As she was unwrapping the package containing her fancy dress outfit for the New Year party, it struc
As she was unwrapping the package containing her fancy dress outfit for the New Year party, it struck Cara that maybe pushing the ‘lucky dip’ button on the shop website hadn’t been such a good idea after all! But she hadn’t known which outfit to choose, and well, it had just seemed the easy way out at the time. And she’d answered all the pertinent questions about her nature, style and things in her usually ‘femmy’ way that she’d been expecting to get a Fairy outfit, or something suitable for Cinderella or Snow White, but certainly not this!It had surprised her slightly at the time when the questionnaire asked her about her sexuality, she’d simply answered bisexual because she was curious about ‘doing it with another woman’, and when asked if she was submissive or dominant, had simply not had a clue what they were on about, and guessed at submissive. And though slightly shocked at being asked how ‘sexually adventurous’ she was, she had giggled to herself and pressed ‘maybe a little’ on the list, rather than ‘deadly dull’ which would have been closer to the truth, even when she was in a relationship. It usually seemed to be Missionary position with lights out if she was telling the truth, though in recent years the only thing probing her even then was a vibrator!So why on Earth had this all enclosing, seemingly very clingy silver body suit been sent to her? This looked far more suitable for a young, outgoing woman than someone of her age (she wouldn’t ‘quite’ see 40 again) and slightly ‘more mature’ figure. But unless the correct recipient of this outfit was also called Cara, and had also chosen it by lucky dip, then well, seemingly it was meant for her. But why? She saw an envelope fall out as she pulled the suit out, opening it quickly to find a short letter inside. She started to read,‘Thank you Cara, for choosing Fancy Dress Fantasies to purchase your outfit, we greatly appreciate your choice of Costumiers on this occasion. The computer studied your answers to our questions, and selected this outfit, The Robot, for you to be supplied with, we hope you like it.’Cara would have said no if there had been someone there to tell, rather than just a piece of paper that she was reading. She looked quickly for a contact number to ring, but couldn’t find one. Besides, the odds on anyone being there now, just after Christmas seemed unlikely, after all the outfit had been sent out just before the holiday season, so if she wanted something for the Fancy Dress party, it looked like this would be it, but… she read on,‘This selection was made not only by your answers given to us, but also by a peek at your computer history enabled by the cookie when you opened our website. So, if you had ‘any little secrets’ hidden there, then these would have been used in the selection process. If these were someone else’s sites because of a shared computer then please contact us on ………… and we will arrange an alternative outfit.Please note we are closed from December 24th till January 2nd, and all queries will be dealt with on our return.’Cara smiled to herself, so that explained it, of sorts. Her friend Amber had stayed over, and used her computer on the night of the Christmas Do at work, and had ‘borrowed’ it for an hour or so on the Sunday morning before going home. And Amber had owned up to her that she had visited a Mind Control story site while on, to see if her story had made the latest update. So…Cara checked back, yes, it seemed Amber had clicked on ‘a couple’ of stories while there, both of the robot transformation type. A concept that didn’t appeal to Cara in the slightest, the idea of being turned into a mindless machine just left her cold, but she’d gathered over a bottle of wine, that Amber found the idea very hot. She hadnt worried at the time, no one else used the computer, and even then, who would look at her history there, well now, someone had, and…! The snag was, she needed the outfit for New Years Eve, so the opportunity to ‘explain things’ wouldnt arise, she would have to wear it, or go out and buy something else. And given that she had just struggled back from town shopping, she didn’t fancy that idea. So it looked like she’d have to wear it! At least it wasn’t going to be complicated to get on, though she wasn’t quite sure how she did it up on her own.It felt like a very clingy type of lycra, she’d seen zentai suits when trawling through E-bay, and it looked something like one of those. Only a very classy one, it felt almost like liquid in her hands as she touched it. The only other elements she could find in the package was a collar, apparently designed to fit around her neck, which had a band of green led’s covering it, and a small skullcap. She assumed the collar was designed to twinkle as if she was an activated robot, then giggled at the thought. She was just deciding not to wear that part when she read the instructions, and found she had to do so, for some unexplained reason. And she