Moooving Day Gail sat down the cardboard box and sighed, she was a bit tired of carrying things from
Moooving Day Gail sat down the cardboard box and sighed, she was a bit tired of carrying things from the car into the new apartment, especially after what had happened moments prior. She had been dragging the heavy things out of the car, eager to finish unpacking, and she hadn’t noticed the person walking down the sidewalk behind her. If she had seen them she would have tried not to bump into them, but with her attention focused in on the heavy box in her hands she had quite firmly bumped into them. The box had been dropped, and she was pretty sure something broke, the person was knocked on to the sidewalk and groaned out a harsh curse or two before climbing to their feet and glaring at her. She had tried to explain that she was moving, and that it was a simple accident, but they muttered something along the lines of ‘moving? More like mooing you dumb cow.’ Gail may have exchanged a few choice words back at them, and the whole event had made her tiring day only that much more so.Now that everything was inside she decided to take a long bath, not yet prepared to dig through all the stacked boxes. She moved into the bathroom from the front room and stripped out of her slightly dust covered clothes. She looked her naked body over in the mirror, her mid length red hair didn’t cover her small pert breasts. She didn’t bother to wish that they would grow larger, it had been years since she had gone up a cup sizes, and much like her boxy hips and modest ass, she wasn’t boasting any curves to speak of.The water filled the tub slowly and she looked at herself in the mirror again. Her nose looked a bit red from all the dust, and she gently rubbed it. It didn’t feel stuffed up as much as sore and maybe a little swollen. The tub was nearly as filled as she needed and she stopped fretting over her tired countenance.The hot water burned away some of her tension, and she began to relax for the first time that day. She was usually more of the shower type, but with the large clawfoot tub of her new apartment, she was happy to enjoy a nice relaxing bath. As Gail began to feel her muscles relax there started to grow an odd sensation. She felt like she was melting, like her entire body was soft and pliable. She had closed her eyes and sunk further into the water now, unaware of what was happening. Her body had started to swell, slowly at first, too slow to notice. She was blissfully unaware that her thighs were swelling larger, and that her breasts had grown beyond their usual trim size into a pair of reasonably cuppable tits. The water felt good, it was so hot it felt like she was just melting. Her body was growing larger as she relaxed, plumping as gained weight, but in rather fertile proportions. Her hips widened as her thighs grew, and it was not long before her ass was filling a far larger portion of the tub and her breasts began to weight heavily on her chest. She moved her hand to rub her nose and paused for a confused moment as she brushed past a rather oversized and sensitive nipple. Gail adjusted her position, her lower back was stiff and the hot water while pleasant wasn’t making it any better, in fact, it felt like she was pinching something, and her eyes snapped open as she felt something shift under her. Her hand dip below the water and Gail grabbed a hold of something, it felt smooth on one part and.. was that hair? Suddenly confused and a fair bit concerned about what she was touching she went to stand up. Gail wasn’t prepared, her body was so heavy and tired. As she slowly stood up she began to notice how large she was. Gone was the slim curve-less girl from earlier, replaced with a voluptuously thick body. Her thighs and ass were immense, and her oversized breasts far too big for her to wrap her head around. She rubbed her hands over the soft hot flesh, wet from her bath and more pleasant to the touch than she had expected. She had to stifle a moan, and it wasn’t until that wet hairy shape slapped against her leg that she remembered why she had stood in the first place. She looked down and saw a tail. Even in it’s drenched state it was unmistakable as anything other than a tail, which appeared to be attached to her. She could even move it with a flick of a muscles she was pretty sure she didn’t have. She didn’t know if it was the heat or the shock, but she felt dizzy, and she moved a hand up to her head while she reached out to the wall for support. Her hand felt her oversized ears, and as she moved it up further she felt the hick horn that had caused her sudden dizziness as the bone pushed out into a distinctly bovine shape.Gail got out of the tub and dried off in stunned silence, her mind wasn’t the only thing incapable of wrapping itself around her sudden curves, her towel didn’t manage to nearly cover her huge ass. Gail stood in front of the mirror, posing, looking at her big floppy ears, square pink nose, horns, and tail. Even without the curves, her changes were drastically enough that she doubted her wakefulness on more than one occasion, but the feeling of her swaying tail, of her huge breasts, it was all surreal, but she was pretty sure this was actually happening… -- source link
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