alwaysbewoke:alwaysbewoke: ephemeralharmony:linguaphiliax:dreamyblackchild: transsexual-power:drea
alwaysbewoke:alwaysbewoke: ephemeralharmony:linguaphiliax:dreamyblackchild: transsexual-power: dreamyblackchild: White folks ain’t going to reblog this. They want their version of MK Jr. that only said “I have a dream”. Guilt tripping white people into reblogging stuff isn’t going to make you have more allies, just saying. It’s not about guilt tripping. It’s about white people, even well-intentioned white allies, being too comfortable in their privilege and not learn more about the complex beliefs of civil right leader MLK Jr other than his “I have a dream” speech. MLK Jr. talked extensively about American Imperialism, Capitalism, and White Fragility/Complicity throughout his career and activism, which most Liberal white allies won’t share because they’re too comfortable with the white lies they were taught in schools. Reblogged. totally agree, however that is still guilt tripping lol here’s the hilarious thing about calling this “guilt tripping.” the psychological definition of a “guilt trip” is an UNJUSTIFIED feeling of guilt induced in someone else. um, what about anything here said about white people that’s “unjustified” or baseless? we’ve got over 400yrs of evidence to back up our statements about white people. we even got studies, research and stats. none of which shows what @dreamyblackchild said to be false.The research suggests that when intolerant white people fear democracy may benefit marginalized people, they abandon their commitment to democracy.Whites See Racism as a Zero-Sum Game That They Are Now LosingMartin Luther King and the ‘polite’ racism of white liberalsWhite Americans long for the 1950s, when they didn’t face so much “discrimination” What Exploiting a Whitewashed MLK Says About Youlmaoo white people love to act like we don’t have centuries of examples of who they are. always want to act brand new. like this suspicion and mistrust of your character isn’t earned every fucking day by your behavior, your treatment of black people, native people, brown people, by who you vote for, who you support with your money, who you tone police, your “jokes” and more. foh! like there isn’t a trail of dead black, native and brown bodies in your wake. we watched y’all whitewash the fuck out of mlk’s legacy (AFTER KILLING HIM BTW) and then tried to use that whitewashed version to limit our fight for liberation and justice to just the acts your comfortable with, the acts that result in our heads being based in while you sit around and NOT CHANGE one single thing about yourselves and then have THE FUCKING NERVE to say that calling out your typical behavior we’ve seen for decades now “guilt tripping?” fuck you.the one other thing i know about “guilt tripping” is that it only works on people with a fucking conscious. foh! Never forget -- source link
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