Memories of Summer (part 2 of 2; [part 1])Before season’s end, one last trip to the boardw
Memories of Summer (part 2 of 2; [part 1])Before season’s end, one last trip to the boardwalk for rock candy~Valyntine is a Roserindoll Dreaming Dino head with a faceup by Meggilu and a Volks SD girl swarrico body. Her shirt is by 温/hal, her tank top is by an unknown dealer, and her shorts are by girlish*kiss. Her necklace is by Citron, and her bracelet is by OILSHOCK. Her hat is by a poco a poco, her legwarmers are by MILKDOLL, her bag is by Silver Butterfly, and the scarf inside is also by OILSHOCK. The rock candy is by @highpriestessice. -- source link
#bjdphotography#valyntine#roserindoll#pixydoll#dreaming dino#sd10 girl#girlishkiss#girlish kiss#citron#oilshock#oil shock#milkdoll#silver butterfly#sbs works#unknown#mystery dealers#highpriestessice