also had to wear the skullcap, allegedly to give her the ‘smooth line’ of a robot from head to toe, thereby covering up (and protecting) her hair.She poured herself a glass of wine, and set to working out the next (and hopefully the last) problem with the suit, how to get into it! Not that she was sure she wanted to try it on, but she would need to do so before the time of the party, but there seemed no way into it. and then, just as she was beginning to wonder if someone had forgotten to put an opening in it, she found it! Her fingernail found a seam that gave way, and the suit peeled open in front of her eyes. And now, now that is was ready and waiting for her, well it just seemed silly not to try it on, and make sure it fitted! It was lined for warmth and comfort, and as the instructions ‘suggested’ best worn with no clothing whatsoever, and the wearer should be shaved totally, that being the reason given for the skullcap, so that she didnt have to shave her head hair off. Maybe it was the instructions she was reading, more likely it was the wine she was drinking, but Cara thought“In for a penny!”And went off to the bathroom and shaved off all the hair on her body, apart from her head. There wasn’t much in all honesty, other than her pussy, but she shaved that silky smooth anyway, a state she hadn’t seen since puberty had struck, far too long ago in her case. She pulled her medium length reddish hair into the skull cap, and forced it snugly onto her head. She caught a glance of herself in the mirror and burst into a fit of the giggles at the sight that greeted her, not a hair in sight, and if it wasn’t for the (slightly) saggy C cup boobs, and (slightly) saggy tummy she would have looked like a lifesize doll, as hairless as the day she was born. She didn’t see the look as sexy, but then again, it wouldn’t be her naked body on display, though she suspected that the suit wouldn’t hide a lot, especially as she wasn’t even allowed to wear a bra or panties underneath it according to the instructions.Trying to work out the easiest way to get into the suit was the first challenge, but eventually she thought she had it worked out. She slid her legs into the suit, gasping at the tingling sensation as she did so, though not as loud as the moan she let out as the suit nestled into her pussy, which to her shock and surprise seemed to dampen instantly on contact with the material, it was like her clit had been set alight by the tingling sensation. She just hoped it wouldn’t ruin the suit for when she needed it for the party. However it was only when she slid her arms into the suit (with the same delightful tingle) that she realized the suit even covered her hands and feet.“Hope the material is OK for holding things then.” she thought to herself as she pulled it over her full chest, gasping as the tingles, seemingly more powerful now, ran through her sensitive breasts and nipples, literally moaning with delight as the sensation of that, combined with the pleasant tingle ‘down below’ was rapidly bringing her towards climax.“I cant believe I’m turned on by this!” purred Cara, “It must be the material that’s doing it, because it sure isn’t the look!”She pulled the hood up over her head, and was pleased to see that her visibility wasn’t too impaired by it, though she did wonder how she ate and drunk with it up. She sealed the seam, and having done so, could hardly tell where the seam had been.“Hope I can get myself back out of here on my own!” she thought, “I’d hate to have to explain this look to anyone else.”Then she looked at the collar laying there, and thought to herself,“Well, if its meant to be part of the suit, maybe I should put that on as well?”It seemed symmetrical, so Cara slipped it around her neck with the opening at the front, her logic being it would be easiest to take it back off that way. The strange thing was, she couldn’t see how it stayed on, there didn’t seem any clasps, or hooks, just two smooth sides of silver metal.“Magnetic I guess!” she said to herself, “Well I hope its strong enough to stay on while dancing, while at the same time easy to remove when I need to. Ah well, here goes nothing.”Seemingly it was magnetic, because as Cara placed the two ends together it seemed to seal around her neck. She was just trying out the suit for walking, when…the green LED’s began to flash and flicker.