UHH… I thiiink I’m ready to call it with this model;;I wanted it to be flat shaded
UHH… I thiiink I’m ready to call it with this model;;I wanted it to be flat shaded or however it’s called, I think the hair would’ve looked not so terrible that way, if it stayed a completely black blob, but I ended up using this to learn about skin texturing instead! Now that part is looking nice! But it would require a lot more work to make the whole thing look nice as well. [I might do some more messing with the rig, but nothing fancy, just to keep learning about weight painting and bone positioning]I have learned SO MUCH and that is so exciting!! Little by little I get closer to having a finished character that might be fun to play with!I wanted to share the model but tbh it’s really embarrassing and unfinished, and it would just be a pain to try and make it work, I don’t think it’s worth it. But I thought I’d make a post showing where I got with it! as an archive sorta thing. -- source link