mortimermcmirestinks: jhenne-bean:forlovefromfear: diasporanpapi:youthful-pills:ichigo-hiyoko:
mortimermcmirestinks: jhenne-bean:forlovefromfear: diasporanpapi: youthful-pills: ichigo-hiyoko: mintymaiden: gildatheplant: Literally any other colour would’ve been a better choice guys. I’d like to point out that the colour red has more positive than negative meanings. im sorry but this reply absolutely killed me red can mean whatever the heck you want it to mean, that is never going to change that this straight up looks like they DRAGGED A BLOODY BODY ACROSS THE FUCKING FLOOR Hi fun fact, colors do have meaning and there is a legit thing called color theory. Red does has more positive connotations than negative like the @mintymaiden said. Red is associated with more love, lust, passion than blood and death just like the chart shows you but If you want, here’s a link for you to check it out yourself. Also, check out “The Designer’s Dictionary of Color” by Sean Adams. Have fun learning something Xoxo -Designer What is Color Theory? I think y’all are missing the point here. You can theorize to Nebraska and back but that doesn’t change my immediate reaction which is that someone is literally dragging a corpse around I like that the presumption here is that “No One On Tumblr Has Heard of Color Theory, Let Me Explain in Depth” rather than simply acknowledging that the VISUAL EFFECTS of this particular color choice, applied in the manner it was, can still amount to “this is a hospital and that looks like blood” like, color theory doesn’t exist in a vacuum. If your design of choice for Blood Red Paint is asymmetric splatters and sploches against the wall, or in this case, a snail trail on the hallway’s floor, an infographic won’t override the viewers’ instinct. Enter the BARD OF MEMES, along with the LORDS and LADIES of THEORY and PRACTICE.BARDI paint ye now an image from my kin.I’ve been and ta’en it for your hearing ears:A hospital for children, made of old,Has been remade, a recent remedy.This new decor, a mystery I’ll tell,and your own wit shall that myst’ry unfold.Imagine, if you will, a white-stain’d hall,As pale and pure as any infant’s soul,With paints of red and crimson smearing it,In lines across the floor and through the doors.Now answer, if you may, this question plain:What seems the matter with this painting plan?FIRST LADY OF PRACTICEI can with ease and style tell ye this:That any choice of shade would better be.FIRST LADY OF THEORYI’d point to thee a simple truth, my friend:The shade of red has, in totality,More good than evil in its meaning truth.FIRST LORD OF PRACTICEO! I am slain! Thy words have killéd me.Thy speech, sweet lady, rocks me to my core.For truly, red hath meaning in the scores,But one fine truth makes this irrelevant:The image painted by our kindly BardStirs in the mind a sight of murder foul,With red of blood across the whitéd walls.SECOND LADY OF THEORYGood sirs and ladies fine, please hear me now.There is, i’faith, a thing we must attend:‘Tis Colour Theory, bright and shining lightThat will, in its fine song, come bearing truth.My friend, the other lady of this faithHath spoken truly of the soul of red.I’ll tell ye now, all who attend my speech,What red doth in our hearts and souls arouse:First: love, and follows quickly after: lust,Then, passion, which makes living worth its pain,And many other good and worthy things.Thy “blood” and “death” do fade in light of this.I leave ye now with three fine helpful gifts:The first, a book, a Dictionary fine,Which will with pages long and words verboseBring light into your dark and suff’ring minds.The second gift, a fleeting kiss to you,The third, a warm and comforting embrace,These last I give so that in hours late,When candles dim, and all is cold and dark,A memory you’ll have to keep you warm:‘Tis that of being closely held and kiss’dBy one as wise and artistic as I.SECOND LADY OF PRACTICEI think these words, though truly ones of wit,Doth miss the point somewhat.SECOND LORD OF PRACTICE I’ll drink to that.A man can sing and dance around the point.A man can run across the sea itself,A man can hold and kiss me ‘til I bleed,But song, nor sea, nor sweet embracing armsCan change the fact that this appears as blood.THIRD LADY OF PRACTICEThe ladies here who “Colour Theory!” cryDoth, as milady said, full miss the point.The song, or tale, our Bard hath painted hereDoes only in a small amount of wordsSay “red”; the rest, in speaking of the hall,Speaks of its stark and shocking conflict, see.A man who sees a hall in white and redMay very well see love and lust and all,But if the hall has red in smears and stainsA splattered mark upon the wall, or trailsAs those left by the low and slothful snail,The man will see in scarlet only blood,And no embrace, or kiss, or ancient tomeCan override an instinct strong and true.Exeunt. -- source link
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