“What the hell…?” she said, and tried to remove the collar, but it wouldn’t budge. She struggled for a few moments, then stopped doing so, lowering her hands to her sides, and saying in a calm, monotone voice,“Initial programming commencing.”then sitting herself down on the sofa, she went into a trance, unaware of anything around her.For the next two hours Cara just sat there as the green lights flickered away, rewriting her mind according to the designated programming, and transforming her body. Not that she was aware of any of this. While her skeleton was made stronger, her thought capacities enhanced, and her sexuality changed Cara remained unmoving on the settee. The skullcap pierced her skull with fine needles, connecting up intricate circuitry between the cap, and her mind, and then taking control over her thoughts and deeds. Finally, at the end of the transformation Cara shuddered as a series of heavy, and pleasant climaxes raced through her body, her juices acting like adhesive in sealing the seam of the suit to her, so it would never come undone again.Cara only became aware of things again when she heard a key turning in her door. She was trying to work out who could possibly have a key, as she hadn’t given one to anyone, but…she tried to go to the bathroom and hide, but her legs wouldn’t move an inch. She wanted to cry out, but her voice was silenced.She heard someone approaching the living room door, she saw someone turn the handle…and in walked Amber, with a wicked smile on her face.“Ah, my sweet Cara, so it seems my little hypnosis session worked perfectly on your pliant mind when I tried it on, when your resistance was low due to all that wine you were drinking. Of course, I knew it had worked when Kevin told me you’d been onto the website we created just for the purpose. All I had to do was give you the reason to go there, and then do the rest. I wasn’t certain whether you would try on the suit straightaway, but I thought your curiosity might get the better of you.” Amber told her. “And then with my science skills, and Kevin’s medical knowledge, voila! My own Carabot 0270!”“So, mean?…I’m a robot?…But how? Besides, if that’s the case why do I know who I am, and why can I think freely, even if I cant move?” Cara retorted defiantly.“Yes, you are a robot, at least of sorts. In truth, you are more cyborg than robot, a nice combination of human flesh, and lots of cybernetic enhancements. You know who you are my sweet Cara, because I want you to know that. I could simply erase your name, and memories if I so desired, but whats the point when its you I want? As to the thinking freely…” Amber pulled a remote control out of her bag and waved it at Cara, “that’s only because I’m permitting my Carabot to do so at present. One push of this button, and total obedience as and when desired. But I’ll save that treat for later.”“But why did you do it to me?” Cara asked her, seeking as much a logical answer as anything.“Because I love you, maybe. And because dear Cara always said she wasn’t interested in ‘getting close’ to other women, even when I yearned to show her the love she deserved. And also to prove I could do it I guess!” was the reply.“Oh!” was all the reply Cara could manage.She caught a glance at herself in the mirror, and saw that her whole body seemed to be gleaming silver from head to toe,“And how do I go outside ever again looking like this, everyone is going to stare at me looking like this?”Amber laughed, “Oh, is that your only concern Carabot 0270? Easily solved, I just turn this dial on your control box, and lo and behold…”Cara gasped as the image in the mirror turned fleshy pink, “Oh wow!”“Then back again…” and Cara was suddenly a silver color again. “Much nicer!” said Amber.“But…but…how?” mumbled Cara trying to find the words to match the crazy pictures in her head.“Do you mean how can you repay me for this? Well funnily enough ‘Mistress’ Amber has a ‘little itch’ that could do with some treatment from her very special Carabot 0270. The question is, will Cara do it voluntarily, or do I have to make her?” Amber said with a wicked gleam in her eye.Cara suspected she knew what the ‘little itch’ might be, she could smell a musky aroma emanating from Amber’s body already, and strongly suspected she knew what treatment she was meant to serve on ‘Mistress’ Amber! Cara laughed,“You’d better make me do it then. Not so much because there is any point in trying to resist, but simply because I don’t know what to do, but I suspect Carabot 0270 would?”Amber nodded.“Besides,” Cara said with a sigh, “it might just be more fun that way!”“Yup.” said Amber with a grin wide enough to outshine the Cheshire Cat, “And yes, Carabot 0270 knows exactly how to please me!” and winked at Cara.“So then?”“How much do you want to know about it? Full awareness, vague memories or mindless robot. Your choice, you will only be a passenger in your body whichever you choose?”Cara gulped, the idea of not knowing about it sounded good to her hetero side, but on the other hand, if Amber had control of her mind and body, she might as well be educated in Sapphic matters.“Better be full awareness I guess, I might as well learn what to do at least. Mindless robot sounds pretty scary to me anyway.”“Oh believe me Cara, the thought of you as my mindless, obedient robot doesn’t sound scary to me! Just the opposite in fact.“. Amber gave an evil laugh, “Don’t worry, I’m going to try it sometime soon, I just might not tell you about it beforehand! But for now, full awareness it is.”Cara saw her doing things with the control unit, and then felt something strange happen. Her body started moving towards the bedroom, but she wasn’t in control of it, Amber was! Her thoughts didn’t disappear, but her ability to think things through did, for now, Carabot 0270 was in full control of her body. When they got to the bedroom, Amber commanded her,“I think Mistress should be suitably dressed, or is that undressed for what’s about to occur. Don’t you Cara?”