diapergirlstories: Chapter 3: Lexye’s Diapered Story Lexye leaned up after her father had just
diapergirlstories: Chapter 3: Lexye’s Diapered Story Lexye leaned up after her father had just changed her diaper in front of her brother and high school crush. She set up on her knees, clad in only a training bra, socks, and pampers diaper. The fact that she actually fit, all too well, in pampers diapers was almost unbearable. She was frozen. “What do I do now?” As her brother and crush started at her as if the same question had ran through there mind. Lexye’s Dad: “Lets get you into some clothes. No need to have you crawling around almost naked” “Thank God” Lexye thought to herself. Lexye’s Dad again picked her up under her arm pits and carried her out of the room and laid her on her bed. Lexye’s Dad: “Be right back, sweetheart” Lexye’s mind raced as she laid on her bed. Thinking of the fact that she, the hottest girl in school, not only laid on her bed in a pampers diaper, but was just wearing a dirty diaper in front of her crush. Her dad returned with a snap-on crotch onesie. Lexye: “Dad!?! She said in a sad voice. “Please don’t make me wear that…” Lexye’s Dad: “Honey, I don’t think you have any room to talk here. I gave you the freedom initially to wear training pants and you quickly showed that was not a viable option and then proceed to throw a temper-tantrum” Lexye couldn’t believe the predicament she was in. She was speechless. He proceeded to put her arms through the inside and snap the crotch at the bottom. Lexye never felt so little. Lexye’s Dad: “Time for bed. I’ll check on you in the morning.” Lexye’s Dad tucked her in bed and said goodnight. Lexye lay awake to the smell of baby powder and lotion and the crinkle of her pampers diaper as she make even the slightest move. She was again stunned at the embarrassing fact that the diaper she wore was for toddlers and yet, fit her as if it were her size. Lexye: “This diaper is almost too big for me! What the crap!!!” Ugh!!” She couldn’t stand the thought of replaying the embarrassing moment in front of her brother and Taylor. She cringed every time she thought of it. Lexye woke up the next morning to the sound of her father, brother, and Taylor talking in the living room. She laid there, petrified, to learn whether she had used her diaper during the night. Lexye’s could hear the distant sound of her Dad mentioning that he was going to check on her. Lexye’s Dad: “Good Morning, honey! Let’s check your diaper real quick” Lexye again blushed at the possessive manner in which he spoke about “her” diapers. “…her diapers” she thought. “They aren’t mine!” She defeatedly thought to herself. As her father began to remove the covers from her bed, her dreaded fear became a reality. Lexye’s Dad: “Yep. Just as I suspected. A wet diaper.” “Crap! I should’ve peed before I went to bed!” Lexye thought, then remembered that this would’ve been a futile attempt, nonetheless. Lexye’s Dad un-snapped the crotch of her onesie and began changing her. The sound of the tapes of her diaper being taken off sounded as if they echoed through the house, further increasing her anxiety that her brother and crush would hear the babyish moment taking place in her bedroom. Lexye lay on her back as her father took off her wet pampers diaper and rolled it up. She again cringed at the thought of what was taking place. What was made worse was remembering all the moments she baby-sat, changing diapers just as her father was doing now, only now being in the reverse role. Lexye’s Dad began powdering his daughter and placed the baby lotion on her before placing another clean diaper on her. Lexye almost fought the application of her clean diaper before resigning to be compliant. He then retrieved the onesie she had been wearing and again clothed her with it. “But Dad, I was just wearing this when I….” Lexye had to stop before admitting it, “… wet my…” Lexye’s Dad: “… Wet your diaper. Yes, I know honey. We will go get some more clothes this afternoon. I wasn’t anticipating having a toddler back in the house.” Lexye burned with embarrassment. “I’m not a toddler!” Lexye’s Dad: “well the now, TWO soiled diapers would suggest otherwise. C’mon, let’s go get breakfast” Lexye couldn’t move. She couldn’t believe her father was going to make her go in the dinning room in the state that she was. It was enough that her brother and crush had seen her the night before like this, but again in the morning!? “Oh my gosh, Taylor’s never going to ever even think about me the same way again” she thought to herself in a panicked inner-thought tone. Lexye’s Dad picked her up, again in toddler fashion, and placed her over she shoulder and carried her to the living room. Lexye barried her face in his chest as if to hide from the enormous embarrassment that ensued. Lexye’s Dad set her down at the table with her brother and crush. The table became silent. Lexye’s Dad: “So what do you guys have planned today?” Daniel began to speak, trying to ignore the extreme awkwardness (and to some degree, embarrassment at the fact that his older sister was sitting at the table with his best friend in a diaper and onesie). Daniel: “uhh I think we are going to go lift and maybe go hang out with some of Taylor’s friends this evening.” Lexye’s Dad: “Nice. Be safe. Lexye and I are going to go run some errands here shortly and then we’ll be back.” As her brother, crush, and Dad were talking, Lexye felt her stomach begin to cramp. “NO! Not again!” She thought “I will not…” she cringed at the thought “… mess my…” She stopped herself before saying ‘diaper’ “…myself” She set there impatiently trying to hold the impending doom that waited. This was all made worse by the fact that she had IBS. It was hard enough to hold it when she wasn’t being treated as a toddler. Lexye, the once hottest girl in school, at 5’4, brunette, petite, was on the verge of her second dirty diaper, again, in front of her brother and crush. Lexye cringed as she felt herself let out a silent, wet fart. She dreaded the fact that in any other situation, she would now need new panties. Luckily, if that’s what you’d call it, she was wearing a diaper. Lexye continues to hold it as her brother, crush, and father finished up breakfast and moved to the living room. As her father picked her up, she could feel the small mess she had already made in her diaper which made her blush with embarrassment. Her father laid her on her stomach on the floor in front of the TV with Daniel and Taylor behind on the couch. Taylor did his best to not star at Lexye on the ground in front of him in a diaper. He also tried to ignore the smell that permeated through the room from Lexye. He was almost in disbelief. “Lexye, the hottest girl in school, has been reduced to a diaper smelling and wearing toddler right before my eyes” he thought to himself. For long, Taylor had equally had a crush on her but was reluctant to make a move as his best friend was Daniel. The situation before him made it easier for him to dismiss his former feelings. Lexye did best to stall and buy time for herself. She hoped that, if an accident were going to occur, at least it could be without Daniel and Taylor in the room. As she lay on her stomach, her stomach cramps increased. The urge to relieve herself was now unavoidable. “NOOO!” She thought, trying to will her way to hold it. Daniel stood up, “Be right back, going to get changed real quick” to which Taylor nodded Lexye made a sudden movement that caught the attention of Taylor. She got on her knees which gave Taylor the suspension that she might be about to repeat her actions from the previous night. Lexye was pleading to body to do as she wished but was quickly loosing the battle. She felt another silent, wet fart escape that again, dirtied the seat of her diaper which again, made her blush. Taylor: “Uhh Lexye, are you okay?” Lexye couldn’t begin to articulate a rational response given the unbearable embarrassment she soon knew she would face. Lexye finally gave up, feeling the seat of her pampers diaper fill, and subsequently, sag beneath her. Taylor set behind her in amazement. He quickly cringed his nose to the noticeable smell of the dirty diaper that filled the room. To his amazement, Lexye, his former crush, was laying in front of him, for the second time in less than 24 hours, in a smelly, dirty diaper. To Be Continued Thanks guys! Please reblog and provide your suggestions! -- source link
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