Impossible Problem Part 1Collaboration with @muchbirth (their story, my ‘art’) &
Impossible Problem Part 1Collaboration with @muchbirth (their story, my ‘art’) “Why did I do this to myself?” Lin asked herself this as she looked at her schedule for the next day, realizing far too late that she had promised to be in two separate places at the exact same time. Not just that, but the outgoing Asian teenager had made that mistake, not once, not twice, but on three different occasions throughout the day. “Most of these are really important too…” The overwhelmed highschooler muttered to herself, fighting down panic. “I can’t just cancel on half of this stuff. People are relying on me, and some of these tests could tank my grades if I just don’t show up for no good reason. What am I gonna do, oh no…” Lin rose and began to pace around her room, thinking as hard as possible about plans and solutions and priorities. But the more in depth she examined the problem before her, the more the overbooked student realized the depth of her error. As she toyed with her ponytail, Lin realized she had volunteered for critical roles in the club activities, everything would fall apart if she didn’t show up. “There has to be a way… I can’t just give up, there must be SOME- Eep!” A loud thump startled the five-foot four fifteen-year-old. Turning slowly, she saw a book with a strange symbol on the cover laying on the ground, somehow having fallen from the top of the bookshelf where it had been stashed away some time ago. “What… wait, I remember this thing…” Leaning down and picking up the leather bound book, Lin remembered the friend that had given it to her. She followed some weird new religion, some old-school pagan stuff about a demonic goddess of fertility, Maria or some-such. The strange girl had told her it was a book of rituals, spells and curses, insisting they were real, wouldn’t stop babbling about how they could grant power over life itself. The practical teenager had never actually opened the tome, dismissing it as the same kind of raving tales that people told about aliens and tree people and bug monsters in the forest. But… Giving into her curiosity, the highschooler opened the cover for the first time. Lin needed a miracle to find a good solution to this that wouldn’t leave anyone dissapointed. A miracle… or maybe just a really solid spell. How difficult could magic be, after all? Couldn’t be harder than science or math or anything. Just recreating a formula, if you look at the most basic elements. “Really…” the student said quietly to herself as she combed the pages, “None of this seems too incomprehensible. I could honestly do most of this, nothing about ‘channel your chi’ or 'open your third eye’, just symbols and steps, seems more like baking than magic, just with pictures and words…” Then, one particular ritual caught the desperate girl’s attention. “Duplication” the title read, a further description reading “an enchantment to produce an exact replica of the self, calling forth an obedient spirit and imbuing it with the casters memory and personality. The construct will last for twenty-four hours after delivery.” It seemed too good to be true. It HAD to be made up. But… well, there was no harm in trying it out, right? Worse comes to worse, it just doesn’t work. Nothing really lost except a little time, and it’s not like Lin was being crushed under the weight of all of her OTHER ideas. And so, gathering the surprisingly easy to find materials, the overwhelmed Asian girl set about beginning the ritual. Before long she was standing in the middle of an array of symbols, the air heavy with the scent of a handful of vanilla scented candles. Holding the book and reading the chant several times just to make sure, Lin then set about saying the magical words that would, supposedly, make the magic happen. “Maria, I am a humble vessel, but my holy work would go twice as quickly if there were two of me. I beg you, grant me this boon, allow me the joy of creation for my own ends!” As the last word rolled from the short girl’s lips, a strange energy filled the air. Silence, for a moment, and then, very faintly, a feminine chuckle came from seemingly nowhere. Lin shivered as a warm, powerful feeling seemed to start at the tips of her body and surged inwards, deep into her being, coming to rest just a bit below her belly. The strange energy seemed to settle there, taking root and beginning its work. The skeptical girl barely noticed, however, once the initial sensation of the enchantment taking hold passed. Waiting a few moments more, no clone suddenly sprang into existence, and sighing at her own silliness, she once more set about figuring out a solution to her mess. But the spell HAD worked, exactly as it was meant to. Maria had been summoned, and decided to bless the unknowing non-believer with her desire. But a loyal spirit would do no good without a body to reside in, and as Lin had neglected to make one of her own due to the spell not telling her to, the goddess decided that the best way to provide one was… well, the natural way. Within the highschooler’s womb, an egg had been fertilized and taken root in the soft lining. It was already rapidly multiplying. First two, then four, then eight, quickly becoming a tightly packed ball of cells, of rapidly gestating life. Rubbing the area just above her groin where the magical child was developing, Lin was sat on her bed, frustrated that she had put herself in this mess in the first place.NEXT: -- source link
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