“Yes Mistress.” she replied, slightly taken aback at how natural she sounded, she’d expected her voice to be monotone, and well, robot like. She began to peel back Amber’s layers of clothing, taking extra care as she removed her bra, admiring, and fondling her Mistresses beautiful breasts. The panties were sodden as she pulled them down, Amber moaning with delight as Carabot 0270 ‘tested out’ her pussy to see just how ready it was.Cara pulled Amber down onto the bed, and set to work. Her fingers plunged deep into that hot, steamy opening, and set to the task of finding (which didn’t take her long) and playing with her pleasure button. Not that Amber was just laying back and taking it, nothing of the sort. Her lips were passionately locked with Cara’s own, her tongue seeking out the back of her bot’s throat with eagerness. Her hands roamed over her ample breasts, before one hand went south to play with Cara’s by now ‘auto-lubricated’ pussy, and to bring her off as well. Amber was impressed by her programming skills, Cara was steadily bringing her to boiling point as desired, but not too quickly that she couldn’t enjoy the whole experience.Then she felt it, the big shudder inside, and she knew she was about to cum heavily,“Cara, lower your face to my pussy, and lap.”“Yes Mistress.” was the obedient reply.The first lap of that slightly rough, silvered tongue was enough for Amber, and her juices poured out, covering Cara’s face in her glorious stickiness. She heard Cara’s gasp of delight, but she didn’t cum herself. Amber thought for a moment as to why, then remembered, she hadn’t reset the setting from the default one yet!’“You may cum Cara.” was the instruction, and she did. Amber gasping at the strength of her newly enhanced vaginal muscles on her fingers as she did so. Amber simply overloaded on the sensation, and climaxed again.Ten minutes or so later, when Amber had sufficiently recovered from her exercise she pressed some buttons on the control unit, and asked,“Well?”“Truly amazing, I’ve never had that good an orgasm before in my whole life.” purred Cara.Amber laughed, “Partly because I know what I’m doing, and partly because I’ve programmed you accordingly. But its nice to know my Carabot 0270 is grateful for what I’ve done to her.”Cara wasnt so sure,“The sex was amazing, and the sensation of being a passenger in my own body was weird, but different. Nice in a strange sort of way though. But turning me into a robot like this, how could you?”“Quite easily apparently!” laughed Amber, “I wouldn’t worry too much about it Cara, there isn’t any way to change you back now, even if I wanted to, which I don’t. I don’t intend to be a harsh Mistress anyway, I was looking more for you as a lover than a slave, though there will be times when…” she winked at her, “But unless you complain too much I wont turn you into a mindless robot slave…well not too often at least!”“You mean you would, you could do that?” Cara asked in a concerned way.“Very simple, I could even make it a permanent state if I wanted to, but as long as you behave, don’t give signs off to the wrong people, then I’ll let you think for yourself most of the time, though naturally I can ensure your obedience even then!” and winked at her again, “But yes, I find the idea of you, just occasionally as my mindless, obedient sexy robot a big turn on, so it will happen.”Cara just gulped at the thought.“What about my job, wont they notice the difference?”“Not in the slightest, I simply set your skin to flesh tone, run the control package at the lowest safe level, and in all likelihood no one will notice. Just don’t let them do any medical checkups on you, that’s all!”“So, what have you planned for me now you’ve turned me into this robot thing?” Cara asked“Robot person, you will never only be a thing to me Cara.” Amber replied, “Well I will arrange for you to move in with me, but that’s where lovers should be, together. Either sell or rent this place off, and live in my nice home. But for now, Mistress would like something to eat and drink. Will Cara provide that service willingly, or do I have to make her do it?”Cara laughed, “Coffee and a sandwich?”Amber nodded.“Give me five minutes Mist-ress.” she replied, deliberately drawing out the last word.When she reached the doorway Amber lifted the remote and pointed it at her. Ten minutes or so later Cara returned with two trays of food and drink. It was only when the two women were again snuggled up in bed that Amber pressed a button.“What the hell…?” said Cara as she came back to the real world.Amber laughed, “I let Carabot 0270 make the food and drinks in non awareness mode, and it seems she did a very good job of it. What do you think?”Cara just blushed and giggled.“A very good job.” -- source link
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