talonabraxas: Occult MeditationsBook by K. Parvathi KumarMeditation 65:Wheel of time rotates. Serpen
talonabraxas: Occult MeditationsBook by K. Parvathi KumarMeditation 65:Wheel of time rotates. Serpent of time unwinds. Wheelis cut in the East. Wheel cut is serpent. Wheel cut hashead and tail. Serpent has head and tail. Time livedas head and tail. Time before life is wheel. The wheelrotates. The serpent creeps on.Commentary:In a previous meditation, it is said that time is rota-tion. The globe rotates. Symbolically, rotation is pre-sented as a circle. As the globe rotates around itself,sunrise–sunset is experienced. From sunrise to sunriseone rotation of globe is counted. The sunrise happensin the east. The counting is therefore done from sun-rise to sunrise as one day (one rotation). In a circle,every point is the beginning as well as its end. StartIng from a point the circle moves and concludes at thesame point. The circle of time is said to be a serpentwhose head and tail emerge from the same point.Esoterically, it is said that ‘the serpent’s tail is black toitself ’. It means that in the time cycle, the beginningcontains the end and every end gives rise to a begin-ning. From head to tail and tail to head, the serpentmoves on as a wheel. It is a circular movement.Wheel is cut in the east to recognise the rotation.But each time, the cut in the east is in the higher ringof the circle because the globe rotates, creating an ap-parent upward (northern) movement of the Sun forsix months (from the 22nd of December to the 21st ofJune) and an apparent downward movement of theSun for another six months.When the Sun’s apparent movement is from southto north, the serpent unwinds. When it moves fromnorth to south, it winds. Thus, the serpent creeps onfrom above downwards and from below upwards inone year.As this wheel of time rotates upwards and down-wards, seasons happen: such as summer, winter, rainyseason, etc. It contributes for the generation of life.The promotion of life and its deterioration happenthrough the circular movement of time with its up-ward and downward movements causing unwindingand winding.Life is not before time. Time is not before life.They emerge at the same time. When they emerge,the wheel is cut into a span, which is measured. Be-fore time and life, it is existence in which conscious-ness remains in a static state. As there is the spur ofconsciousness, it unfolds into life pulsation and it car-ries a span of time. The unfoldment of the wheel isdue to the spur. The spur is an impulse from within.Ponder over the above and read the meditationagain to find the understanding. To recapitulate, therotation of time is like a wheel. It is called the ser-pent of time. The wheel of time unwinds and windsas per the northern and southern coursing of the Sun.Though the wheel has no head and tail, in order tocount the rotation it is cut in the east, which meanscounting from sunrise to sunrise. The wheelcut creat-ed beginning and ending, mentioned as head and tail. -- source link
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