Anonymous said: Can you write about a girl who accidentally ends up making porn with sadistic guys?J
Anonymous said: Can you write about a girl who accidentally ends up making porn with sadistic guys?Jennifer Johnson said: This is my kind of story, actually. I had a great time writing this. Looking for a Free RideThe day I met James for the first time was unlike any other in my young life. I’m from Minnesota, and I’d always wanted to live in sunny California, where the stars seemed to live it up. I wanted to be rich and famous someday, so I decided to move there as soon as I turned eighteen to pursue my dream of being an actress. My dreams kept me going through high school, where I stood out like a sore thumb with my high-fashion outfits and starlet-style makeup looks. I was probably the only girl in Saint Paul that looked like I was straight out of a fashion magazine. I had my pick of the guys in school, but honestly, they were boring as fuck, and I vowed to myself that the day I turned eighteen, I was moving to L.A. to live in the sun. I had a job in high school that allowed me to save up the money that I needed to move to L.A. The only problem was that it wouldn’t last long once I got there. I needed to find a job quickly, and I needed a place to live. I started looking for apartments as soon as I turned eighteen, but most of them wanted proof of income, which was a joke because I didn’t make enough to rent in any of the locations I wanted. I wanted to be in Hollywood, or maybe Malibu, but the price tag was too high, and I didn’t have any credit. I was devastated. I didn’t know how I would make it. I only knew that I had to find a way. Luckily, I ran across James in an online chat room on Swing Low Chat. He was much older than me, but he said he lived in L.A. That was enough for me to ask if I could send him a direct message, and he agreed. “I have an apartment building in downtown L.A.,” he explained. “Do you think I could rent an apartment from you?” I asked, so desperate to make my dreams come true that I would have done anything. “Sure, but rent isn’t exactly cheap. Do you have a job lined up?” “No, I don’t yet, but I will! I will find a job as soon as I get out there.” I typed. “Why don’t we talk for a bit so I can see if you’re someone I can trust,” James wrote. “Absolutely!” I agreed, and we chatted well into the night. We talked about everything from sex to Donald Trump, and I wondered if James was my destiny. I knew it was stupid to think that a relationship could evolve from an online chat server, but James was incredibly charming, and I let down my guard. I told him everything about myself, including my desire to make it as an actress in Hollywood, a dream I didn’t share with many. “I know some people in the industry. One of my friends is a film producer. When you come out, I’ll introduce you.” “That would be awesome!” I gushed. By the time I went to bed, it was already morning, and the sunlight bled through my window, reminding me that I still had a life in Saint Paul to attend to before my big dreams could begin. The next few weeks were a blur of packing my belongings into one suitcase and putting most of my beautiful wardrobe into boxes for my parents to ship when I was settled. I knew that they expected me to fail. It was in the way they told me they hoped I made it and in the way they packed the boxes toward the back of the garage as if they would stay there for an eternity. I knew that I couldn’t fail. I didn’t want to come back to Minnesota ever again. I would rather die than give my parents the satisfaction of knowing they were right about me. The truth is, I’d failed at a lot of things. I started activities and then gave up on them. My parents tried their best to encourage me, but I always took the most complicated route to prove that I could do it my own way. My parents cried as I boarded my flight. They insisted on walking me all the way to the gate so they could spend as much time with me as possible. “You’re sure you have a place to live?” my mom asked for the twentieth time. “Yes, mom. My friend James owns an apartment building, and he said I could stay there and he’d help me find a job.”“That’s so nice of him, but I worry. You’re a young, pretty girl.” She brushed a lock of my brown hair back from my face. “You could easily get taken advantage of.” “I’ve been talking to James for months, and he knows my situation. He knows me well, and I trust him,” I tried to convey this to my mother, but it was challenging since I doubted James and his trustworthiness. I would handle whatever happened, but I feared that my mother would be right. She had been right on many occasions where I’d been sure she was wrong.