charliedanilovich: Image descriptions: a three page uncoloured comic about Janeway, Tuvok and Neelix
charliedanilovich: Image descriptions: a three page uncoloured comic about Janeway, Tuvok and Neelix. The first page is Tuvok and Neelix sat at a table as Janeway sets down a huge bowl of shrimp fried rice. There is a speech bubble coming from her that reads “Shrimp fried rice!” The second page is Neelix looking shocked saying £Gee Tuvok! Do you think a shrimp really fried this rice?” Tuvok looks unimpressed. The panel after shows Janeway with her arms folded looking fond, while Tuvok states “Neelix please, if a crustacean were large enough and intelligent enough-” The next page is him pointing at the fried ride saying “it is logical to assume that shrimp may have fried this rice.” The final panel is Tuvok and Neelix sitting at the table, with Neelix saying “Wow!” Janeway is smiling with her hands on her hips. A thought bubble coming from her shows a meme of Shrek holding a camera captioned “snap. Yep. This one’s going in my Tuvok compilation.” end descriptions. -- source link