suitedstuds-and-studsindistress: The Confession of Chase Youngblood - Chase Youngblood was your typi
suitedstuds-and-studsindistress: The Confession of Chase Youngblood - Chase Youngblood was your typical high school superstar, the kind that most schools only ever have the one of. He was an A star student, the football captain, school pin up for both girls and boys alike. Under any other circumstances he would be the ideal candidate for a college scholarship if it were not for the fact that his parents were super rich. He really did have it all and he knew it too. About the only thing Mummy and Daddies money didn’t buy him though was an ounce of humility. His educators had seen it all before so they sensed his arrogance a mile off but never pulled him up on it as he was smashing it in the classroom as well as on the football field. The school’s reputation had taken an upswing during his time there so they simply kept him sweet. His celebrity continued in the ascension and his ego went with it. He was 19 now though and about had graduated. He was about to embark on a 4 year law degree. A new world, full of new people who had not heard of his immaculately cultivated reputation, even worse, they couldn’t care less. The pecking order was about to undergo a make over and the thought that he may not be at the very top of it ever again kept him awake at night. It was after a few sleepless nights and a few too many tumblers of his father’s special reserve bourbon that he made the most reckless mistake of his, thus far, carefully calculated life. Like all good Football captains should, he’d been officially dating the head cheerleader for the past two years. It had been a beneficial relationship that had raised both their profiles to unprecedented heights. They were THE power couple of not only the school but the town and it’s surrounding areas. They had set social media ablaze in a way that could have caused Kim and Kanye a few sleepless nights themselves.Their insta updates, Tweets, Snapchats and Facebook posts had gone viral on a global scale. Apart, these kids were special but together they were unbeatable. The night in question, the doubts in Chase’s head had lead him on a liquor fuelled, speed limit ignoring drive in his Ferrari to his girlfriend Meredith’s house up in Silver lake. As fate would have it her parents had been away for the night. Meredith answered the door but her initial delight at seeing her study boyfriend at her door swiftly dissipated when she saw the state of drunken disarray he was in. The stench of alcohol radiated off of his breath and hit her like a tsunami. “Chase, what are you doing here?” “I just wanted to see you baby.” He slurred, a slight stumble almost taking him down “I needed to see you” “How did you get here” Meredith looked over his shoulder at the Ferrari, with it’s cracked head lamp and bloodied dent in the bonnet. “What happened?” “I hit a mountain lion or something. I just needed to see you” With that he forced his way through the door and into the expansive foyer. “Ok, get out Chase” He leaned in. His glazed eyes vacant and soulless. “Where are your parents?” “They went out” she stumbled over the words as she attempted to lie to a man to whom the truth could scarcely matter right now “They’re due back anytime now and they’ll be pissed to see you here like this. I think you should leave. I’ll call you a taxi, you shouldn’t be driving in this condition, it’s not safe” She turned her back on him to reach for the phone and that’s when she felt his hands around her hour glass waist then they parted ways, one moving up to fondle her breasts, the other downwards to lift her skirt and caress her thigh. “Chase” she found the words no and stop refused to leave her mouth. Until this moment, their relationship had been chaste, her father was a Catholic priest, who ran a mission down on sunset for ex priests who had been convicted of sex offences. The man was a virtual saint trying to help these people & wouldn’t have approved on anything other than the continued abstinence of his daughter. Chase however wasn’t under any such illusions. Meredith knew what had been going on, whenever her back was turned,since day one. Chase’s sexual appetite was nothing short of ravenous and he had been fucking her so-called friends for the past two years. To her face he was a loving, understanding, generous and attentive boyfriend but she knew a peck on the cheek or a first base encounter would never be enough to satisfy him. It was a trade off she knew she’d have to eventually face one day. The actual man of her dreams vs the ideal of the man of every girl’s dreams but is seldom a reality. “I want you baby” he whispered in her ear “and I always get what I want” Passion and desire overwhelmed her. The situation wasn’t all she had hoped for. There were no 5 star hotel suites, no flowers, champagne, no declarations of love, respect, devotion. This wasn’t about her or even them, it was about Chase and his immediate needs being met. ‘My poor baby needs me’ she told herself as she surrendered to his erotic whim. They didn’t even get undressed, zips and buttons were undone and skirts and sweaters were hitched up, Hell, they hadn’t even left the foyer. The sex itself had been just that, it was as devoid of meaning and emotion as his feelings for her and it was less than stellar. It consisted of half a minutes worth of urgent, sweaty and noisy rutting. He’d grunted like an exhausted tennis player as he experienced all the pleasure that she didn’t. No sooner was it over, he rolled off of her and onto his back beside her She moved in to kiss him but he had sat bolt upright and began fumbling with his belt buckle. “Thanks baby, I needed that” he sighed as he lurched to his feet. “I needed that! Are you kidding me?” He stopped in his tracks as he was heading for the front door. His model white smile taking a hit. “You barge in here, use me then zip up and leave me like a cheap whore. Tell me, is it just me that you treat like this or have you treated all of my friends you have fucked like this - and don’t even deny it” Chase considered his next words for a beat then - “It wasn’t