“Let her go on her adventure, honey,” my father warned my mother with a look that I knew meant she needed to shut up. “Honey, we worry about you. Please call your mother at least once a day, so we know you are alive, okay?” My dad leaned in for a hug. I hugged him tightly, tears springing to my eyes. I gave my mother a hug, and I left to start my life in California. I slept through the entire plane ride, and as I stepped out into the California sunshine, I couldn’t believe that it was still so light in the evening. The sunset was spectacular, and I wished to stop and stare, but I had to meet James! By the time I made it to our designated meeting spot, my heart was pounding. I wheeled my suitcase and my backpack toward the gate where James had promised he would pick me up. I was scared as I realized how many people were around me. LAX was a huge airport, and though I had felt confident in Minnesota, I felt like a tiny speck of dust in the California desert. What if James didn’t show up? What if he never came for me, and it was all a cruel joke? I’d wasted all my money on a plane ticket, and I had some left to rent a motel if I really needed to, but I was counting on James. I texted him incessantly, but there was no answer. I fought back the tears as my parents’ texts began to fill up my phone. They wanted to confirm all was well, but I couldn’t answer them. All wasn’t well, and I couldn’t stand the thought of them being right about James, even if I had my own doubts about him. “Hey! Tiana! Is that you?” A voice called from the curb, and I looked up to see James driving a large, white van. He cut the engine and got out to greet me.“Hey! James! I was starting to worry you weren’t coming! I texted you!” I tried to explain, but James got out of the car and took my suitcase from me to put it in the back of the van. He reached for my backpack, but I clung to it and shook my head. “I need this with me,” I explained. “How was your trip?” “I slept through it,” I shrugged, and he opened the door for me to get into the passenger seat. He didn’t answer me, closing the door and heading to the driver’s seat instead. There was an uncomfortable silence between us, but I didn’t know what to say. We waited in traffic for what seemed like forever. I was antsy to get my new life started. “You’re so much prettier in person,” James finally said, moving his hand to my knee. He gave it a little squeeze. “Thanks,” I said, knowing that my parents had been right about James. He was just planning on using me for sex or something. I knew that going in, and I was okay with it, at least I thought I was. I needed a room, and he needed a pussy to fuck. We’d talked a bit about it on Swing Low, but I wasn’t sure how soon he would expect sex. The longer I could hold out, the longer I could drag my stay with James out. He was my ticket to making it in California without my parents. “So, are you hungry? Should we grab some food?” “Can we go to where I’ll be staying to see what it’s like? Then maybe we can go to the grocery store later if you don’t mind?” “Well, I hope you plan on compensating me for gas, Tiana. Gas prices are fucking ridiculous here in California.” I stiffened. “Of course. You said something about me getting a job with a producer?” “Yes. In fact, I’ll text Darnell now. He should be there by the time we get back. Are you excited about getting started with your new life?” “You know I am!” I said, finally allowing myself to relax and anticipate my success.“That’s a good girl,” James said, and I worried about how he said it like he owned me or something. We arrived at the dilapidated apartment complex, and I wasn’t shocked. James had told me the name of the apartment complex, and I looked it up online and found out all about it. There were a lot of negative reviews, and I knew it wasn’t going to be paradise or anything. What I wasn’t accounting for was the neighborhood that it was in. Hookers and beggars walked the streets. People huddled in what looked like drug deals, and children played mere feet from the transactions. Menacing black men with their pants sagged and du-rags adorning their heads grouped together throughout the block, and I was absolutely terrified. “James, are those gang members?” I asked. I knew I sounded like a tourist, but I was genuinely concerned. “I’ll make sure you’re protected. You don’t have to worry.” “What do you mean protected? You think someone would hurt me?” “This isn’t the best neighborhood. I told you that, Tiana, remember? I told you there were drugs and gang members, and you said you didn’t mind, that you’d make do until you could afford to live somewhere better,” he reminded me.