I’ve been waking up early to see Neowise, the newly discovered comet! I took a few pictures an
I’ve been waking up early to see Neowise, the newly discovered comet! I took a few pictures and was inspired by it. So I decided it would be a perfect subject to paint on one of my night sky paintings. Have you been able to see the comet, Neowise? . . Acrylic on 8x10” wood panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #acrylicpainting #nightsky #art #acrylicpaintings #acrylicart #acrylicartwork #spaceart #citypainting #neowise #artistoninsta #cloudart #nightpainting #artvideo #artgalleries #contemporaryart #artwork #painting #pinturas #pinturaacrilica #artiststudio #artcollecting #stormclouds #goldenpaints #oilpainting #landscapeart #blueridgemountains #landscapepainting https://www.instagram.com/p/CCwMroGndIa/?igshid=14k1fyyhmp6o8 -- source link