queenofthieves: Very little has been written about
queenofthieves: Very little has been written about the history of Irish dance costumes. I was googling around last night and finally found the only good theses written on the topic. If you are familiar at all with Irish dancing in the 21st century, you may ask yourself why the costumes look so wack. Essentially nothing about the modern day solo costumes have anything to do with any irish design, production, nor handicrafts. The newer looks not only reflect a vastly different mode of production than in the past (chinese production vs. cottage industry), but also a change of identity. Those who appreciate the newer designs, do so because they view the traditional velvet costumes, colors, and designs as a static and overly rigid interpretation of the irish tradition. The Scottish highland dancing costume (pictured last, for comparison) (Yes, scottish dancing is a thing.) has been more preserved from the past, as has the kilt. Those dancers don’t wear wigs or fake tan. But anyways, what does that tiny dress you see Irish dancers today have in common with the past? Irish dress & culture were actually banned in the 1500s. During the cultural revival of the late 19th century, the Gaelic League and other cultural leaders wanted to revive & preserve what they saw as a disappearing indigenous Irish culture. The “celtic costume” is the top image. This was in vogue with Gaelic League members in the first two decades of the 20th century. Gaelic League leaders rejected an idealized peasant costume, but looked back to the pre-16th c. ancient past. The “celtic costume” has fallen out of favor, but some aspects of the “celtic costume” + the scottish kilt were used to create the dress shape we see as institutionalized in the irish dance world since the 1950s. Irish dance schools would have all their dancers dress in matching costumes. Eventually production has moved offshore, materials and modes of production and styles have changed. It’s a universal story you all know. I understand that people can be sick of the past and want to change, or have room to express themselves. But personally, all those garish designs and colors mortify me. Today the Irish dancers get made up like pageant girls. They even all have spray tans. Which seems crazy, because if you are representing irish culture…shouldn’t you be okay with your pale skin? -- source link