“I know. I just didn’t realize what it was actually like. They’re so…scary.” “Like I said, I’ve got you.” James smiled warmly, and I wasn’t afraid of him, but maybe I should have been. I let him give me a rough hug, but I stiffened in his arms. I wasn’t sure that I could handle this situation. “You’ll be fine, Tiana. Trust me. Let’s go inside.” James had the best apartment of the bunch, according to him. It had two bedrooms, one of which would be my room. He showed me my room, and I saw it had a small futon and a clothing rack. The closet was filled with James’s belongings, and part of the room was filled with storage boxes. “I told you it isn’t the best room in the world, but you can live here rent-free as long as you find a job and pay me when you can. Just like we agreed.” “It’s perfect,” I said, trying not to sound ungrateful. “I’m thankful you have this to give me. Thank you.” “Darnell is texting. He’s here. Come on, follow me!” James dropped my suitcase in the corner of my new room, and I placed my backpack gingerly next to it. This was my new home. I followed James down the hall and into the small living room. Darnell was one of the black men I’d seen on the street. He wore a dark blue du-rag and had large lips that he kept pursed as if he was about to give someone a kiss. “Sweet James! What’s up, bro?” “Hey, man!” I watched them do an elaborate handshake before Darnell turned to look at me. “Is this our star?” Darnell asked, giving me a once-over. “This is Tiana,” James introduced me, and I reached my hand out to shake Darnell’s. He gave me a strange look, but he shook my hand.“You didn’t tell me she looked like she was twelve!” Darnell laughed. “She’s eighteen.” “No, that shit’s good! We can make so much money if she looks twelve. It’s fine. I’ve got a whole idea for you two and for me too! It’ll be awesome!”“What is he talking about?” I asked James.“You didn’t tell her?” Darnell’s eyebrows raised with concern.“I figured you could tell her since you’re the producer,” James said smoothly. “Sure, sure! So you need a job, and I need a starlet. Sweet James told me you wanted to be a star, right?” “Yes!” I exclaimed. “I want to be an actress!”“Well, my ideas require plenty of acting, and you will make good money if you stick with me. I’ve made a lot of movies so far, and I’ve been pulling in some good money. I want to make sure you can pay the rent.”“Oh, thank you so much, Darnell! What kind of movies?” “I’ve been doing a lot of uncle/niece incest movies lately, but I’ve done a lot of other stuff. Now that I see how young you look, I think I can make you an even bigger star!” he promised. “Wait. Uncle/niece? Are you talking about porn?” I took a step back away from both James and Darnell. My parents had been right once again. I knew I had enough money to buy a plane ticket home, and maybe I could find somewhere to stay for a few nights so I could at least see California before I left again. I couldn’t make porn. I just couldn’t. “Yeah, what did you think all the cameras were for? We’ve shot quite a few scenes here, haven’t we, Sweet James?” “Why do you call him Sweet James?” I asked. “That’s his name.” “I just call him James.” “Well, you’re not from around here. Stick around, and you’ll be calling him Sweet James all night long, right man?” “Yeah, I should have told you, Tiana, but I figured you’d be in a better position to make a good choice once you got here. You already said you’d fuck me for a room. I figured porn would be a great way for you to earn your keep and get you on track to the lifestyle you want. I’m just trying to help you.” “It feels like you’re trying to exploit me!” I screamed angrily. “You should’ve told me!” I turned away from the guys so they wouldn’t see the tears hanging in my eyes when they fell. I hadn’t noticed on my way in, but it looked like James was filming something in the living room by the way he had cameras set up at varying angles. I should have put things together, but I was still naive and trusting then. I was blissfully unaware that the cameras were meant for me and that my new job would be making porn. “Tiana, you should at least let Darnell show you the movies he’s made and the money he’s earned. You might be more into it when you see how much you can make,” James touched my right shoulder. I spun around. “I don’t want to do porn! What if someone from Minnesota sees me? What if my parents see me?” “I can make it so no one sees your face. You don’t have any tattoos, do you?” Darnell asked. “We can cover up most of those with makeup, but I can absolutely shoot you without revealing your identity. Come on over here, and let me show you some of the movies I’ve made.” Darnell sat down on the couch and grabbed a laptop sitting on the coffee table. He opened it up and pulled up some porn. I was shocked when I saw the name of his company because it was familiar to me. I’d watched his porn before while I masturbated. I didn’t say anything as I watched several of his videos, all starring a young, stupid girl just like me who was being exploited. “Now, let me show you the money, honey.” Darnell reached for a duffel bag and pulled out a stack of cash. “Hold out your hand.” “Why?” “Just hold it out.” “Okay, fine.” I held my hand out and watched Darnell count out two thousand dollars.