sinbadism:miguelmartinek1975:ruinedchildhood:Paris Hilton Breaks Down Her Favorite 2000s Trends THIS
sinbadism:miguelmartinek1975:ruinedchildhood:Paris Hilton Breaks Down Her Favorite 2000s Trends THIS ENTITY HIJACKING OUR EARTH HAS NO CAPACITY TO FEEL TRUE LOVE SO ITS SAPS OUR BODY TO KEEP ITSELF ALIVETHE TRUTH HAS BEEN STOLEN FROM YOUThe new boss is starting to look a bit like the old bosses… Truthstream Can Be Found Here: Website: https://TruthstreamMedia.comFB: @TruthstreamNewsNewsletter: IS A WAR NOT ON FLESH AND BLOOD BUT ON SPIRITUAL DARK FORCES DECEPTIVE ENTITIES CUNNING BAFFLING EGO MANIPULATORS TAKE THE SHIELD OF POWER FAITH STUDY MEDITATE PRAY TO SOURCE CONNECT TO SOURCE ALSO RECLAIM YOUR SOVEREIGNTY you think you know has been fabricated to keep you seduced and asleep. You are here to discover and awaken the sleeping consciousness within you.~The Feudal System Never Left & You Are Chattel Owned~THE MATRIX PRISON LEARN THE RULES The Way into the Becoming ~We Are Seeds Transmuting the Physical Body into Our True Immortality in the Great Becoming ~~Every Choice is Critical and the Path Must Be Consciously Walked with Integrity in Truth. Every Choice is Critical No Matter How Small they seem, they comprise the Universe. ~IS EVERYTHING IN OUR HUMAN HISTORY ONE FUCKING You Ready To Reclaim Your Sovereignty?The Hijacking - Original FallThere is much healthy discussion taking place in determining the ways that manipulating forces have invaded, hijacked and concealed Light Truth. For those on such a quest in their awakening state, a far more sophisticated level of ensnaring is surfacing on account of this power; a power occurring within the Universal Wave, which is inside us as much as throughout the Universe.Now more than ever we are navigating through a minefield of not only misinformation, disinformation and spiritual interference, but also a whole new level of seduction that seeks to blind and bind humanity deeper within the earthen prison matrix- especially against those waking up and unlocking Keys. The aim of the game is to snare humanity utilizing powerful truths.If one is connected to their True Source, through ones inner kingdom, and not via external sources, then they will not seek to gravitate to anything parasitic with attaching hosting forces, designed to lead one astray.Their means of snaring are conducted with enough pearls of truth to seduce ones soul (not Spirit as the Spirit cannot be lied or seduced to), to not only be harvested, but also invaded, possessed and bound unto all manner of trappings. Such effects will only lead one away from SELF, which is derailing from the true path. Whatever one calls these forces is irrelevant, for there are many, and so many in fact that most would find it difficult to fathom.These ‘tools that were taught to humanity via different mediums through rituals, esoteric arts, channeling etc, were just ways in which all these ‘beings, ‘entities, dark matter could invade and harvest under the guise of spirituality and truth seeking.Whatever gifts and knowledge bestowed was to serve their hidden objectives of our enslavement to ‘them. The purpose was to fool the soul so that people would not connect to their ‘Spirit Being or ‘Universal Frequency Template. In so doing, they were and have been able to hijack humanity and keep them away from the Center of their BEING, wherein everyone bears the Vital and ability to access everything without obstruction, corruption, manipulating forces nor astral interference.All of the differing tools used are essentially instruments for channeling the many ‘forces, ‘principalities, Archontic, reptilian, alien/parasitic hierarchies etc. This information is not from the True Source in my experience, but rather a part of the programming matrix, which is to keep everyone deeply locked inside ‘their elaborate prison farm, that is not just the world we live in, but the most powerful prison being layered upon minds and heart. In this way we are truly trapped if we continue to believe the holographic prison matrix and accept the version of reality that they are and have been controlling the masses to believe, see, smell, hear and live.They had to find ways to keep people trapped whom are waking up. They knew they could not stop the Universal energies in consegrity when such occurs, so what better way to keep the prisoners breaking out than to give them ‘spiritual esoteric gifts, tools and instruments so as to keep them ensnared with even more hijacking attachments that would serve to keep them from the very truth they are seeking. This is the ouroboros, where upon no matter how much you seek, you will never truly get anywhere except more laden with attachments and new agreements of entrapment, so as to never escape the snake that is feasting upon you. The information will lure you further into deeper centers where hosting and invasion are a set up waiting.The seduction is in how the information makes a person ‘FEEL, which is the key to how they operate. One must ‘know thyself in order to discern the difference between the True Universal Source and the false light and manipulations of the invaders, hijackers and overseers. There are many drug-like affects they can induce upon us with everything, and language is one of the greatest spells cast to keep us rigged inside the web, even and especially when we are