vineshia: imthepunchlord: rehks-the-mess:theuniquefoodie:crimsonclad:kedreeva:palpablenotion
vineshia: imthepunchlord: rehks-the-mess: theuniquefoodie: crimsonclad: kedreeva: palpablenotion: speedforcesensitive: satanstruemistress: vinato71: dustypumpkin: rossmallo: thehornedwitch: thesocialjusticecourier: thehornedwitch: somejane: namesnotfred: gimmeacoldbeer: kijikun: striderwolf: crazyqueerclassicist: north-american-weesnaw: friso1990: catsteaks: gorreality: “I can’t be vegan, I love cheese” Dairy industry is as evil as meat. No less harm for animals. Does it look natural that calf can’t drink milk so you can taste your piece of cheese? GO VEGAN. WRONG That calf is wearing a nose tag. Nose tags are put on calves so that they are able to stay with their mothers longer, but are unable to nurse. They don’t NEED to nurse as they get older, they just get greedier and pushier and will bash up the cow’s udder and bruise it with their noses. This nose-tag is so that calves can stay with their mothers, their mothers can remain pain-free and healthy, and nobody is stressed. Educate yourselves you ignorant fucking tarts. …really? You don’t think it might have anything to do with the milk being stolen for human consumption? At all? Not even a tiny bit? Militant vegans can fuck right off Based on fur texture and face shape, that calf is at least six months old, probably older. Calves can survive without actual cow milk even at three months, though older is better (calves weaned that early are usually fed a sort of formula for another couple months). Also, nose tags like that one don’t go through the cow’s septum. They basically work like those fake septum rings for humans. In addition to weaning the calves, another use for nose tags is protecting non-lactating cows. Sometimes weanlings or even adult cows will suck on themselves or other non-lactating cows; this can cause internal teat scarring bad enough to prevent that teat or teats from ever working. I’ve seen this happen, and it’s ugly, probably at least somewhat painful, and, if bad enough, would lead to the cow being slaughtered at a very young age because she can’t produce milk, has chronic mastitis, and/or can’t be milked with automatic milking equipment. So, nose tags actually prevent animal cruelty. Also, calves will suck on anything remotely oblong (and attempt to eat literally anything), even if they are being adequately fed or overfed. Often they will suck on other calves’ ears, and, since ears are longer than teats and cows have upper as well as lower teeth in the back of their mouths, many calves get bites on their ears, which often become severely infected. I’m not sure if nose tags would work there, because physics—a non-toxic but bad-tasting ear paint would be better—but yeah, letting a calf put anything it wants in its mouth is not always a good idea. reblogging for educational purposes. reblogging for people being schooled This was the funniest argument about false cruelty I have read.. Thank you. I love this for 2 reasons: Most people don’t realize that in farming areas agriculture/horticulture/animal husbandry is part of public school education from as early on as 7th grade. (Though I remember dissecting cow eyes in 4th grade science sooo) I assure you fifteen year old farm kids know more about what constitutes animal cruelty in farms than thirty year old vegans with, or without an agenda. Also that if you really want good quality beef/pork/eggs/milk/etc you don’t abuse your animals. Ever. That’s not the point and if you want to make any kind of money off your career choice, you are going to treat those creatures better than you treat yourself. You’ll call a vet five times for an infection in your herd before you visit the hospital for a missing foot on your own leg. So. Yeah. Watch out, because we’re getting internet access these days. We’re on tumblr too. P.S. The immigrant workers farming your supermarket produce have no health care or legal protection, and the Bolivians farming your 365 Organic Quinoa can’t afford to eat it. But PLEASE won’t someone think of the poor baby cows who won’t get off the tit?! Also this is a LOT nicer than what mother cows do to calves that won’t be weaned. You know what mother cows do to calves that won’t wean? kick them in the head. Now I don’t know about vegans, but I’d rather have a nose tag that discouraged me from injuring my mother (because calves that don’t wean tend to chew on udders and make mother cows bleed) rather than being kicked in the head.Source: I grew up on a fucking cattle ranch. I have seen chickens skeletonize a mouse I KNOW SHIT. “I have seen chickens skeletonize a mouse I KNOW SHIT.” I’m sorry, what? What??? WHAT??? you can’t just leave it there please explain @thehornedwitch Happy to explain!See, chickens are omnivorous. They eat bugs, plants, and meatstuffs. Y'know how crows and ravens and things eat meat? Well, chickens too. Ours had a particular fondness for ham when someone accidentally put it into the bucket of good scraps we set aside for the chickens. A bucket we tried to keep as meat-free as possible, because few things are more terrifying than a chicken looking you in the eyes as it scarfs down ham.Anyway, back to the mouse.One day i was doing Chicken Chores, like gathering eggs, putting out grain, emptying the bucket of greens, etc, when a mouse runs across the pen.All at once, eight or so chickens stop dead, look at it, and SWARM.Now I’m six at this point in