“In a study published Tuesday in the journal Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, he and his
“In a study published Tuesday in the journal Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, he and his colleagues found that sniffing linalool, an alcohol component of lavender odor, was kind of like popping a Valium. It worked on the same parts of a mouse’s brain, but without all the dizzying side effects. And it didn’t target parts of the brain directly from the bloodstream, as was thought. Relief from anxiety could be triggered just by inhaling through a healthy nose.“Their findings add to a growing body of research demonstrating anxiety-reducing qualities of lavender odors and suggest a new mechanism for how they work in the body. Dr. Kashiwadani believes this new insight is a key step in developing lavender-derived compounds like linalool for clinical use in humans.”Read the full story: New York Times, “Lavender’s Soothing Scent Could Be More Than Just Folk Medicine“(Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Text Credit: New York Times) -- source link