HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sogo 20225/28 is Sogo’s birthday!Sogo-only auditions will be held from 5/28 (S
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sogo 20225/28 is Sogo’s birthday!Sogo-only auditions will be held from 5/28 (Sat) 0:00 - 6/1 (Wed) 23:59. There will only be Sogo cards in the audition, as well as the birthday card, SR [16 IDOL ALBUM], which is awakenable to UR and features RabiTV. Past birthday cards will also be in the Scout Catalog, and birthday hall items as well as past birthday Puchinana will be on sale in the Hall Shop.1. Limited Rare Audition that comes with a badge on your first pullThis audition gives an Sogo 2022 Birthday Limited Badge that gives 20% EXP up on your first pull. There is also a daily half-off paid 1-pull.2. Paid Limited Rare Audition with daily rotating itemsThis audition is available once a day, rotating at 0:00. When you do a paid 11-pull, you get these items:Day 1: 1 SR Sogo [16 IDOL ALBUM]Day 2: Special Training Item SetDay 3: Awakening Item SetDay 4: 4 SSR puddingDay 5: Sogo [16 IDOL ALBUM] PuchinanaBirthday messages from other idols also be on the HOME screen from 5/28 (Sat) 0:00 - 23:59, while birthday messages from Sogo will be available if you set a birthday card.A special login bonus is being held from 5/24 (Tue) 4:00 - 5/29 (Sun) 3:59, resetting at 4:00. Log in for 5 days to get 25 Stella stones. -- source link