just you” Meredith sat open mouthed at the gaul of the guy. She’d expected at least a half hearted denial. “You knew what you were getting with me though babe. Wasn’t having me on your arm worth any indiscretions while you weren’t putting out?” Meredith had no words. “School’s out. There’s a whole world of women out there hungry for a man like me. If we were to stay together, you’ll only end up holding me back. Goodbye babe” he smiled as he left. “I don’t even know you” she whispered as the front door closed behind him. That would have been the end of the story had she not missed her period and the next. In her distress following the events of that night, she had negated to take the morning after pill and now it was too late. Abortion was against her belief system. There was only one thing to do and that was to confess to her father. Chase was only a week away from leaving for college when his parents went away for the weekend to celebrate their anniversary. It suited Chase as he had some piece of skirt coming over. He was showered, changed into expensive formal clothing and had just applied Boss aftershave when the knock at the door came. He got to the door just in time for it to splinter away from the frame with a hard kick and four burly looking men charged in, grabbing the terrified stud and slamming him to the floor in the living room. “Ok whatever you want, money, whatever, it’s yours, just name it” He spluttered as his mind raced desperately to find the words his father had drilled into him in the case of a kidnap and ransom scenario. That’s when the leader of the group moved to the fore - Meredith’s father - The priest. “Mr Weston, I mean father” “Don’t try to placate me boy, I fell for your nice guy act for long enough and look where that’s got both of us” “Sir, I don’t know what you’re talking about, really I don’t. Just call the goons off and we can talk, man to man” “Man?” Scoffed the Priest “Boy, you wouldn’t know the meaning of the word” Chase struggled, the silk shirt he was wearing taught against his biceps and pecs. “Sir, please” The priest crouched down next to him. “Redemption, true redemption can only come about when you confess to your sins & I can tell you’re not about to do that, that’s something that is going to come about over time” “TIME?” Spluttered Chase “Yes time and a little persuasion” At that moment two men in their sixties or seventies came forward. They were slighter in build and seemingly less intimidating than the men holding him down. “These are two friends of mine. They used to be priests themselves but were relieved of their duties after they were charged with sexual assault on young boys” Chase’s eyes widened in horror. Father Weston continued- Tonight you are coming back to the church with us, below the church itself are catacombs that have been off limits for years. They are well insulated, perfect as a setting for your final confession" “ Maurice, no, come on” cried Chase “INSOLENCE” barked the priest striking the frightened boy around the face with the back of his hand “YOU CAN’T DO THIS, NOT TO ME!” Chase wailed as the four burley men got to work binding him in rope as she struggled within his restraints. “He’s perfect” smiled one of the sex offenders reaching out and stroking the boy’s tight, quivering buttocks. “GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME PERVERT” spat now delirious with a toxic cocktail of fear and desperation. “They can and they will until you repent” “Ok” spat Chase. “I fucked your daughter, humped her and dumped her, is that what you want to hear?” Father Weston laughed, Chase just looked perplexed. “What are you laughing at, you fucking freak?” “and what about the triple homicide you have on your hands?” Chase quietened down. “What are you talking about?” “Well first there was that jogger you mowed down in your car that night you were driving to my house drunk out of your skull…” Chase fell completely silent. He’d heard something about a body being found a few days later but it hadn’t registered that it was his car that was the cause of death, he’d only clipped a mountain lion, surely “No, you’re wrong…” he began before the priest cut him off “And then there was my daughter, who hung herself last night whilst pregnant with your child because she was too ashamed of giving herself to you to live with herself and didn’t wish to inflict that guilt on to her fatherless offspring” Tears began to course down Chase’s cheeks as the ramifications of his actions that night began to dawn on him “Father, please, I was drunk. Scared and drunk” “Why so scared my child?” “Because I loved my life the way it was and didn’t want it to all be over” Father Weston smiled as tears ran down his face and onto Chase’s “Yet now it is, isn’t it my child?” With that he stood up and walked out of the front door. Chase screamed after him. After all he was a man in the very early stages of grief, he wasn’t a bad man, he could still be reasoned with But he was no longer listening. He’d gone and Chase’s only chance of escape from these perverts attentions had gone with him. “Men, I’ll pay you….” he began just before the tape wrapped tightly around his mouth cutting off his fruitless pleas The largest of the men hauled the struggling stud up over his shoulder and slapped his Pert glutes, Chase screamed beneath the tape knowing full well that a daily routine of rape and molestation was all he had to look forward to from now on. “Sorry boy..” Laughed one of his future rapists “The priest has gone home for the foreseeable future, your confession will have to wait” With that they exited the house, closing the door behind them Chase’s parents never saw their son ever again after that night and neither did anyone else other than his perverted assailants. Not even Father Weston who returned home to Silver lake to tell his, very much alive daughter, that Chase had left town for good under the threat of being reported to the police for rape. When the baby was born Meredith named her Hope, something her babies father had lost a long time ago and would never know of again. -- source link
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