dailyrebekah:Elijah is as good as dead.So is Kol. Before the night’s over,Klaus will follow along wi

dailyrebekah:Elijah is as good as dead.So is Kol. Before the night’s over,Klaus will follow along wi
dailyrebekah:Elijah is as good as dead.So is Kol. Before the night’s over,Klaus will follow along wi
dailyrebekah:Elijah is as good as dead.So is Kol. Before the night’s over,Klaus will follow along wi
dailyrebekah:Elijah is as good as dead.So is Kol. Before the night’s over,Klaus will follow along wi
dailyrebekah:Elijah is as good as dead.So is Kol. Before the night’s over,Klaus will follow along wi
dailyrebekah:Elijah is as good as dead.So is Kol. Before the night’s over,Klaus will follow along wi