‘He knew that he was testing himself against the excitements of the world outside, exposing himself

‘He knew that he was testing himself against the excitements of the world outside, exposing himself
‘He knew that he was testing himself against the excitements of the world outside, exposing himself
‘He knew that he was testing himself against the excitements of the world outside, exposing himself
‘He knew that he was testing himself against the excitements of the world outside, exposing himself
‘He knew that he was testing himself against the excitements of the world outside, exposing himself
‘He knew that he was testing himself against the excitements of the world outside, exposing himself
‘He knew that he was testing himself against the excitements of the world outside, exposing himself
‘He knew that he was testing himself against the excitements of the world outside, exposing himself
‘He knew that he was testing himself against the excitements of the world outside, exposing himself
‘He knew that he was testing himself against the excitements of the world outside, exposing himself