2022: Wilpinjong open cut, north-east of Mudgee, NSW. Seams mined here are from the base of the

2022: Wilpinjong open cut, north-east of Mudgee, NSW. Seams mined here are from the base of the
2022: Wilpinjong open cut, north-east of Mudgee, NSW. Seams mined here are from the base of the
2022: Wilpinjong open cut, north-east of Mudgee, NSW. Seams mined here are from the base of the
2022: Wilpinjong open cut, north-east of Mudgee, NSW. Seams mined here are from the base of the
2022: Wilpinjong open cut, north-east of Mudgee, NSW. Seams mined here are from the base of the