truth seeking. These inducements/attachments will keep one digging further and further inside the snake while simultaneously separating the seeker from ‘Self, therefore the ‘True Source.This of course is designed to keep us away from the very thing ‘they fear the most which is Yourself = the Kingdom of the Universes. When many of these magical things are ‘created to be a conduit of information transference under the guise of helping mankind connect to ‘Spirit, then not only is the information corrupted, but it is corrupted because it comes with quantum levels of attachments, agreements and invaders, whose sources operate under ulterior hidden agendas. Such have nothing to do with helping us to become emancipated out of this harvesting prison recycling hell.I dont know if you have seen archontic parasites which are one example of the hordes at work here, but they love hosting people by making people feel a false sense of ‘god, protection, guidance, psychic gifts, downloads, spiritism, blessings, euphoric holy spirit feelings, feelings of love, of things we ourselves ‘feed from (list is too long), though in reality they are nothing but attachments that are only interested in vampirizing us eternally inside the great Harvester Ouroboros. The more we look outside ourselves and give into others realities, the more lost we will be until finally our Spirits will be so disconnected in that division of Being, that the soul will no longer have True Source discernment because it simply will not recognize ‘itself in order to shatter the matrix of captivity.The Kingdom of God is Within You Not Outside of You Untangled Gathering: AI & Mind Control Symposium: Know thy adversaryAre You Ready To Integrate Your Origins in Being?The Energy Signature of the Universe ~ Overcoming TraumaThe earth is an illusion, including our earthen bodies. We ourselves are Toroidal energy like the earth (EA). Both function as a magnetic field that has a specific pattern, flow and design. This is a primary pattern that can be found in literally everything in the Universe, and is the most ancient of symbols cast within the mysteries of civilization. It is the prime design which is repeated in every aspect in both the micro and the macrocosms, from cells, seeds, animals, galaxies, cosmos, planets,humans, fauna, water and the design of how energy flows, sand, storms,fractals, the flower of life, flow of water, dreams and even how feelings energetically resonate in form and literally is withing the design of everything in the Universe. The inner and the outer are equal in mirroring their own reflection.It is a self-sustaining energy which is the Key that Issa (Jesus) tried to teach, in order to try and reclaim that which we lost through the 'fall- for those that can understand and disengage from the 'illusion, which traps the energy inside trauma, keeping us from the natural flow of the torus of life inside due to the captivity which has essentially hijacked this energy from our consciousness and instituted the endless programs of entrapment. All the while this self-sustaining 'force continues to manifest our illusion. (ill - us- ion). Language is a spell, so sometimes readers will note me breaking down words to reveal the deeper truths associated with them. In this way they can serve as an unlocking subconsciously.Few have entered this paradigm with the signature frequency, working with the self-sustaining endlessness of its power and altered time and space, but with the fall came the imbalance inside its own Force.This toroidal energy is what this world actually looks like because earth is an illusion. In its pure form this Force should enable us to harness, regenerate and transmute dying matter (our flesh and the condition of the fall of our consciousness, memory and Sovereignty) if we know how to utilize it. This energy is hugely symbolic and an indication of what we are, in eternal self sustaining never ending energy.All Creation is made out of the same substance.There is an equal flow to the inside and outside. The ideas we have about the earth and 'bodies however consist of the illusion that masks 'this energy at work.We are each surrounded by our own Toroidal energy, which explains why some of us are so charged and can affect technology around us, along with time and space. Each of our signatures is distinct, though simultaneously connected to the WHOLE (HOLE) of infinity, or rather the entire Sea of Energy that consists of the Universe/s. We are Kinetically (Kin - ET- Ic) relating to everything in this Universe whether we are aware of it or not, and because of our loss of 'self and amnesia we are not aware of how we are affecting time and space around us in co-creating this matrix.This is where it gets interesting because of what and whom we are co-creating this reality with. It is a result of the hijacking and the care-takers that stepped in, which comprise of all the keepers and rivaling factions of warring principalities. Hence many were exiled from the majority of the Universe as a result of their destructive power unleashed, creating many wars, which essentially united the universal planetary systems to oust and keep them from consuming and destroying more worlds.They found their way here due to the extraordinary nature of our small but endless 'universe matrix paradigm (US), and due to the condition of