“I’ll pay you two-thousand a week if you work twenty hours. That’s part-time. You’ll still have some time to pursue your real dream of being a mainstream actress. Of course, you’ll probably get more famous if you stick with me. I can make you a big porn star. I’ve built up some other young ladies. Let me show you.” Darnell showed me a series of women who had hundreds of thousands of views on Xvideos and Pornhub. My heart was beating so fast that I was afraid I’d have a heart attack. I looked up at James, who had busied himself with straightening items on a bookshelf. He shrugged as if to say I was on my own in making my choice. “Can I quit anytime if I don’t like it?” “Sure,” Darnell assured me. “And you won’t show my face.” “Nope, I can shoot you without your face.” “Okay…I think I’ll try it.” “Let’s go then. I’ve got the cameras set up, and we’ve got a few hours before I have to shoot Becca.” “Who is Becca?” I asked.“One of my other girls. She’s pretty famous these days. She’s really good at sucking dick. How are you at blowjobs?” Darnell asked. “I don’t think I’m that good. Not like a porn star.” “It’s okay. I actually don’t care how experienced you are. It won’t matter for our scene. Sweet James, you need to get ready. Tiana, we need to choose a porn name for you.” “Uh, I don’t know,” I said honestly. It was all happening so fast, and I couldn’t seem to slow things down. James was already naked, and his huge cock I’d seen a million times via chat was now larger than life. “Put this on,” Darnell threw something my way. It was a pair of children’s pajamas with a print of tiny hearts all over them. “But these are kid’s pajamas!” “Yeah. Those will make you money. Put them on!” Darnell commanded. He was now in director mode, and I tried my best to get the pajamas on even though they were tight. “Okay, Tiana, this should be easy. You’re going to pretend to be asleep, and Sweet James will find you like that and mess with you while you are sleeping. I want you to pretend to be asleep at all costs, no moaning or making any noises. No movement. Understand, Tiana?” “Yes,” I said. At least I didn’t have to do anything. I just had to lay there and take James’s dick, which I had been planning to do in the first place. “I think your name should be Candy Skies,” Darnell told me. It wasn’t a suggestion. He decided for me, and I took my position face-down on the old, nasty couch and waited for something to happen. I listened as the men got the cameras rolling, and I tried my best to hold still as James began to touch and fondle my “sleeping” body. He unbuttoned a flap in the pajamas that uncovered my ass and pussy. His hands pawed my tits and ass as I fought to remain still and quiet. I knew my naughty bits were on display, but I had no idea how many cameras were trained on me as James rubbed his dick all over my ass. He fingered my pussy a bit, trying to get me wet, and I was shocked when the wetness came, despite my fear. James had a huge cock. I should have guessed that he was a porn star when he sent me pictures and videos on Swing Low chat. I had never fucked a dick that big, but I figured I could handle it if porn stars could. I felt sorry for myself for being so fucking stupid as James’s huge dick pushed into me. It was too big for my tiny hole, and it stretched me out beyond measure. It took every ounce of strength not to scream as he used me. It hurt a bit at first, but it began to feel good as James expertly fucked me. I knew I was close to cumming, and I had no idea how I would keep myself from crying out. James was fucking me harder and faster now, jarring my body with every thrust until I couldn’t stand any more. I let out a small whimper, and James stopped, pausing to let me compose myself again. He began to move again, and my orgasm was still right there in front of me. My body was responding, and I couldn’t help but whimper again. “Shut the fuck up!” James said, and he smacked me in the back of the head. “Oww!” I screamed into the couch, my face still buried in the old cushions.“Go back to sleep! Don’t tell anyone what I’m doing to you, or I’ll kill you,” James snarled. He sounded so mean and menacing that I became actually frightened. I screamed loudly, but James reached down, wrapping his hand over my mouth so I couldn’t make a sound. “You don’t want your parents to find out what a little slut you are, do you? You like when your Uncle James fucks your pussy, don’t you?” I nodded vigorously.“That’s what I thought. Take my dick, but keep your mouth shut, bitch, or I’ll make you sorry.” James wasn’t being very sweet anymore. His hand slid down to my throat, and he squeezed it tightly until I was choking and sputtering. He pumped his cock in me, using my body to make himself feel good. I imagined what it would be like if I was a young girl, and this was my uncle sneaking into the living room to use my pussy while I was asleep. I imagined how scary that would be, and for some reason, it only made my orgasm better. I screamed, but no sound came out. Instead, I gasped and wheezed as I fought for air as James held me down. By the time he released his hand from my throat, I was desperate for air. I did my best to breathe, but it was tough with my face still buried in the couch. James grabbed a pillow and placed it over my head, then flipped my body over so he could remove what was left of the pajamas.