thebuddyzine: Introducing our wonderful contributors for The Buddy System! We are very thankful to h
thebuddyzine: Introducing our wonderful contributors for The Buddy System! We are very thankful to have them on board, and so excited to share this project with you! Keep an eye out for their previews coming next month!Preorders will start on February 15th, so get ready! Mods: @tazatouilles / @kyuubism / @brbaltering / @essemandin / @galacticrevolt Writers: @withane22 / @GHOSTZVNE / @MrAudioDrama / @mediocrewood / Artists: @trollyproblems / @amythyst_art / @beetlebabby / @cyngharris / @cranberrycore / @eliantropy / / @entropyre @vermilion_shade / @pumpkinpastas / / @MANGOClTRUS / @shaiylo_art / @alamangoes -- source link