our will and 'fall, they legally and illegally hijacked us. Im simplifying what is utterly convoluted because we havent mentioned the 'black living consciousness, or anything beyond the topical, although these are entirely different topics for now.The Torus fields origin is the Heart and creates an arc out from the heart and boomerangs back to its origin in a continuous flow of this toroidal energy. I call this the axiom of heart and it extends from the pelvis to the head. Think of the Vitruvian Man and the chakra points which are the Tree of Life and the star of the Tetrahedron. The entire field is holographic with an outline in frequency. What this looks like is a shimmering outline containing the energy within. The outline is the 'field of what ever is housing the object. It can be literally read like mathematics if one can 'see it without the illusion of the hologram matrix superimposed.The torus creates sacred geometry and all physical anomalies that need to be deciphered like a mathematical equation, or is similar to listening to music. The energy flows and can be manipulated through the chakra system or Kundalini or rather the Serpent which is a key in symbolism that isnt always negative. The Serpent is the Flow design of the energy at work through living matter. The Serpent flow holds the secret 'flow of the torus in Creation, and is the origin of that 'flow of Life. The Serpent energy has been hijacked and this 'reality matrix with it.The chakras lock in 'experiences, which in turn create your aura, which in turn resonates a specific frequency of law and attraction. The field of energy and the Serpent flow connected to the chakras and psychic glands or (universes) are comprised of the original division that took place to create this current Universe and paradigm - that is the male and female. Therefore the torus fields typically have conflicting energies simultaneously, which are the male and female aspects of the Whole or Hole in opposition, one flowing in one direction while the other one flows in the opposite direction, both spinning towards the Southern polarity of consciousness or the Head.Now here is the key to the original imbalance- the Head or Southern polarity vs the pelvis or Northern polarity, relates to the male dominance imbalance and the female suppression creating the current imbalanced paradigm. This has created a vortex energy flux. As creators and co-creators, we have manifested the present 'illusion in what is our current Universe, and has to do with the loss of our Sovereignty in the imbalance of the feminine and masculine. A general loss of our identity occurred, whilst yet retaining the powers unconsciously of Creators. The Torus Field is a testimony of our creative powers in the eternal Energy and manifestation of worlds upon worlds, even though this is a holographic reality.Therefore healing must come from the Heart Center - the meridian between both sexes.This knowledge largely stems via experiences from my childhood, slipping inside the true matrix structure of the hologram- although I was too young to know or understand what I was seeing and experiencing. These experiences in essence served to be teacher of the matrix and the holographic nature of this paradigm, the true nature of our 'reality. These are concepts very difficult to explain in words with their limitations. I find it challenging, though I try my best to relay in translation.This is about overcoming trauma in every single way we can possibly imagine, because everything is energy. This is a key in understanding our Power, and how everything works within and outside of us. It is one and the same.Power is knowledge, though it is meaningless unless we use our Hearts in Love to grasp and seek the Universe (U- verse) which is within us principally in understanding and BEING. Only from there can we begin to break through the shards frozen inside the torus fields locking us up. We can never obtain truth from the origin of the divided 'self, which is where and how the enemies invade. This is the head where the many enemy forces rule, manipulate our E-Motions and implant thoughts. The heart however is where our Sovereignty and the Universe are One BEING, Unified in Love and operating the Flow of this endless self-sustaining Energy that is in and of ITSELF the key.Targeting & Meta-DestructionIt is interesting to receive confirmation of what we have each been targeted and tortured in, within a lifetime of enduring and endurance. These are years upon years of suffering multiple attacks on various levels, dimensions whilst living in the 'dream of this physical life, which is the illusion masking everything 'they are doing to us.I do believe that our genetic markers determine how we are utilized and to what depths they are able to stretch us into simultaneous realities, as we are hyper-dimensional beings and have an unlimited energy that is directly linked to the Source which 'they lack.These praying-mantis (preying on man) shape-shift through our own perceptions, literally placing inside our brains what 'they want us to see, thereby hiding themselves from us and the nature of the reality we are truly living. In this way, they not only hide from us, but have robbed us of our identities, memories, lifetimes and 'BEING. They literally have the ability to place us within a spell in such a way that