paladinet:Yep it’s what you think it. Alright y’all i’l say this straight: The V
paladinet: Yep it’s what you think it. Alright y’all i’l say this straight: The Voltron fandom is not going in a pleasant direction. Let’s put a stop to that. Voltron Positivity week is a whole week dedicated to the positive side of the Voltron fandom! NOT ONLY THE CHARACTERS GUYS! BUT YOU!! THE BLOGGERS!! The one’s behind the awesome fics, fanart, headcanons, Au’s, Rp blog’s, graphics and memes. Y’all are so important to the Voltron fandom and the series. You guys are the reason we’re having a season 2!!! Y’all are making this fandom thrive, but within growth there is also unpleasantness. Ship hate, Character hate, blog hate, fanart hate and fic hate. The Voltron fandom has experienced all of those, and the series has only begun. COME ON GUYS WE ARE BETTER THEN THIS!! Instead of bringing the fic writers and artists, and different ship lovers and bloggers down LET’S RAISE THEM UP!!! HOW ARE WE GONNA DO THAT YOU ASK?? easy. WE’RE GONNA SPREAD LOVE. d r u m r o l l p l e a s e!!!!! DAY 1: ( 1.11.16 ) Yo voltron bloggers! show us your face! POSITIVE SELFIE SPREE OF THE VOLTRON FANDOM BLOGGERS! it can be cosplay, or even a picture of your nose!! Of your cat or dog! or even an art form of one of the voltron characters taking a selfie! As long as it’s positive and happy! what we need to do?: REBLOG THEM! SPREAD THE LOVE. and to those that don’t wanna show their face, it’s fine! If you’re worried about showing your face, it’s fine! Reblog someone else’s post! leave a comment in the tags! [ note: if you want to post a selfie but are worried about being targeted, here is a way to evade that: post a selfie that you haven’t posted on your personal social media. It will be harder to trace it back to you. We of paladinet want to only spread love and support with this week, and hope to keep the safety of the participants. If you don’t wish to post a selfie, you. Don’t.have.too. Keep yourself safe first! ] SPREAD THE LOVE! ❤ DAY 2: ( 2.11.16 ) Blog love. We all have our fav bloggers or nerds, or artist or fic writers. The blog with the voltron content we always reblog from and laugh at. LETS SHOW THEM OUR LOVE!! what we need to do?: tag them in a post!! tell then how you love their content, art, fics, headcanons, Au’s!!! TELL THEM!! SPREAD THE POSITIVITY! REBLOG THOSE POSTS FOR EVERYONE TO SEE!! SHOW THE LOVE!! ❤ DAY 3: ( 3.11.16 ) let’s show our love to our fav ships! no matter how small or not well known. Klance, Shance, Sheith AND MORE! FANART, HEADCANONS! AU’S! OR JUST GENERAL POST IN ALL CAPS WHERE YOU TELL THE WORLD HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THIS SHIP!!! what you need to do?: ALL OF THE ABOVE. if you can’t create content, reblog it!! SHARE THE LOVE! SHARE THE POSITIVITY! ❤ DAY 4: ( 4.11.16 ) Team Voltron character day! show your love to your favorite character! minor or antagonist! paladin or alien!! What you need to do?: Show your love to your character! Talk about why you love this character so much! Draw, write and gush about you fav character!! Tell us which episode made you love them! tell us how they became real to you!!! HEADCANONS YOU HAVE FOR THIS CHARACTER! HOW THIS CHARACTER RESPONDS TO THE OTHER CHARACTERS!! AU’S YOU HAVE FOR THIS CHARACTER!! TALK TO ME ABOUT SPACE NIGEL THORNBERRY AND HIS MUSTACHE!!! SHARE THE POSITIVITY! REBLOG THE LOVE!!! ❤ ( for me and Lance it was that moment where he and Coran looked to see how far earth was from their ship. It made them seem so real to me. How they missed home, how lonely they looked ) DAY 5: ( 5.11.16 ) YOUR FAVE VOLTRON FIC! rec it! talk about it! tag their writer! tell that writer how much you liked their fic! if you want to write you own fic, do it! what you need to do?: ALL OF THE ABOVE. Encourage the writer! send them nice messages! tag them in fanart for their fic! or in just any general post that talks about how you love their fic! tell them why you love it, what you loved about, how spot on they wrote the characters! SHARE THE POSITIVITY! SHOW YOUR LOVE! REBLOG THOSE FICS!! ❤ DAY 6: ( 6.11.16 ) Fav team Voltron moments from the show! Come on y’all we all had that moment that made us laugh and continue watching! HONESTLY FOR ME IT WAS THE FACE LANCE WAS MAKING IN THE FIRST EPISODE AS HE PILOTED BLUE FOR THE FIRST TIME! LET’S SHOW THOSE MOMENTS TO THE WORLD!!! That part where they bonded!! understood each other better!!! How they became a family!! what you need to do?: Talk about you fav moments in the series! in the episodes! Angsty, funny or sad! GIF THEM! GRAPHIC THEM! REDRAW SCREENSHOTS! SCREENSHOT THOSE MOMENTS AND CAPTION THEM WITH YOUR THOUGHTS! TELL US WHY THOSE MOMENTS WERE AWESOME TO YOU! TELL US HOW SHIRO IS THE ULTIMATE SPACE DAD!! HOW ALLURA IS SPACE MOM!! HOW THEY PROTECT THEI CHILLDREN!! SPREAD THE LOVE! REBLOG THE POSITIVITY!!! ❤ DAY 7: ( 7.11.16 ) THROW YOUR THEORIES INTO THE OPEN! plot ideas you think will happen? Galra!keith thoughts??? PLOT TWISTS! THEORIES THEORIES THEORIES!! TALK TO ME ABOUT SHIRO’S ARM!! MATT HOLT?? WHERE HE AT??? that’s right, theory day. Throw it all to the open guys! Have open discussions! Talk about your speculations and ideas! what you need to do?: ALL OF THE ABOVE! COME GUYS WE’LL HAVE A BREAKTHROUGH THIS WAY FOR SURE! LETS THROW EVERYTHING OUT INTO THE OPEN AND LET THE DISCUSSIONS BEGIN!! ❤ Want to participate in “Voltron Positivity Week”? TAG IT!!! #VoltronPositivityWeek ❤ ❤ ❤ The lovely cover art was done by Lele @your-giraffe-senpai another member of paladinet!! _____________ NOW LAST AND NOT LEAST: A personal message. the members of Paladinet and their admin have thought for awhile about the breakout epidemic of hate in the Votron fandom, and how to deal with it. We came to the conclusion, that the fate of the fandom settles on your shoulders. ON THE BLOGGERS WHO ARE A APRT OF THIS FANDOM. Let’s stop the needless hate, let’s make a fandom filled with positvity, love and support. but to do that, we all need to work together!let’s all work for a better tommorow! - Adelle aka @lamentlima ( @paladinet ’s admin ) ❤ Lets spread the love guys -- source link
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