggest you just leave for the day???” Carter’s professor asked from the front of the class. This was one of many classed he was taking for his degree in engineering for aeronautics, and it was the one he liked the least. He had to take the most notes here. The prof didn’t use online tools, and Carter couldn’t focus enough to filter the important stuff out of the lesson being given by the teacher’s monotone voice.Carter gathered his bag and walked out of the building. He exited from the advanced engineering building out into the campus mall connecting all of the hard science buildings. The crisp Midwest autumn air rustled through his dark brown hair as he made his way to the soccer fields. They were almost always empty, and Carter used the bleachers as a place to think. Carter was smart, in fact, he was a bit of s smart ass because he knew he was smarter than those around him. But he just wanted to figure out how to make school easier.The quite of the afternoon was cut short by the sound of male laughter. Carter’s focus shifted to a guy standing on the grass just below the bleachers. “Hey dumbass, just because you stare at the grass doesn’t mean a game will suddenly start!” he laughed at his own joke while staring up at Carter.Carter couldn’t even think before the words left his mouth, “No shit meathead…” his voice well above the whisper he intended to use. “Excuse me dork? What did you say to me?” the guy spoke as his book bag and coat hit the ground. Carter froze at the top of the bleachers. Nervously, he tugged at the sleeves of his black pull over sweater while a lump in his throat formed.“S-sorry… I didn’t mean that. I’m just having a really rough day…” Carter tried to reason with the guy hoping he might just let him be.He paused a moment, a look on his face saying he was deciding whether Carter was worth the troubles or not.Apparently he was. Ollie scaled the bleachers two at a time and reached Carter before he could move 10 feet to the left or right. He wrapped his arms around Carter’s torso and ran half hazardous down the bleacher stairs with him.Ollie wasn’t much taller than Carter at 5'9", but it was clear he was much fonder of the gym. “DUDE! Let me down!” Carter kicked and grunted out.Ollie dropped Carter to the ground with ease, “Sure thing man…” his expression smug as he adjusted the sleeves on his grey hoodie sporting the Uni’s logo. The wind swiftly left Carter’s body as he landed on the ground, the left side of his body taking the fall. “You think you’re so funny, huh? I’ve got jokes too dweeb. What’s one part molecular tearing and two parts tearing of cotton???” Ollie grinned down at Carter with a set of crooked teeth and bright blue eyes.“Uhhhmmmm???” Carter racked his brain for an answer as he climbed yo his feet. “An atomic wedgie…” Ollie’s grin twisted into a crooked smile reaching his arms put to once again grab hold of Carter. Carter started to run across the lush green lawn as fast as his legs would carry him. He was no match for Ollie’s sprint. “Ah ah ah!” Ollie called out as he tackled Carter in a bear hug, “Safety first my friend! We have to be sure all your straps are secured in place…” Ollie lifted Carter’s heavy black sweater up, exposing the top of his medium wash Levi jeans. The chilly air hit Carter’s lower back like a cold blast from a garden hose.“C'mon man! Please, don’t do this! Grow up!” Carter once again tried to level with his captor. His words lost to the wind. Ollie’s laugh hit Carter’s ears like a mallet, “Wait wait wait! Dude! Seriously?! Tighty whities!!! Holy shit man this is going to be 10x better than I thought!”“Oh fuck me…” Carter’s words bounced around his head.It was laundry day. Honestly, it was his own undoing. His parents have been telling him since he was 17 that it was fine if he lived at home through college, but that he needed to learn to take care of himself. He ran out of undies on Saturday, and it was now Monday morning. His mom did laundry on Tuesdays. He cursed himself in his head as he felt Ollie’s hands reach down the back of his undies. Carter shivered as Ollie’s cold hands hit the sensitive skin on his ass. He wasn’t even bothering with the waistband, he was going right for the leg holes.“Fuck man come on!” Carter pleaded again, “Don’t do this we’re both in our 20s dude be serio-” Ollie was cut short by the feeling of his FOTL briefs rising up his ass crack. “FUCKING OWWW! DUDE KNOCK IT OFF!” Carter tried to twist around to get a swing at Ollie, only making the wedgie feel worse.“Come on man, you’re so fucking smart, can’t you find a way out of it?” Ollie taunted pulling up on Carter’s undies in one clean pull.Ollie was impressed with his handy work, no tears in the leg holes, minimal tearing in the seams. This was a pretty great wedgie.“Woah, look at this nut crack job! Your undies sure can put up a fight!” Ollie smirked down at Carter.“Fuck! My fucking balls dude! Come on have some fucking mercy!!!”Carter’s testicles slowly inches there way into his abdomen, and his cock bent back between his legs. He hated this, it was so humiliating. Carter had always been the brunt of the joke for people in school. He was good at stuff, important stuff, life-changing stuff, and yet here he was in college getting a wedgie.Ollie noticed a small hole forming along the waistband, about the size he could fir his thumb through.“Well dude, I am a man of my word,” Ollie placed his fingers in the hold and began to tear along the waistband. The fabric breaking as it fought to stay together.“Oh fuck no! No dude no! FUCKING HELL NO!” Carter thrashed about, sending his undies deeper into his ass, the Fruit of the Looms putting up an epic fight against both guys.“Oh no, allow me, it’s not kind to break promises!” Ollie’s face twisted into an evil grin as he got the hole big enough for his plan.“Atomic…” Ollie started.“No please no!” Carter whimpered.“WEDGIE!!!” Ollie said putting all his strength into pulling Carter’s TWs up to his skullCarter groaned out as his dick flipped upward against his stomach. It has shifted with all his thrashing around. As the front of his TWs drew to the back the frigid cold air hit his dick. “Heads up dork!” Ollie reached his free arm over Carter’s head, hooking his fingers under his jaw and over his mouth. His snapped Carter’s neck backwards, Carter naturally arching his back in the process.He tried to scream through ollie’s hand, but nothing but muffled yelps came out. He screwed his eyes shut as the pain grew more and more intense. He didn’t remember wedgies being this awful when he was in school. “Oh! Well, would you look at this!” Ollie spoke calmly as if this way a daily to-do for him.He pulled the band up and snapped it onto Carter’s forehead. The band smacked down just about his eyebrows with a beautiful “thwack” sound.Ollie stood in awe for a moment, keeping his hand on Carter’s waistband for some wedgie afterglow.The look on Carter’s face was hilarious, eyes screwed shut, mouth wired open, his back arched painfully. It was absolutely perfect.Carter’s voice cracked, “FUCKING HELL LET ME GO!” Ollie pulled the band over his chin, letting it snap around his throat just below his jaw. He then shoved his head forward, leaving Carter to be choked by his own undies.“Well, it’s been fun, but I have to be off now. Biochemistry won’t learn itself you know…” Ollie took his hands off Carter’s body.Before leaving he gave a swift tug to Carter’s Levi’s, bringing them to his ankles, and gave him a hard kick to the mid-back, sending his tumbling to the grass yet again. “Ack! Ahhh gahhh!” Carter choked out inhuman gargles and chokes as the band cut off his windpipe while what little air he had in his lungs existed again. Carter scrambled on his back, tugging on the waistband. He gasped, taking in huge gulps of air. As he tried to pull his now completely stretched TWs from his butt he heard Ollie call back over his shoulder to him.“It’s been a blast, we’ll have to do this again sometime!” waving sarcastically.Carter wanted this to be a one-time thing in his heart. But in his mind, he knew that stuff like this wasn’t a one-time occurrence. “There’s no easy fix for stupid…” Carter sighed as he rose to his feet, stuffing his undies back into his jeans.And no cure for lazy either, -- source link
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