luciferlaughs:Twin Peaks was a popular TV show in the early 90s about the small-town murder of Laura
luciferlaughs:Twin Peaks was a popular TV show in the early 90s about the small-town murder of Laura Palmer, whose body had been found in a river, and the secrets that surface in the aftermath of her death. As it turns out, the fictional mystery of Laura’s murder was heavily inspired by a real life one in upstate New York more than a century ago. On the evening of July 7, 1908, 20-year-old Hazel Drew was taking a stroll down Taborton Road. At approximately 7:30, she encountered two men along the way. One was Frank Smith, reportedly a ‘’dim-witted’’ farm boy who was said to be infatuated with Hazel. The other was 35-year-old Rudolf Gundrum, who had been driving his horse-drawn wagon with Frank. They spotted her picking raspberries on the side of the road and simply greeted her before carrying on. Four days later, Hazel’s lifeless and bloated body was found floating face-down in Teal’s Pond. Her skull had been smashed in and there was a piece of ribbon tied around her neck. The water had so badly disfigured her face that she could only be identified by her clothing and the gold fillings in her teeth. Detectives honed in on dozens of suspects, including Frank and Rudolf, a married dentist who proposed to Hazel, and a professor who employed her. What became known as the Teal Pond mystery remains just that—a mystery. -- source link