we literally 'see what they position inside our minds to see, giving us cover memories, including years of manipulating our version of 'reality and what we are perceiving on many levels.The clarity of what we are each remembering is a true marker of us shifting out of the 'dream illusory world/s of their manipulation.I do not believe fear is natural to our Eternal Being, rather it is utilized as their principle modus operandi, to keep us locked inside the prison of continuous trauma, so as to prevent our own awakening out of their 'spell. This is largely what they implement against humanity, as well as manipulating set ups in the opposite to fear, rigging 'love, addictions, euphoria, co-dependency, and anything that is out of balance either positively or negatively. They inject fear into our being and try to make it our own as they are capable of inducing a Love Spell or 'LoveBite'as Eve Lorgen brilliantly exposed .When we peel away the layers, we see the illusory worlds cast upon our conscious and subconscious realize the lifetimes that have literally been stolen- a life lived inside the web of that thievery. This is likened to the movies 'Stepford Wives meets the 'Thirteenth Floor, and in infinite ways far worse because we have been living 'something elses lives. In that equation, we have been kept within a fractal prison/prism locked away from our own consciousness in truth.Behind the Mantis there is yet another 'force even greater, and behind that is yet another. When we discover the truth of it all, there will be a crossroads; a spectrum where two choices will manifest those realities once and for all, and for all time in timelessness.This ouroboros labyrinth, aka the human hijacking invasion take over appears infinite for we are infinite. Therefore how they have been using us/puppeteering us is in itself infinite.Such is a terrifying thought, as we step outside the illusory spells of invasion, wonderland and the literal parasitic condition of our 'life force, soul, Spirit, 'being and endless Lives that have been trapped inside the horror of this twisted cannibalism and total mindwarp spanning aeons.The goal is to return to what and who we are completely, without manipulation, to see realities that dont exist in order that we serve as automated batteries and slaves. How profound to have a world of 'Creators seduced within the spell of ill-us-ion whilst creating for our enemies the many realities, all of which trap us inside our own enslavement.Recalling these memories are vital for our struggle to integrate and burst through ever deepening layers of this diabolical invasion and complete hijacking of not just our bodies, minds, hearts, souls, Spirits, DNA, Lineages, past lives, but going into the far reaches of many dimensions, levels and the complete manipulation of time on all levels.I believe that we are serving to help one another in such a way, that we are accelerating such breakthroughs upon this internal journey of healing and integration. Still though, this isnt what we think it is, even in what we are made to believe in these breakthroughs. The Spell is deeply woven within multi-dimensional levels of our unique BEING. We are helping one another through this Universal excavation of our entire Being- inside the vortex reality of the Matrix.Isis and Osiris - The Ritual Sacrifice in CivilizationThe Phallus, Vagina and Dragon symbols are extremely prevalent across continents. Several examples are demonstrated in the Vatican, with many placed within various basilicas. The power grids and mind control underlay and overlays are right in front of our eyes,in all areas of society.The secret mystery schools are at the forefront of the world they have built for us- and through their symbols of captivity, we subliminally give power to them. This is equivalent to our being ritually sacrificed in our daily lives by virtue of existing within its matrix of power, and through agreements of entrapment. Whether consciously, unconsciously or through omission, we set and perpetuate our own imprisonment within their ritual energy vampiric ley lines of human consciousness and harvesting soul energies.We dont even realize we are making these agreements that are entrapping us, because 'they have literally embedded these symbols in society all around for thousands of years. We have literally inherited the inability to see what is right in front of our eyes from endless lifetimes and generations in subjugation of these mind controlling images and sacred ritual frequency invasive hooks.The worlds paramount preoccupation with sex is evident, not to mention Romes. The Vatican displays unabashed vaginal and phallic symbols within its principle design in architecture. Roman Catholic art is ubiquitous throughout history in its displays of art and architecture. There is no limit to the story within its imagery and the secrets it holds of pedophilia, rape, subjugation and sodomy are only but some of their very favorite things.Open your eyes. ~ Love for each and every One of you Precious Infinite Powerful Beings. ~ Sovereignty Is Your Right & the Key To the Universe ~It is YOU They Fear! DARK FORCESARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ANNUNAKI PROJECT PHOENIX TAKE OVER ANCIENT SUPER ADVANCED COMPUTER AI TECHNOLOGYTea. -- source link
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