time and developing a healthy fear of chickens, and so do nothing.By the time the chickens are done, all that is left of the mouse is its bones. I left the chicken pen very, very quickly.Chickens crave meat. They were dinosaurs. They did not forget that they were dinosaurs.They will also cannibalize each other with reckless abandon. Sometimes we just had to remove one chicken to its own private pen away from the others because no matter what we did, that specific one always tried to eat the other chickens. We had one that really liked other chicken’s eyes. Bear in mind, our pens ensured each chicken had about five to six square feet all its own if you managed to space every chicken out evenly, we never locked them in teensy pen things, and fed them LOTS. These chickens just really, really wanted to maim.Chickens that are not Buff Orpingtons are the devil. Buff Orpingtons are sweethearts. If you must have chickens, have that kind. And never get Guineas. Guineas are SATAN INCARNATE. THEY SMELL FEAR. Holy shit, I dont think I’ll ever use chicken as an insult again. Holy Shit, same here that is terrifying Will I’m using it as a compliment I love farm animals. “Chickens crave meat. They were dinosaurs. They did not forget that they were dinosaurs.” If you’ve ever looked a chicken in the eye you know that they don’t just remember; they’re patiently awaiting the day they become dinosaurs again. @kedreeva I have reblogged this before because watching farmers school vegans is always hilarious, but now we’re into birds, specifically fowl, and I have got stories. I had to give my turkey an antibiotic injection once upon a time, and she turned the needle puncture into a six inch by three inch hole in her back overnight as she attempted to eat herself because apparently turkeys find themselves to be delicious. She had to spend 3 months duct taped into a tea towel (the bandages underneath cleaned and replaced daily, mind you) until it healed because she would not stop ripping the bandages off to continue consuming herself. Your chickens strip a mouse to the bone? Mine draw and quarter them and run around with the parts shrieking. My peacocks grab mice, beat them to death on the ground with this insanely fast back and forth head twisting motion, and then swallow them whole. You would not think an entire adult mouse would fit in their face, and you would be wrong. I knew a guy that used to regularly post photos of the 5-6′ long Copperhead snakes his peafowl would destroy. And I don’t mean kill, I mean destroy. These venomous snakes would get into the pens and the peas would just peck them into oblivion like nbd. Fowl didn’t just used to be dinosaurs. They are still dinosaurs. Thankfully they are small dinosaurs and we can just tape them into tea towels if we have to BEGGING for a Jurassic Park reboot where farmers run the place instead of brogrammer scientists, and the raptors frequently get scolded and taped into tea towels Y'all! This post took a crazy turn. Read it all and enjoy the ride! I am actually crying right now this is terrifying information When I get asked about owning chickens, I always say that to own chickens, its a soap opera mixed with game of thrones. Drama will pop up, over the smallest things sometime, and everything wants to kill them, and they’re ready to kill anything that’s smaller than them and moving. Farm Animals are crazy across the board.My best friend had a pig and 3 goats in a pen on their land. It was a pretty big pen with some of those vertical climbing bits for the goats.It was at the bottom of a steep hill (that I had a few issues with over the years) their house at the top.I was feeding the animals, while my friend was getting another bag of feed from the house, I changed the water and noticed I left the knife i needed to open the bag of feed outside the pen.Now we couldn’t ever open the gate of the pen because the goats would fucking run wild, so we always climbed over the gate.So here I am getting ready to heave my 10 year old self over this huge gate (had to be huge to keep the goats in - they were very mischievous), when the pig came up to me and started sniffing my right thigh.Couple of sniffs I push it away. Another couple of sniffs and I pushed again. Then CHOMP.My leg to this day (now 23 years later) has an indent from where that stupid sack of bacon took a chunk out of my thigh.Two things are very memorable to me from that bite.First I had to fucking climb that fence and that stupid hill while bleeding and limping the whole way. Second was that the night after I was chomped on. That pig killed and ate all the goats in the pen. My friends brother (the one who actually owned the pig) refused to kill it despite the carnage that it had done. Within 2 weeks it had grown 2 foot tusks and its hair had hardened.It literally took a little less than 2 weeks for that pig to go completely feral. Until the day it died of old age it killed anything that went into that pen. Deer, squirrels, rabbits, once a skunk.Nobody could mow in the pen anymore without risk of attack so the grass grew over 6ft in height. So as that stupid pig would move around it would look like a raptor pen in Jurassic Park.Moral of the story Pigs are also crazy farm animals and if you fall down and can’t get up in a pig pen that fucker will eat you and your bones. Reblogging for all the content goodness of this post and being a farmer. -- source link
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