“Let your uncle show you a fun game!” he said in a singsong voice that someone would use to talk to a child. “Lay there and keep that pillow over your face, and I’ll show you how to play.”James grabbed my legs and bent them back until they were over my head. He made sure the pillow was still covering my face, then turned around, so he was sitting on the back of my thighs. He angled his cock, so it went straight down into my pussy. I realized that my pussy and ass were facing the cameras in this position. It was a strange angle, but somehow it felt so much more amazing than any other sex I’d had. James held my body in place with his thighs, and he was sitting on my legs so that I couldn’t move. I could have fought him, but it felt so good that I let things continue, not realizing just how much he was using my pussy. He played with my pussy, working the head of his cock in and out of me. He fucked my pussy this way, taking his time and using it, stopping only to pull his cock out and spread my holes open for the camera. I had never been put on display like this, and I didn’t like the idea of millions of people seeing my holes. I worried that my face had been in the shot, and I wanted to say something, but I was afraid to ruin the scene. I didn’t really want to do this again. As soon as it was over, I would call it quits and return to Minnesota. This would all seem like a bad dream by the time I got back home.Another orgasm erupted from inside of me. My pussy clenched on James’s cock with each spasm, but I turned my screams inward, trying my best to remain silent. “Oh, I’m gonna cum!” James announced, and I stiffened, hoping that he wasn’t planning on cumming inside of me. I was on birth control, but I was worried about diseases. These people made porn all the time at home. I doubted they were getting regular STD tests. This was what I thought when James finally came. His first few squirts were inside me, but he pulled out and came all over the outside of my pussy and ass. He pulled my pussy apart, and I heard it fart as his cum spewed from my pussy and onto my asshole. James made a big show of it for the camera, playing in the cum and rubbing his cock all over me until my pussy and ass were a huge mess. “Okay, cut! Got it!” Darnell called out. “Get off of me!” I cried, and James helped me up, noticing my body’s large indent on the couch. “My legs fell asleep!” “Sorry, that was a weird position. I kind of improvised, but damn! That was so fucking hot! You’re really good at this, Tiana, better than any other girls we already have working. You’re going to be a huge star if you stick it out.” “You think?” I asked, wishing that it was true. “Yeah, baby! You are a natural!” Darnell jumped in. “I’m going to edit and post this, and we’ll see how it does. How about that?” “I guess.” “You want to shoot one with me tonight? My dick is even bigger than Sweet James’s,” Darnell promised. He threw me a box of baby wipes to clean up with.“I don’t know…” “Come on! I’ll give you some more money if you want.” “Sure!” I answered, already changing my mind about leaving for Minnesota. Maybe I could really do this for a living. I could make things work. “Cool. For this one, you’re going to wear this mask,” Darnell handed me a mask that looked like a sleeping mask for a child. It looked like a little teddy bear. I put the mask on, happy that it covered most of my face. “Now what?” “Pretend to be asleep on the couch, and I’m going to wake you up by making you suck my big, black dick. Sound good?” “Okay,” I agreed, and I took my place on the couch and waited for them to turn the cameras on. It was a bit easier the second time around. I did an excellent job of pretending to be asleep until Darnell started slapping me across the face with his dick to wake me up. “Your Uncle Ty has a bone to pick with you!” Darnell sounded so evil, but this turned me on for some reason. He shoved his cock down my throat and fucked me so hard that I retched and puked all over the coffee table.“That’s gross as fuck, honey. Bend over, let Uncle Ty fuck your tight white pussy!” “Okay,” I said, trying to keep my voice small and insignificant the way it would be if something like this really happened to me. I was getting into the role and playing the part. I bent over the couch and waited. “Pull your ass cheeks apart for your uncle!” I did as he asked, pulling my ass apart, so my holes were on display again. Darnell’s huge cock struggled to enter my small, white pussy. I’d never fucked a black man, and I was intimidated. He grabbed some lube, forcing that giant cock into me until I was taking it. “You’re so tight, I can barely get my dick in you!” Darnell snarled. I wasn’t expecting it, but he smacked me upside the head and then grabbed a clump of my hair and pulled, using it as a handle to pull me back onto his waiting cock. I’d never felt so used before, and I realized that this was Darnell’s thing. He loved using and manhandling young, innocent girls like