sumi-ya:Otose was absolutely lovely in the Taiga dramas, so I was excited to see a whole plaque on
sumi-ya: Otose was absolutely lovely in the Taiga dramas, so I was excited to see a whole plaque on her at the Ryoma museum in Kochi. (I’m not positive about this translation, so please correct me if I got something wrong!) 寺田屋お登勢Terayadaya Otose 京都伏見の船宿「寺田屋」の女将 文政12年(1829)ー明治10年(1877)享年49歳Mistress of the Teradaya boathouse in Fushimi from Bunsei 12 (1829) to Meiji 10 (1877). Died at age 49.近江国大津(滋賀県大津市)出身。Born in Outsu, Oumi Province (Present day Outsu City, Shiga Prefecture).寺田屋6代目の伊助に嫁き、病弱 な主人に代わって家業を切り盛りした. Married to the sixth Teradaya (proprietor) Isuke, she succeeded her husband, who had a weak constitution, in the family business of serving food.人からの頼まれごとには献身的に世話をした。She was dedicated to assisting people. (?)伊助は元治元年(1864)に亡くなったが、再婚せずに寺田屋を守った。Isuke died in Genji 1 (1864) but she protected the Teradaya by not remarrying. 龍馬は慶応元年(1865) 夏頃、薩摩藩の紹介で 出入りし、その頃知り合っていたお龍を登勢に預けた。Because Ryoma was in and out consulting with Satsuma-han in the summer of Keiou 1 (1865), he entrusted Oryo, who he also met in this period, to Otose. 翌 慶応2年1月23日に龍馬はここで伏見奉行 配下の捕り方に襲われ、 大けがをした。Later, on January 23, Keiou 2, Ryoma was attacked there by the police, subordinates of the Fushimi Magistrate, and seriously injured. イメージ。。。龍馬はこの女将にずいぶん世話になり、また慕っていた。Image…Ryoma, indebted to the proprietress, still missed her. この写真は腰かけて、撮影したのだと思うか、宙に浮いたように 腰掛けが消されている. We think she sat to be photographed but the bench is erased and she appears to be floating in space. 女傑 で名高いだけあって, 主人亡き後の宿を守るべく, 気合の入った雰囲気を漂わせている.As might be expected from a celebrated heroine, the fighting spirit she showed protecting the inn after the death of her husband was in the air. お登勢は龍馬の面倒を見ながら, その実, 龍馬の人懐こさにホットすることもあったのだろう。While Otose was caring for Ryoma, in fact, Ryoma probably carried quite a warm friendliness towards her. -- source link
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