hongkongumbrellamovement:1.One of the Hong Kong Government representatives had a press conference
hongkongumbrellamovement: 1.One of the Hong Kong Government representatives had a press conference to cancel the dialogue with Federation of Students and claimed that the number of protesters had declined on Oct 9th, 2014. This is the aftermath on Oct 10th. Who said it’s dying out?2. 十月十日晩,在金鐘聽到上萬的人海聲和擴音器的震動。茫茫人海中我遇見了他。正在專心溫習的David是個歷史物理兼修的中六學生。不久他將經歷DSE考試的洗禮,爭取入讀自己心儀的社會學系。「我知道大家平時都忙,不過好開心今日咁多人。其實佔領運動唔只係學生運動,而係全香港人嘅抗爭。我曾經親身同林鄭講過,而家個選舉制度就好似當年晚清嘅皇族內閣,扮民主呃到一時,呃唔到一世,最後都要玩完。我地學生係無社會經驗。但有又點?人性如舊,歷史不斷喺度重演。如果大人有太多包袱,咁就由我地幫佢地發聲。」“It’s not just a students’ movement. It’s also a fight of all the people of Hong Kong… If the adults have too much burden, we’ll fight and speak for them.” - David, F.6 (Year 12) student from Hong Kong 3. 司徒先生四年前因為交通意外,人生從此變得不一樣。從他的對話中,我卻感受到那股久違的正能量。他熱愛潛水,分享了許多運動心得,當中也不乏對教育的看法。一連七晚在旺角佔領,是對兩個讀中學的兒子的身教。「其實無話改唔改變到呢個世界㗎,好似我自己嘅經歷都改唔到。邊樣好邊樣唔好有時都好難講得清楚。凡事只係問下自己,過唔過到自己個心。我出嚟呢度坐,就係要比兩個仔明白咩係正確。」Mr. Seto’s life was changed after a car accident four years ago. He’s been staying in Mong Kok for a week already as a role model for his two sons who are in junior school.“It’s not really changing about the world, just like how I can’t change my past. It’s also difficult to say what’s good and what’s bad. But whenever something happens, follow your conscience. I’m sitting here because I want my sons to know what’s the right thing to do." * The rest of the photos are all bits and pieces throughout the current movement.P.S. Sorry that I haven’t updated the site much lately. The English caption is only a very rough draft. If you want more updated news on the Umbrella Movement, please follow the Facebook Page Hong Kong Democracy NowCaptions in English by Ashley Y.Captions in Chinese & Photo Credits: 馬丁 Martin Witness -- source link
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