me. He was getting off on my pain. “Help!” I screamed. “Mommy! Daddy!” “Your Mommy and Daddy can’t save you from this dick!” Darnell screamed. “Uncle Ty will fuck you up, and I’m going to use this tight, white asshole too!” “No!” I screamed, this time meaning it. I had never done anal, and I wasn’t planning on doing it now. “No! Not my ass!” “Yes, your ass!” Darnell held me down as he applied some lube and forced his gigantic black dick into my tightest hole. I screamed as his thick pole spread my asshole out beyond its abilities. I knew that it was too much, and I had no idea how to deal with the sickening pain now spreading from my asshole and through my body. “Please! It hurts!” “It’s supposed to hurt, dumb ass! Reach back and spread those ass cheeks for Uncle Ty! That’s a good little bitch” I spread my cheeks open for this man I’d just met, who was now taking advantage of me and using my asshole to get himself off in the name of making porn. I felt like an idiot. Darnell was right about that. I had been so stupid to think that I could come to California and get a free ride. I was now the free ride, and Darnell was riding me hard. I clung to the couch, the pain in my ass now turning to something else, something half-pleasure and half pain. I wasn’t sure, but it almost felt good. Almost. Darnell’s whole cock was now in my asshole. I couldn’t believe that a dick could get that deep inside me, but he had opened me up somehow, and I was now wholly speared from behind. I prayed for it all to be over, for things to go back to the way they used to be. I even prayed to God, begging him to help me. I prayed that I would wake up in my childhood room in Minnesota with my parents worrying over me. I prayed that this was all a bad dream and I could undo the bad decisions I’d made. I prayed that no one I knew would ever see this stupid porno I was making, but at least I could leave with the two-thousand dollars Darnell had given me. He said he’d give me more, and I deserved it after this.“I’m gonna nut in your tight, little white asshole! Keep those cheeks spread for me! That’s a good girl. Take my cum, bitch! Take it! Yesssss!”Darnell’s body tensed with his orgasm as he leaned down and whispered in my ear, “You’re fun to use.”“Cut!” James called out. “Wow, that was brutal. Is your ass okay?” James turned to me with concern. “It hurts.” “Here are some wipes,” Darnell handed the baby wipes back to me. “You can take them to the bathroom.” I was crying by the time I reached the bathroom. I wiped the blood from my ass and then sat on the toilet to expel the cum Darnell had shot inside me. I felt so disgusting and so dirty. I couldn’t bear the thought of walking back out there and having to face them after what they’d done to me. I felt like a fraud. I was now the one thing I never wanted to be: a whore.I cried until my makeup was hopelessly smeared, and James finally knocked on the bathroom door.“You okay in there?” “Yeah, I’ll be fine,” I said, trying to hide that I was upset. “Darnell wants to take you to dinner and give you some more money. He didn’t mean to fuck your ass that hard. He’s just super sadistic, and sometimes he gets carried away. He’s a nice guy. He really is. I’m sorry if he hurt you.” “It’s fine,” I said, but it still took me another thirty minutes to come out of the bathroom. I let Darnell take me for food, and he gave me another thousand dollars. I didn’t plan on staying; I really didn’t. It’s just that the money made things easy, and I had a place to stay. I could go on casting calls for real acting jobs anytime I wanted, and I was able to get a good agent. Darnell was in a gang and seemed to know people in every industry. Darnell knew everyone, and James actually knew a lot of people too. I told my parents I was working at a restaurant as a waitress and that I made tips. They asked many questions at first, but with time, they accepted that I had made a life for myself in California. I’m sure it would have ruined them if they found out what I really did for a living. I looked for acting jobs while I lived in that apartment, taking dick every single day as I pretended to be someone’s daughter, niece, or cousin. I became numb to what I was doing, and making porn became just another thing I did to earn money. No regular job could cover my expenses after I got used to working for Darnell. I had no idea, but Darnell had every intention of keeping me there working for him no matter what I decided to do. “So if I would have tried to leave that first day after you fucked my ass, what would you have done?” I asked Darnell one night after a ruthless ass fucking on camera. “I would have tracked your ass down and fucked some sense into it,” he chuckled. It had been a few years by then, and I knew he meant it as a joke, but I also knew he meant it. Darnell owned a lot of people, including his lot of porn stars, Sweet James, and now me. This story is by Jennifer Johnson: -- source link
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